The Hero Kneels

Chapter 172: very yellow and violent


It was only then that Ying realized that he had been violated, so he began to roar up to the sky, and the sharp claws of a pair of black nails slammed at Ye Dou body.

呲呲呲, 呲呲呲!

The black nails are very aggressive, but they can't even touch the skin when they are caught on the opponent's body. Instead, they are repeatedly bounced back, and then black smoke bursts out of the nails, as if they were corroded and burned.

The other party has nothing at all.

So yellow!

So violent!

The ghost messengers in the entire Hall of Impermanence looked at Ye Dou, who was rubbing oil on the female ghost like a little giant, his eyesight and expression were inconceivable.

Many people knew about Ye Dou because of the violent beating of Zhuang Yan, but they didn't expect this man's body shape and movements to be so exaggerated.

The opponent's whole body is red, like a cooked human-shaped muscle lobster, domineering and mighty. The bulging muscles are like steel blocks embedded on the surface of the body, full of explosive power.

This picture is too discordant.

Tear off the skirt of the female ghost, and stretched his head to look left and right, and his hands were constantly touching, what is this for?

It has the style of a strong man **** beautiful girl.

"Hey, Ye Dou hasn't taken a physiology class about ghosts?" Hall Master Luo couldn't help asking, looking at the grotesque style of painting.

Master Wuxiang's bald head broke out in cold sweat: "His class time adds up to three or four days, and then Zhuang Xiaoqing came to him and went to patrol. He learned too little... I guess his knowledge in this area is somewhat lacking."

The crowd was horrified, sweating profusely.

If it goes on like this, the style of painting will become a third-level small movie.

If you don't get it right, it will become an island country *****.

No, it will turn into ghosts and beasts.

What is this all about?

Anyway, very hot eyes!

" didn't send you by a ghost, what kind of monster is it?" In the shadow of Sisti, the wound in the lower abdomen was billowing thickly like black smoke.

Her essence is fading away.

"Monsters? You are the monsters in my opinion."

Ye Dou pouted and his eyes were burning: "Thanks to you guys, I get excited when I see female ghosts, especially beautiful female ghosts, and now I want to get more beautiful female ghosts like you. "

"Do you know why?"

The wedding dress's infuriating qi and innate qi mixed together, and began to increase the output, making Ying's body like a deflated leather ball, constantly leaking black smoke-like yin qi.

"Pervert... let me go, let go..." Ying moved weakly, trying to push the heavy body away.

Ye Dou pinched the other's slender neck and smiled to himself: "Because you are not human, no matter what you do, you can't kill anyone. You don't have to worry about pregnancy at all, hahaha... Fuck you!"

He said that the power of the double superposition of the wedding dress magic and the innate qi in his body is getting stronger and more violent.


Ying's neck was directly torn off, and then he was shot into a watermelon by a huge palm in mid-air. Although red and white things splashed out of his burst head, it quickly turned into a black gas.

A gust of gloomy wind rose up with this black energy, and quickly disappeared in the crack of the gate.

The other party must have hung up.

Strangely, there is no soul!

"The pure yang power of the congenital qi and the thunder fire infuriating qi of the wedding dress magic superimpose each other, it feels really cool." Ye Dou looked at his hands in surprise.

From the beginning to the end, he only opened the second block of Yin Qi, which was lower than the opponent's, and used the strongest internal force and innate qi, and only used up to three or four success forces.

It is not that the protagonist of the Worship of You Sect is not strong, but that after cultivating the Innate Astral Qi, this pure Yang Innate Astral Qi has an unexpected lethality to ghosts, and it complements the Thunder Fire True Qi of the wedding dress magic art. It means that the power is multiplied together between the two.

This is the benefit of hard work in the Temple of War.

In front of him, the so-called deputy hall master of the century-old ghost, was actually vulnerable in his eyes, which really prevented him from exerting his real strength.

"It's too weak. I really wish there were a few more beautiful female ghosts for me to play with, but why is there no soul? And where did that Lady in Pink's box go?" Ye Dou exited the second gear, full of doubts.

It is estimated that if the next time encounters it, it should be able to win without opening the second gear.

It's just that the other party can't even force out his own firepower. Is it really the deputy head of the shadow?

