The Hero Kneels

Chapter 173: The body is so cruel?


Qinglong judge Zhuang Xiaoqing, one of the four great judges in the underworld, ran away like this?

how can that be?

Everyone looked at the source of the voice, and found that it was Judge Long who had just woken up.

Except for a few high-level people, most people in the underworld did not know that Zhuang Xiaoqing had run away, and thought that Zhuang Xiaoqing was taking the judge outside to defend against the attack organized by the players.

Hearing Zhuang Xiaoqing running away, Ye Dou, like most people, was stunned.

"About Youcheng... We have a lot of differences within the underworld. Zhuang Xiaoqing disagrees with me. He thinks that all the strongholds in Youcheng should be abandoned immediately, so he left with more than ten judges. Only me and a few judges stayed in the palace of judges. Come down." Judge Long sighed.

Ye Dou shrugged his shoulders. It seemed that the internal struggle in the underworld was indeed so fierce that it was terrifying. As the judge's hall of the high-level administrative department, he even lost his subordinate departments and ran away.

It seems that the ancient underworld has been in operation for thousands of years. Although it is said to be able to maintain stable operation, the internal corruption has already appeared, and the interest struggle between departments, as well as contradictions in various aspects, has reached an unbelievable level.

To put it vulgarly, it is a fight in the nest.

If it weren't for the illusion of the underworld, the power is huge, and the bases are all over the country, maybe the building would collapse early!

"Ye Dou, we will rely on you at the headquarters of the Underworld in Youcheng."

Judge Long's eyes were blazing, he stood up shaking his body, stuffed the black and white impermanence mark in his hand into Ye Dou Shou, and shouted loudly: "I am a dragon, I want you to lead us out of the siege!"


You give me this thing to call me out of the siege?

Is this thing worth a lot of money?

"With Ye Dou here, we will definitely be able to get through this difficult time!"

"Ye Dou, you are great, Ye Dou, come on!"

"Ye Dou is all up to you."

Under the leadership of Judge Long, the senior officials of the underworld focused their attention on the frontal lobe, and their expressions were faintly hopeful.

Please don't breastfeed me!

Confused Ye Dou raised the black and white impermanence seal in his hand, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He always felt that he had been trapped by Long Juguan, and the people around him were madly poisoning him.

I wanted to join in the fun and brush my soul, but because of my outstanding performance, I was abruptly elected as the savior by everyone in front of me.

Actually, I just want to make some soy sauce.

Ye Dou looked past the crowd and looked at Hall Master Luo.

The Hall Master Luo was supported by Xue Fei and walked tremblingly. There were Master Wuxiang and others beside him. When the two saw that Judge Long handed over the Yin-Yang Seal representing the inheritance and power of the Impermanence Hall to Ye Dou, their expressions were a bit complicated. But then they all nodded to Ye Dou.

No one expected that Judge Long would deliver the Yin-Yang Seal that he just received so decisively.

Since it was handed over to the other party, they could only recognize it, and now Ye Dou is the big guy's hope.

Being stared at by everyone, Ye Dou felt a little uncomfortable, and simply said: "The yin qi outside is not dissipated, I will go out and see what the **** is there!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and took a step, raising a big foot and slamming it on the half-closed stainless steel door.


There was an extra footprint on the steel door, and the door slowly opened, revealing a strong black aura.

The spacious corridor outside the Hall of Impermanence is full of ghostly corpses, each with their heads disappearing, making people feel like they have come to a sea of ​​corpses and blood.

Ye Dou looked along the corpses and saw a dozen or so figures standing at the end of the corridor. These ten or so people were all wrapped in a thick, fog-like gray evil energy, and they couldn't see their faces at all. It was estimated that they all came to attack the underworld. player.

I just walked through the elevator door, and I didn't find these people.

In front of the player, there is a graceful black figure.

His pupils shrank slightly.

The other party is the shadow who was just beaten and shattered by himself!

Now the shadow is like nothing, the white feet are stepping on the marble floor, the hand folding fan is shaking slightly, and the wind is light and the clouds are standing opposite, looking luxurious and seductive, with an unusual wink.

But Ye Dou can feel the real yin qi coming from the other side, reminding him of the hundred-year-old ghost of the Red Hall Master.


This is the body of the shadow!

"Well done, I didn't expect someone in the underworld to defeat my shadow." The other party's soft voice sounded rather lazy.

She looked at each other with a pair of beautiful black eyes: "You are the man that my sister is looking for, and it is really not that easy to deal with. It's a pity that you are still going to die when you meet me, giggle..."

With the piercing and weird laughter, a female ghost with black body slowly appeared in the shadow behind Ye Dou.

In an instant!

The shadow burst out, and he raised his hand and waved the sickle, as if the sharp claws slashed into Ye Douhou's heart.


The strength was so great that Ye Douhu's body shook, and the whole body fell forward. Fortunately, he stepped on the ground with one foot earlier, and this stabilized his body.

This claw is very powerful, and it directly smashed the four layers of Astral Qi defense on his body, and went straight to the fifth layer of Astral Qi. However, it still broke through the defense of Innate Astral Qi and bounced off the opponent's claws.


Ye Dou roared in the sky, and the second block was fully open.

The muscles swelled with a bang, and red and white air appeared all over the body, and the surrounding temperature immediately soared, making him like a furnace, blood and energy like a dragon, and all evils were invincible.

rub rub...

The ghost shadow was so crazy that after a single hit failed, the pair of scythe-like claws immediately swept out afterimages in the air, and fell on Ye Dou with lightning speed. The sound was like beating on a stone. Dull vigorously.

A wave of air burst out in Ye Dou's body, and the invisible innate qi continued to set off a strong rebound force, causing the black shadow to shake violently, and the frequency of attacks also became disordered until it stopped.


Ye Dou suddenly turned around and shook his fist.

The fist containing the power of thunder and fire and the innate qi punched out with seven wounded fists suddenly slammed into the ghost image, and the ghost image was instantly broken like a rag.

The opposite Ying Dun's body trembled for a while, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't help but take a step back, as if he had been punched.

With a cold light on the shadow's face, the hand folding fan spread out, exerting enough energy, and waving the hand folding fan with a humming sound, it actually fanned out a black yin wind like a substance.

Her whole body also disappeared in place, and appeared in the yin wind, a pair of sharp claws with black nails, madly grabbing towards the opponent, very fast.

"Stupid mortal, how dare to offend our ghost hall many times, today I want to get face for my sister..." With a sharp cry, Ying's nails became longer and longer, and the yin qi all over his body soared, and began to spread like tentacles. The surrounding temperature plummeted.


Ye Dou let out a sigh of turbid air, clenched his fists to protect his chest, and his internal strength quickly increased to a fixed point. Under the full force of the wedding dress magic, all the thunder and fire energy merged into the two fists, and it also came with the power of pure yang. Innate qi.

"Seven Injury Fist - Final Form!"

There was a crackling sound from his fists, as if the surrounding air was ignited, he rounded his eyes and punched out the fist with all his strength.

A pair of fists, like two rocket launchers, collided with the shadowy shadow on the front.


Immediately, a cold air flow entwined with a hot air flow, colliding with each other and opposing each other. At the same time as the strong wind made a loud noise, the shock wave generated by the collision caused the surrounding walls to crack and shatter.

"A hundred-year-old ghost, it really is extraordinary." After the collision, Ye Dou first looked at the broken ground under his feet, and then looked at the shadow on the opposite side.

Just now, he used all his wedding dress magic, innate qi, second block, and seven injury fists, and his firepower was full!

It can be considered to find out the fighting power of this century-old ghost in front of him.

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