The Hero Kneels

Chapter 161: Evil Soldiers and Soul Soldiers

In the face of a deadly threat, Song Qian responded very quickly, and immediately begged for mercy like a rain of pear flowers: "Please let me go, I can collect some information about the ghost hall for you, and use it as your eyeliner. "

"You know, our players are not in the same mind with these ghosts, and we are not loyal to those ghosts at all. Now the state of the underworld is not good. Under the attacks of the worship and players, the underworld has suffered heavy losses. My intelligence can help The underworld gets a lot of head start.”

"It's interesting, let's talk about the use of the thing in your hand first. If you are honest enough, I can consider letting you go."

He didn't want to kill Song Qian. Although the other party was a player, his understanding of the Ghost Worship Church was definitely not ordinary, and it should have a high intelligence value.

Maybe you can find some ways to brush the soul from the other party.

"This kind of thing is called Evil Soldier. It's useless to you ghosts. Only our players can use it."

Song Qian explained: "Evil soldiers are all transformed from the original soul soldiers of the underworld. They are only suitable for players, so please give me the things."

Her body was very strange. Although she slowly changed back to her human form, her wounds gradually returned to their original state, almost at a speed that could be seen by the naked eye. This kind of resilience was terrifyingly abnormal.

It seems that Ye Dou can only have this amazing resilience if he eats the Yunnan Baiyao that has been transformed.

"Evil soldiers are transformed from primitive soul soldiers? This machine is to turn primitive soul soldiers into evil soldiers?" Ye Dou was surprised, and suddenly realized.

"Yes, the evil soldiers can become the weapons of our players, which enhances our players' combat effectiveness, so this is actually a stronghold for the players to create evil soldiers."

Song Qian squinted her eyes and looked at the other party, and asked back: "You are very strong, much stronger than the average impermanence. In terms of physical attack power, you can even be compared with a judge, why is such a strong skill still in charge of cleaning the battlefield at the grassroots level? ?"

"My physical attack power is equivalent to that of a judge?"

Ye Dou said in amazement, he just got married and the magic power was not fully activated, so he only used the sixth-level skills, the strength was not fully activated, and the second gear was not activated. This form would not be too strong. The master had a tie, and he never expected that he was almost the same as the judge at the physical level.

It seems that the judge's attack power is not as strong as he imagined.

Song Qian said strangely: "I have fought against the underworld judges. If they don't have the ability to use spirit soldiers, their attack power in hand-to-hand combat is not as good as yours."

"Cough, don't talk about this, show me the so-called evil soldiers first." Ye Dou said rudely.

Song Qian gritted her teeth and directly took out the ping-pong ball-sized evil soldier from her chest: "Everything I said before is true, this evil soldier is of no value to you at all, you can't even use it as a judge, the primitive soul soldier It has been refined into an evil soldier and cannot be reversed, you are holding this thing like you are holding garbage."

"Don't talk nonsense, or I'll cut you directly." Ye Dou said angrily.

He reached out and took a look at the evil soldier the size of a ping-pong ball.

The so-called Evil Soldiers are very strange, their appearance is pitch black as ink, and the surface of the material that looks like jade and not jade has lines similar to spiritual patterns, which are very similar to those of Soul Soldiers, but there is a faint evil spirit coming from it.

It's very similar, it's really not a soul soldier.

Glancing at Song Qian, the woman looked extremely nervous, her black eyes staring at this so-called evil soldier.

"I can see that this thing is very important to you." Ye Dou smiled and twitched the corner of his mouth.


Song Qian made no secret of it.

Ye Dou smiled and said: "Well, you give me the ghost information related to the worship of the secluded. I need information on the level and location of those ghosts, and this information must be valid."


Song Qian was not surprised, and nodded directly: "I said before, in fact, our players are not in the same mind with the Youyou Cult. When we cooperate with them, we also pay attention to the Youyou Cult, so here I have a new article about the Youyou Cult. The information about the stronghold can be directly shown to you.”

Saying that, she took out another piece of paper from her chest and handed it directly to Ye Dou.

Taking the piece of paper and opening it, Ye Dou's pupils

Shrinking, couldn't help but secretly happy.

Here is a record of the distribution of ghosts in a hidden stronghold of the Worship of You Sect, including its strength composition, as well as the ghosts with the highest strength in the stronghold.

"Very good, do you have any other information about the ghost worship stronghold?"

"I still have it. There are about seven or eight pieces of information like this," Song Qian replied.

"Hahaha, seven or eight, very good, let's do it, you give me twenty such stronghold information, and I will give you the evil soldiers."

"Twenty? Too many. I can't collect so much information at all."

The corners of Song Qian's mouth twitched, and her eyes widened: "The hidden stronghold of the Worshiping You Sect is not Chinese cabbage. How can it be so easy to obtain? I definitely won't be able to get 20 of them."

"You'd better get twenty, otherwise don't want this evil soldier."

Ye Dou didn't care, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth: "I believe you can handle it, after all, this evil soldier is very important to you."

Song Qian gritted her silver teeth, but in the end she didn't say anything. In fact, this evil soldier is extremely important to the player, and it is so important that it is almost equivalent to life. She must not give up.

"I can only try my best. After all, Baiyou Sect is also guarding against player forces. I think it is difficult to reach twenty, at most twelve or three."

Ye Dou nodded, and he could see that the other party was telling the truth from the bottom of his heart. The ghost hall of worshiping you sect was deeply hidden, and it was not bad to be able to obtain 12 or 3 strongholds.

"I'll give you a week to collect. If you don't collect more than 20 pieces, you must exchange some important information about the cult or the player. If you have less than 12 pieces of information about the cult's stronghold, don't even think about getting it. It's time for the evil soldiers, is it alright?"

"Okay, I can give it a try. It doesn't take a week, I should be able to send the relevant information to you within a few days." Song Qian nodded after thinking for a while.

"Oh, then add a WeChat as your contact information." Ye Dou smiled.

He once wanted to avoid as a small patrolman who slowly brushed his soul and practiced martial arts, seeking some comfort, but now because of the curse, Baiyoujiao came to him by himself.

This thwarted all his plans for a leisurely life.

However, Ye Dou is not a person who sits and waits for death. Since he can't hide, he will take the initiative to attack. With the opportunity of the underworld to attack the worship of the secluded sect, he will fight the autumn wind by himself.

After the two added WeChat, Ye Dou put the blade away and said lightly: "When you collect the information, we will make an appointment for the time and place, then you should not play tricks, if you play tricks, I will directly destroy it. This evil soldier."

Song Qian nodded slightly and said sincerely, "Don't worry, I am very honest."

"Human? Are you players still human?" Ye Dou pouted.

At this moment, Song Qian looks like a woman, but just now the other party almost turned into a mutant monster in Resident Evil, and that appearance is too far from that of a human being.

"Che, it looks like you don't know much about players."

Song Qian curled her lips unhappily: "Our players are only human beings with super powers before they go berserk. Only players with fel powers are considered monsters. My fel powers have never been rampant, they are all within the controllable range. Nei, your words and deeds just now amount to discrimination, and I protest!"

"The protest is invalid... Don't talk about this, do you know how much the player qualifications and primitive soul soldiers can be sold for?" Ye Dou rolled his eyes and took the opportunity to ask the other party. js3v3

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