The Hero Kneels

Chapter 160: I am an ordinary person

Ye Dou nodded. In the end, he was just in charge of cleaning his **** and tail, and was only interested in souls. He really wasn't interested in the player's words, unless the other party went berserk and turned into a monster.

Players who are just monsters do not have full confidence in dealing with them. Not fighting is naturally the best choice.

"I'll see what it is first, it's another matter if it works for me," he said.


Song Qian nodded and hung the crossbow directly on the belt around her waist.

Ye Dou stomped his foot gently, the ground shook violently, the slightly twitching palm immediately flew up, and the thing in his hand flew out immediately.

Who would have guessed that as soon as the thing was taken off the hand, that strange palm began to rot at a speed that could be seen by the naked eye, emitting a puff of black smoke, which turned into powder in a blink of an eye, and the stench was overwhelming.

Taking two steps back, Ye Dou looked at the gray-black sphere that looked like a jade.

The ball seemed familiar.

Turning his head to look at Song Qian, he asked, "What is this thing?"

Song Qian rolled her eyes at Ye Dou: "Don't care what it is, give me this thing immediately, and I'll leave, we two are at peace with each other."

"Leave the stuff here, I'll take my companion out first." Ye Dou was expressionless, picked up Tian Tian with one hand, and walked out directly from the door.

Song Qian immediately gave way to him without any intention of fighting. The two disappeared and kept a safe distance, just watching him go.

After Ye Dou disappeared outside the gate of the factory building, Song Qian walked into the room full of scorched corpses, and bent over to pick up the inconspicuous bead.

"It's great, I finally got one, and this time I really made a profit."

Song Qian took off her sunglasses and looked at the pitch-black ball herself, smiling very happily: "Fortunately, that idiot doesn't know the goods at all. As long as I have this thing, my combat effectiveness will immediately increase several times."

Suddenly, Song Qian's eyes became gloomy.

"I just saw his quick reaction and thought he was very capable... So I reported myself and let the other party know my name and intentions, but he obviously didn't know my name, so I should be a novice."

Song Qian narrowed her eyes slightly and muttered to herself.

"The information about getting this thing can't be leaked out, kill those ghosts."

"But if you kill these ghosts, most of them will attract the attention of the underworld."

"Now the underworld and the worship of you are very fierce, and our players only need to mix in it."

"After all, they are only the lowest level of ghosts. If you kill them, you can kill people and kill them. You can do it all the time."

clap clap clap...

There was a burst of applause from outside, and a man's clear voice sounded: "You really like to talk to yourself, so it's good that you don't do it again and again."

Song Qian was stunned, she turned her head back, her eyes widened, "Why did you come back?"

"I want that."

Ye Dou cracked his mouth, stretched out his hand, and pulled out the tyrannical sword that was wider than his thigh, and said with a smile, "If I'm not mistaken, that thing should be similar to a soul soldier, tsk tsk tsk, this kind of good. How can I let go of things, you honestly hand them over to me, or I will kill you!"


Ye Dou stood at the door of the factory building, swiped his sword horizontally, and immediately locked the opponent's qi machine, killing intent rose, filling the surroundings.

"Stupid, a mere **** wants to take me down. What are you holding in your hand? A sword? You want to fight a player with a sword, hahahaha..." Song Qian laughed, **** and weird , laughed wildly.


Before Song Qian could close her mouth, a black shadow thicker than her thighs shrouded her head. She wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

Her whole body was like a baseball being hit, and she flew out to the side, hitting the beams and pillars in the hall of the factory building.


The huge force suddenly made Song Qian tremble from the impact, and her whole body was embedded in the surface of the concrete beam.

Ye Dou's speed was too fast. This time, he used his physical strength and internal strength to save the essence, and even Lingbo's micro-steps were useless.

the first

The ninth-layer wedding dress magic, coupled with a tyrannical body, gave him an astonishing explosive power in an instant. In a flash, he could raid a place more than ten meters away. From exerting force to sprinting to the target, the whole process is only equivalent to The others blinked.

"Cough, cough..." Song Qian, who was embedded in the stone pillar, spurted out a few mouthfuls of blood. She looked down at her broken arm with difficulty, her slightly distorted body, and an angry look on her face.


She fell from the stone pillar, and then stood up tremblingly like an old woman, staring at Ye Dou with a pair of dark eyes.

"'re not a ghost."

"I'm a temporary worker, and it's not really a ghost job."

Ye Dou looked at the other party with interest: "The player's physique is really strong. Even if you were a granite with that sword, you could cut it in half. Now you only have one arm broken."

"Are you pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger..."

Song Qian was still spewing blood from her mouth.

He never imagined that this underworld scoundrel who came to clean up the battlefield was so powerful that she accidentally capsized the ship in the gutter and was directly injured by a sword.

If it weren't for the fact that she had just received the opponent's sword, her skin would have hardened successfully. With the power of the opponent's sword, she would have been cut in half long ago.

Ye Dou walked over slowly, raised his hand and raised his sword.


Song Qian's whole body trembled suddenly, her limbs suddenly stretched out, then she stood up on the ground and jumped out quickly.

Evil liberation!

She saw that in addition to the length of her limbs, the skin on her whole body began to grow, and her face began to deform. In a blink of an eye, she turned into a monster like a gibbon, and strange evil spirits came over it. However, all the parts she had just injured were back to normal.

"Stupid ghost, the player is not a weak chicken, I will kill you today!"

Song Qian lunged straight at her and shot her whole body like a cannonball, but what greeted her was a head-on sword that slammed into her chest and smashed her out.

Ye Dou took a step, and the concrete floor shattered. The next moment, he appeared in front of Song Qian, and the huge blade slashed again, hitting the opponent's head with the sound of blasting air.


The blade slashed directly on the opponent's head full of white hairs, directly deforming the opponent's eyes, nose, and even his head, causing the blood to surge.

The opponent's body hit the concrete pillar in the hall again, and another human-shaped mark was smashed, and the body was embedded in it.

tick tock tick tock...

Dark green, with corrosive blood dripping from the opponent's head, it became pearls with broken threads, spreading all over the ground.

Song Qian was stunned, waiting for a pair of dark eyes, UU read www. doesn't know what to say.

After he liberates the evil energy, his body's defense, speed, and strength will greatly increase, and even bullets can't shoot through the body covered with white hair. Now his hair is the most prosperous, and his head is almost blown away.

What the hell!

"The defense is good, little girl, why didn't you go berserk?" Ye Dou went up and kicked Song Qian to the ground with a big kick, and then stepped directly on the opponent's chest, causing the opponent's ribs to crackle.

He was a little strange that the other party didn't go berserk, and turned into a complete monster, still maintaining a half-human shape.

"What the **** are you doing!? I can beat impermanence." Song Qian gritted her teeth.

She was very afraid of the person in front of her. There was no spiritual power fluctuation on the other side, but she forcibly beat her, who was a player, to be powerless to fight back.

Is this guy still human?

"I'm an ordinary person who practices martial arts." Ye Dou smiled, harmless to humans and animals.

"Ordinary people who practice martial arts?" Song Qian was startled, feeling as uncomfortable as eating flies.

God is such an ordinary person!

In her opinion, the other party was simply a prehistoric Tyrannosaurus rex, and life and death had nothing to do with the word "ordinary person".

"Tell me, what is the origin of that thing just now?" Ye Dou asked in a daze, pointing the big sword at the opponent's forehead. js


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