The Hero Kneels

Chapter 509: the man who destroyed the game

"Let me go, what the **** happened, the three butchers suddenly fell to the ground!"

Tian Yue looked at the Ye Dou who raised his hand towards the sky in disbelief, and exclaimed, "It's Ye Dou, how did he get into the game?"

Li Hu also murmured: "Why do I see so many openings in the eyeballs in the sky? Is it because of Ye Dou's appearance?"

At this time, everyone's souls have returned to their bodies, and everyone can move their limbs freely again, watching this inexplicable spectacle dumbfoundedly.

Ye Dou once again enjoyed the sight of the sky shrouded in light and rain.

Countless souls flew towards him. There were countless white souls, ranging from eggs to dragon fruit. Red souls accounted for a relatively small number. Together, there were at least thousands of them. From eggs to dragon fruit.

Gradually, more and more souls are floating in, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

I have to say, this picture is very beautiful and very cool.

Every time he sees it, Ye Dou feels that he can't be cool. This is definitely the most beautiful scene he has ever seen in his life. No matter how many times he sees it, he will never get tired of it.

This feeling is like watching countless banknotes, gold, and diamonds floating down from the sky, and the rhythm of becoming a super upstart in an instant!

Well, these souls are not their own, and they will be taken away by the soul ring.

"The number of souls here is much less than the first time. I don't know where the excess souls went." Ye Dou muttered a little as he watched the souls that were not too dense keep floating.

It can be seen that these souls are all human souls accumulated in recent games. I really don't know how many people have to die to accumulate so many souls.

Thinking that countless players were tortured to death here and turned into souls, he pouted, really not happy.

Until now, he has not figured out, who is the guy who created the game?

What is the ultimate purpose of the game?

The information from the underworld said it was a sacrifice, but to whom were these souls sacrificed?

This guy who set up the game is too disgusting, why do you have to rely on killing humans to obtain souls?

Why give the player fel power?

It seems that about everything about the game, Ye Dou feels that he still knows very little, there are too many strange and unknown places in it.

What is certain is that there is no way for you to come up with something as tall as a game.

Baiyoujiao played the role of Ma Zai at most.

There is a kind of superiority that is the beneficiary of these games.

As the soul continued to fly out, the huge eyeball full of evil in the sky kept shaking, and the red light kept flickering. When I saw this big eyeball, I wanted to get rid of the dark golden light of the soul ring. The speed of flight has accelerated a lot.

The resistance was of no use at all, purple blood began to flow out from around the huge evil eye, and the cracks on the eyes were getting bigger and bigger.

A trace of fear finally appeared in the originally cruel eyeball, and it began to tremble non-stop. I saw that the eyeball was covered in blood, the pupil of the eyeball became more and more prominent, and fewer and fewer white and red souls flew out of it. .

After a while, the evil eye that spewed out the soul finally burst directly, and a purple soul appeared from it. This soul was about the size of a football. It was extremely bright and conspicuous, and was quickly swallowed by the soul ring.

Looking at the place where the eyeballs originally perched in the sky, there was a **** hole with smoke. This big hole was still spraying with purple blood, and it seemed that something was squirming.

Ye Dou had seen this scene before, so he wasn't surprised, he just retracted his right hand.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that cracks began to appear in the entire sky, like ice cubes that were gradually breaking ice, and they continued to crack and spread.

There was also a loud rumbling sound on the ground, and the shaking was very violent. The surrounding ruins and various simple buildings closed down one after another, and the factory building of the triple slaughterhouse seemed to be about to disappear.

"This game venue is about to be destroyed, find your escape pod immediately!" Ye Dou shouted violently.

His voice used internal strength, and the sound was rolling, so that everyone at the scene could hear it clearly and clearly.

Then Ye Dou himself found a coffin-shaped vending machine around.

The vending machine had opened the lid, and he drilled directly into it.

Just closed the lid.

A line of blood-colored text appeared in front of him.

[The game is about to crash, the system is severely damaged and damaged, all members are logged out, all members are logged out...]

Before the text was displayed, it completely disappeared like a power outage. Ye Dou's eyes went black and he lost all intuition.

Youcheng, underground ruins.

The Saint Master led a group of players to strictly guard against the underground ruins, but from time to time there were still undead rushing out of the main entrance.

Baiyou Sect has entered the rhythm of a frantic attack, and officially launched a clean-up operation to destroy the underground ruins, so that the underground ruins will not be left behind!

"Any human being I see, no matter who it is, kill me!" The Skeleton King was cold and fierce, and his killing intent was resolute, which made people's back chills.

"Destroy all the players! Kill all the living!" The Demon Leather King was also issuing orders to the army of the undead.

"Kill kill kill!"

"Kill all these humans!

"Drain their flesh!"

One by one lifeless undead, madly broke into the underground ruins, killing any living person.

The gates of the underground ruins were lost, and the undead spread like a torrent, like locusts, to the streets and buildings.

The mournful howls came from some blocks from time to time, and from the mouths of those underground ruins players from time to time.

Many players scattered in the streets escaped the last catastrophe, but failed to escape this massacre. They were attacked by a steady stream of undead, their heads and limbs were cut off, and their bones were cut open by sharp blades...

The underground ruins were filled with grief, players died tragically everywhere, and there were horrific screams everywhere.

On a street, blood was spilled everywhere, the ground street was dyed blood red with blood, and an unpleasant stench made people almost nauseated.

Under the dim light, the Demon Skin King fell to the square like a ghost.

He glanced at Chi You's big head floating in front of him, and said, "Chi You, you are just a mere head, and you want to be mad. This time, I came prepared."

Chi You raised his brows, killing intent suddenly appeared, and hummed, "Stop talking nonsense, is the leader of Huang Quan here?"

The skeleton king on the side opened his mouth: "Hey, you are not worthy to let our sect master come in person."

Chi You grinned and pouted.

But the strong murderous intent in his eyes was even more cheap.

"Do you think we can kill you only if the leader takes action?" The Skeleton King said fiercely.

"You obstruct our actions, we will kill you!"

The Demon Skin King looked serious and said seriously: "Old demon, let me show you my true strength."

Chi You nodded again and again: "Okay! Very good! Let me see your strength!"

"Okay, let's fit together, this is our real strength."

The bones of the Skeleton King's golden body suddenly became incomparably majestic and inhuman, with bones and wings stretched out from his back, and his body faintly exuded a golden light. A powerful Fel Freeze.

Immediately afterwards, the Demon Skin King's body suddenly turned into a piece of leather, and then it covered the Skeleton King's body. The two were perfectly integrated into one, like putting on a leather coat for the Skeleton King, just like giving the Skeleton King a set of leather clothes. Put on a leather armor.

The two instantly possessed a vicious and inviolable tyrannical aura.

A majestic evil energy is turbulent in the surrounding, so that the space is constantly distorted and changed, and the people around feel an incomparable coercion.

At this moment, the Demon Skin King and the Skeleton King turned into a real evil dragon, and their aura became astonishing.

This change is really surprising.

The bodies of the Demon Skin King and the Skeleton King can be combined into one, and the fel energy fluctuations have doubled.

It seems that they were originally one existence!

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