The Hero Kneels

Chapter 162: One thousand two thousand three hundred and forty-five, go up the mountain to fight ti

"Player qualifications are divided into grades. Ordinary player qualifications are worthless at all, and only special player qualifications are very valuable. There are detailed divisions here, and it is not clear in a few words."

Song Qian knew everything and answered: "As for primitive soul soldiers, it's hard to get them. If it's ordinary primitive soul soldiers, it's not a problem to sell them for several million, but primitive soul soldiers are too rare, and they have no market price, especially perfect primitive soul soldiers. , what? Do you have player qualifications or primitive soul soldiers?"

Actually I have both.

Ye Dou, who wanted to know the market situation, continued to ask: "Can I get a soul soldier with player qualifications?"

"This depends on the type of player qualification you have. Player qualifications are also different. Hundreds of ordinary player qualifications cannot be exchanged for special player qualifications, but some special player qualifications can be exchanged for primitive soul soldiers one-on-one. It’s just that there are relatively few special qualifications, and if you are a perfect soul soldier, you can get the most special kind of player qualification.”

Ye Dou nodded slightly.

It is estimated that the player qualifications in his hands are relatively special.

He stopped talking and put away the evil soldiers: "I hope we can cooperate happily. When you collect enough information, come back to get the evil soldiers. We will contact you at that time, and you can go."

Song Qian was a little unwilling in her eyes, but she still jumped and disappeared into the factory building while gritting her silver teeth.

She really wanted to take back this hard-won evil soldier, but she couldn't beat Ye Dou at all, unless she could go berserk and turn into a monster, but that was not worth it.

As a monster, she is not far from death.

Ye Dou came outside the factory building and saw Tian Tian, ​​who had just woken up, and Li Xunshou.

Tian Tian touched the blue-purple marks on his neck, frowned and asked, "Ye Dou, what happened just now?"

"A player attacked us, but she was severely injured by me, and has already escaped."

Ye Dou said casually: "I checked it inside, you can call the police to collect the body."

"Well, but you have to make it clear to me later."

Tian Dessian nodded and called the police.

Afterwards, Ye Dou explained what happened to the player, and cut out a lot of key content, and then Tian Tian was responsible for writing the report and handing it over to the superior for instructions.

After the work was done, the few people separated, Ye Douwan refused the other party's invitation to dinner and thanked him, and chose to leave directly.

Now he has one important thing to do.

That is the soul brushing!

According to this piece of information provided by Song Qian, Ye Dou, carrying the Ba Jian, went out at night, and soon came to the warehouse of the so-called wax mansion.

The warehouse of this mansion has a gray appearance, and there are even spider webs on the beams at the entrance, as if no one is cleaning the place.

He asked the owner of the nearest small shop, the so-called wax museum warehouse, and the other party told him that only an old man lived here in the warehouse.

bang bang bang...

Ye Dou knocked on the door, and the dust on the door shook off immediately.

After knocking for about three minutes, someone opened the door.

Who is it?

An old man in black clothes with age spots all over his face appeared. The other party looked lifeless. The old bark-like hands seemed to have a layer of wax on them.

Ye Dou: "Hello, I'm here to repair the gas pipeline."

Old man: "There are no gas pipes here."

Ye Dou: "Actually, I also repair the wires."

Old man: "There are no wires here."

Ye Dou: "I also check the water pipes."

Old man: "There are no water pipes here."

Ye Dou: "What kind of place are you here? Why is there nothing? How can people live without water and electricity?"

Old man: "What the **** are you doing?"

Ye Dou: "Actually, I'm the community who sent warmth, want to give a gift?"

Old man: "What gift?"

Ye Dou: "Big sword!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a big sword thicker than his thigh took the strong wind and split the old man in half from head to toe. The violence was unusual.


The corpse fell to the ground, and there was no blood flowing out, only a pungent form of formalin flowed out.

It was indeed a corpse.

"This is the so-called corpse leader? I didn't expect the corpse leader to speak. It's a waste of words. If I knew, I would rush in and start it." Ye Dou stepped over the corpse leader who had turned into two halves, and walked directly into this so-called corpse leader. in the underground warehouse.

It was pitch black in front of him, and there was not even a single light. After walking a few steps, he realized that something was not right. He saw a line of people appearing in front of him. These people looked at him one after another, and the atmosphere was not right.

"There's no human breath at all... It's a wax figure after a long time." Ye Dou approached and looked at it together, and couldn't help pouting.

It was really dark here, and the air was terrifyingly dull. There was a faint smell of corpse and formalin, but it was not particularly obvious. Obviously, people had died here.

According to the information on the note, there should be five ghosts in this wax museum, and they are still five sisters. They are a relatively special ghost, and they belong to the main shadow of the vice hall of the ghost hall of the Worship of You Sect. Kui guards.

It seems that the existence of this kind of ghost is rather special, a bit like in the gestation stage.

However, at this moment, one of the wax statues moved in front of them, and disappeared into the darkness in a blink of an eye.

When Ye Dou was tracking the shadow, a hand suddenly appeared behind him.

This hand is slender and slender, a hand belonging to a woman.

"Huh? Is it finally going to start?" Ye Dou didn't turn his head, and slashed towards the rear with his sword.


This sword directly slashed a wax figure of a lady behind her into two The lightning-like wedding dress on the blade was so angry that it abruptly melted the wax liquid on the surface of the wax figure, and a stench came out.

Looking carefully, Ye Dou gasped.

I saw that there was a human corpse wrapped in this wax figure!


Are all the wax figures in front of you full of corpses?

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5."

"Go up the mountain to fight tigers."

"Tiger is not at home."

"Hit the squirrel."

"...five little squirrels"

Five identical voices appeared one after another in his ears, coming from five different directions, and they sounded like they were made by a single person, very strange.

"Have you finally come out? Come on, big brother is a big tiger. I like you guys the most. The five little squirrels come out soon."

Ye Dou showed an excited and weird smile, like a weird man: "Come out and put the tiger in the teeth, big brother loves you five the most, give big brother a hug, give big brother a kiss, and give big brother a hug, Hey hey hey!"

The figures in the front, back, left and right moved, madly swooping towards him...

Thank you Mingkai for the reward of 10,000 starting coins. js3v3

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