The Hero Kneels

Chapter 508: what to see? Haven't seen the Savior?

In the triple slaughterhouse, the game is in progress

Rather, the massacre is still going on.

Of course, at this moment, it is not people who are slaughtering livestock, but livestock slaughtering people.

When the Sanlian Slaughterhouse was still in business, livestock slaughtered all year round, slaughtering three types of livestock: pigs, cattle, and sheep. The number of livestock slaughtered a year was as high as 100,000. Every day, there were countless screams of livestock in the factory building, blood and blood. Flowing into a river, accumulating countless murders.

This place was originally a place of sin.

Now the sin is more serious.

Here, three huge human-shaped beasts with cow, sheep, and pig heads, waving blood-stained butcher knives in their hands, are slaughtering the players frantically.

Whenever someone is hit, they will fall to the ground with serious injuries, and then they will be hung on the meat hooks in the slaughterhouse. Once these meat hooks are stimulated by flesh and blood, they seem to come alive, and become tentacles that wrap around the player. A wave of evil energy was injected into the player's flesh.

The player who is hung by the meat hook will feel unparalleled pain. If he can't bear it, within a few minutes, the player's flesh will automatically burst open and become a pile of corpses.

"Commander Song, we really can't take it anymore. The game intensity has increased several times. These three butchers are very strong in combat. If we go on like this, we won't survive!" Tian Yue looked at Song Shendao, whose face was full of blood. shouted.

Song Shendao almost vomited blood because of this, and the whole person felt collapsed.

Before entering the game time, he beheaded the two beheaders with the dragon slaying knife in his hand, and he has been in a state of prostration.

Now he has no way to kill or resist the butchers. These butchers are also very fast, chasing and killing players frantically, making the number of players less and less.

Although everyone is an old player with extraordinary experience and technology, if it goes on like this, no one will be able to carry it.

Of course, the rewards in this game field with abnormal difficulty are also very amazing. The longer the survival time, the more game currency rewards will be obtained.

As a result, many players frantically bought various potions and poured them into their mouths to increase their bloodline strength. Some people even entered the rampant form when they were chasing them, and were directly chased by the butcher.

In fact, there is no need for berserkers in the game, only ordinary players can play the game, and the berserkers will be listed as the first target to hunt down.

The three immortal butchers, each of which is a dragon-level, chases and kills players without leaving any strength.

The difficulty of the game has become so high, it is obvious that the player wants to quickly upgrade the level and force the potential of the players.

Song Shendao had no choice but to drink a bottle of purple potion purchased with a lot of money.

The moment he drank this bottle of purple potion, the evil energy in Song Shendao began to run wild, and then, a nameless purple evil fire ignited on his body, wrapping his whole body.

The dragon-slaying knife in his hand also made a sound of dragon roar, and the whole dragon-slaying knife seemed to come alive.

"Eat my knife!"

He immediately waved the dragon slaying knife in his hand, and was about to madly slash at the three butchers who were rushing towards him in front of him.

However, a roaring sound suddenly appeared all around.

Immediately afterwards, the sky and the earth changed color, and the surroundings were like an earthquake. The three sheep-headed, bull-headed, and pig-headed monsters stopped one after another, stopped moving, and all looked up at the sky.

"Look at the blood moon!"

"The blood moon has changed form."

"Look, big guy, what is that?"

Everyone who was still madly escaping shouted loudly.

Song Shendao, Tianyue and the others looked at the sky, only to find the blood moon in the sky that would never change. It turned into a huge red eyeball.

This eyeball looks strangely large, replacing the eternal blood moon.

It seems that this eyeball is the real existence that is really suspended in mid-air.

Everyone raised their heads one after another, just staring at the red moon in the sky, turning into a huge scarlet eyeball.

The scarlet pupil of the eyeball is like a snake's eye, and the slit of the narrow pupil is shrinking.

In a trance, the big guy had an illusion.

This eyeball is alive!

And the eyes that looked at him were like a beast peeping at its prey, full of ferocity and greed, wishing to tear himself apart and swallow it all.

So much so that everyone was horrified, and they couldn't help but tremble in their legs.

You can't go wrong, this eyeball is the one they saw on the phone, it is full of endless evil, and it is enough to make people's soul freeze.

Unexpectedly, this thing turned out to be the red moon in the game?

It's really hidden deep enough!

When the big guy was a little dazed.

There was a kind of killing intent in that eyeball, emitting a strange red light.


For a moment, everyone's bodies could not move, as if they had been immobilized.

At the same time, a powerful attraction came.

This kind of attraction is extremely tyrannical, and everyone feels that they are starting to float, floating towards the giant red eyeball in the sky.

Such a powerful force is almost irresistible, but the body cannot move.

There was another attraction from the red eyeball. This attraction was different from just now. It did not come from the physical attraction, but from the soul.

Many people stretched out a feeling that their souls were separated from their bodies, and were forcibly pulled out of their bodies by a powerful and unparalleled force, and slowly floated into the sky.

The problem is, it's a very uncomfortable feeling, like someone is pulling on your body, and it's uncomfortable.

Song Shendao also felt that his soul was flying away from his body, but was pressed by the dragon-slaying sword in his hand, and he couldn't break free for a while.

Immediately after,

I saw that the three butchers who were originally motionless and tall, suddenly moved, almost at the same time, rushing in one direction with heavy steps, and raised the axe and butcher's knife in their hands, and launched an attack. stance.

"Fuck! Come down here! Look at Lao Tzu's star-sucking method!" Everyone heard a loud shout, and saw a muscular man raising his right hand, shouting angrily.

This man is Ye Dou.

He is communicating with the soul ring at the moment, so that the soul ring that has entered the invisible state will operate.

The soul ring seemed to know his thoughts at this moment, and trembled violently, the pulling feeling disappeared instantly, and his soul returned to his body.

Just taking a breath, the evil eye in the sky suddenly burst into a dazzling light, making Ye Dou feel a great Almost at the same time, the soul ring suddenly burst into a very dazzling light. Dark golden light, the skull on the ring opened its mouth in an instant.

Among the three butchers who were about to attack, a red soul suddenly flew out of their mouths.

And a dark golden spiral appeared beside the skull's mouth, and the surrounding wind was surging.

The blood-red eyeball in the sky began to crack, and then from the huge evil eye, many dense white and red souls flew out.

The red and white souls in the sky flew towards him like a blizzard, and were swallowed up by the soul ring in his hand, and the number was increasing, more and more...

The Soul Ring's Star Absorbing Dafa finally started again.

Ye Dou finally breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look at the players who were staring at him in a daze, and complained, "What are you looking at? Haven't you seen the Savior?"

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