The Hero Kneels

Chapter 155: sleep under the bed

"Unclean and found traces?" Hood was startled.

Ming Kai also sighed, it seemed that things really didn't go away.

"Come with me." Ye Dou said solemnly.

Hood was skeptical.

"Let's go, Dad, let's go have a look together..." Ming Kai said.


Hood responded and followed silently.

The group walked out of this villa and walked towards the backyard of the villa.

The Hu family's villa is very large, estimated to be about 500 square meters. It is located on a hilltop and looks like a small White House.

There used to be an ancient tomb on this hill, but that ancient tomb had been dug up long ago, and it became an empty tomb. Because the terrain is very good, Hood bought the land and built it directly. villa.

Ye Dou directly took the person to the small garden in the corner of the villa and slowly stood still.

"I heard Ming Kai say before that this is the location of the tomb of the ancient tomb. The workers who built it didn't dig up any ancient corpses, so they built it into a garden."

Hood nodded. It was because the ancient tomb was empty that he dared to build a villa on it.

"Didn't you find it? The plants here are almost dead. You obviously have a gardener to take care of this place." Ye Dou asked.

Indeed, this so-called garden seems to have a wide variety of flowers, but most of them are withered. Hood has also changed gardeners for this purpose, but the signs of withering here have not eased. He has already asked the gardeners to change two waves of flowers and plants.


Ye Dou stomped his feet abruptly, and a bluestone floor in front of him suddenly exploded. At the same time as the earth and stones splashed, a stench hit.

"Look here." He gestured.

Hood and Mingkai stepped forward and took a closer look. After a few breaths, they couldn't help but take a step back while covering their noses, and they turned their heads and spat out.

tsk tsk...

Ye Dou also frowned.

In that pit, there was a pungent and rotten stench coming towards them, and anyone would be disgusted enough, because this stench was a corpse stench.

In the pit lay a highly decomposed corpse. This corpse was covered in shriveled and rotten flesh. It had a big mouth and stared at the sky with empty eyes.

The most important thing is that this rotten corpse has various white worms squirming on it. Many parts of the internal organs of the body have been eaten by the worms, and only a group of squirming worms can be seen in the other's stomach.

This terrifying scene, coupled with the incomparably strong stench, is enough to make anyone shy away.

"Have your Hu family offended anyone?" Ye Dou asked with a frown.

"No! Our Hu family has always valued harmony, and we pay attention to harmony to make money." Hu De answered with a slow sigh of relief.

"It's obvious that someone deliberately buried a corpse in a tomb and used the yin energy of the ancient tomb to gather souls. If I guess correctly, this female corpse died in vain before her death, and it is very likely that she has caused an unjust ghost."

Ye Dou instructed: "Tomorrow you call someone to deal with the corpse, and I will live in your house tonight to see how capable this Specter is."

Hu De and Ming Kai and their son looked at Ye Dou who did not change their expressions, looked at each other, then nodded again and again, not daring to question this strange situation.

In the following time, Ye Dou got to know the situation of his aunt Li Lin again.

Only then did I know that Ming Kai's mother, Li Lin, could feel some strange things since she was a child, and she often heard some voices, and not only Li Lin could hear it, even Li Lin's mother-in-law had a similar experience.

It seems that someone in Li Lin’s ancestors was a goddess, but this Aunt Li was in bad luck. Originally, Li Lin’s family was a big family, but when she was young, a disaster happened in the family. It was very evil, and only Li Lin escaped alive.

Li Lin is reluctant to say more about this matter, and seems unwilling to mention it. Hood, who is her husband, doesn't know what happened.

Ye Dou came to Li Lin's room to take a look, and saw Aunt Li who had already taken sleeping pills and fell asleep.

As a result, at a glance, on the exposed arm of the other party, a strangeness was found.

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