According to the information, the supernatural disaster of the deputy hall master is close to the demon level, and his strength in the evil ghost hall is second to that of the red hall master. Unfortunately, in his opinion, the other party is only equivalent to the level of the tiger-level king. It seems very powerful but Not enough to beat yourself up.

"There should be a problem with this. Could it be that there is a problem at the Ghost Hall of the Worship of You Sect, but they will send people to the headquarters of the ghosts that they can't attack. It's better for me to wait and see." Ye Dou narrowed his eyes. eyes.

Inside the Hall of Impermanence, the senior officials of the underworld in the Southern Headquarters looked at Ye Dou with horrified eyes, as if they were in a **** of war.

"Ye Dou...Why are you here?" Hall Master Luo was the first to speak, almost jumping off the hospital bed.

"Sister Luo, I have received the 200,000 yuan settling fee. I'm so sorry for not coming." Ye Dou grinned, hearty.

In fact, I wanted to brush my soul, and I followed the experiment with the innate qi, and then I angered and worshipped Youjiao. I really didn't expect the underworld to be so miserable.

"I hate it. You don't want to pay it back for the 200,000 yuan. Tell my sister what you want in the future. If you want your girlfriend to tell your sister directly, there are a lot of good girls here, and girls and ghosts are much more interesting." Hall Master Luo had a meaningful look, and even pushed Xue Fei next to him.

Let Xue Fei's body tremble, and the chrysanthemum tightens.

The people around looked bored.

The Ye Dou just now was really too fierce, that was a hundred-year-old ghost, and he was beaten by the opponent without any strength to fight back, which made everyone present dumbfounded, and there were many who wanted to kneel down and call the Great God.

Only Hall Master Luo and others knew that Ye Dou's martial arts cultivation was extraordinary, and they stabilized their minds a little, but the rest of the people were different.

They all knew Ye Dou's name, Ye Dou knew that he was an ordinary person with a waste of spiritual roots, and only knew some martial arts. He didn't expect this ordinary person to be so fierce.

"Hey, Ye Dou, what kind of martial arts are you practicing? Why are you so fierce?" Hall Master Luo greeted him with a smile, groaning and trembling slightly.

"Marriage dress magic and innate qi, specializing in restraining ghosts."

Ye Dou replied with a smile.

His answer made the people around him almost fall to the ground.

Brother, are you kidding us?

Innate Astral Qi?

Wedding dress magic?

These are all martial arts in martial arts novels.

How could it be true?

Hall Master Luo and other martial arts masters looked at each other in shock, not knowing how to evaluate them.

The battle just now was a pure martial arts They saw this scene with their own eyes. The supernatural disaster level of the shadow was close to the demon level, but it was scattered alive.

This kind of terrifying martial arts cultivation... simply makes them indescribable.

If there is a martial arts genius, then he is definitely a martial arts genius that is rare in a thousand years.

The underworld doesn't pay much attention to martial arts, so their knowledge of martial arts is quite shallow, so many high-level executives are looking at Ye Dou with some panic, as if they are looking at a monster.

No way, the opponent's combat power is too overbearing, too exaggerated, and too shocking.

"Things haven't been played yet, and the forces and players of the Youyou Sect will definitely not give up. We have to discuss how to deal with it."

"Not bad! It's an eventful time now. We have to hold out until the reinforcements arrive. As long as one of the three judges can come, we can solve the current situation."

Master Wuxiang calmed down and stood up and said loudly: "If Ye Dou is here, we will definitely be able to hold on. His fighting power against ghosts is even far better than that of ordinary judges."

Ying was the deputy head of the You-Worship Sect, and his strength was close to the level of demons, enough to turn a region into a ghost, but such an existence was beaten by Ye Dou.

The scene just now is still fresh in everyone's memory. It seems that Ye Doushou's shadow is nothing at all, and the gap between the two sides is huge.

This makes many ghosts see hope, they can rely on the invincible posture of Ye Dou to resist the attack of Xiabai Youjiao...

"Wait a minute, why are you watching me one by one? I'm a part-time worker, so it's interesting to be able to come to the rescue."

Being stared at by so many men and women, Ye Dou was immediately puzzled, and couldn't help but wonder: "Isn't there a lot of judges in the underworld? Is there also Zhuang Xiaoqing, one of the four judges?"

The people around were silent for a moment.

At this time, a breathless, but very clear voice echoed in the hall: "Zhuang Xiaoqing ran away!"

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