The Hero Kneels

Chapter 510: What are you doing?

Organize the underground ruins.

The holy teacher and the four elders stood at the gate of the towering temple, watching the massacre outside the temple. Their faces were pale, and like the people around them, their faces were full of despair.

Yes, Chi You, the ancestor of the evil martial arts, helped them greatly improve their strength and made the player's combat effectiveness skyrocket, but there were too many undead creatures outside, too many for them to parry.

One by one reminds the huge, foul-smelling sutured corpses walking in the streets of the underground ruins. This undead creature has thick skin and thick flesh, and releases death toxins all over its body. Even if a demon-level evil warrior is besieged, it is difficult to kill one. , and the sutured corpse will self-explode to kill surrounding enemies and make the wound difficult to heal.

Although the saint master has reached the holy realm and his combat power is equivalent to that of a dragon, he was still seriously injured by the explosion of several stitched corpses during the battle with the ghost king. Temporarily out of combat.

The third and fourth elders also died in the hands of this undead creature, and it is considered that there are no bones left.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

The holy master coughed up a large pool of blood, and couldn't help but burst into tears: "The organization has been established for more than a hundred years, and I can't imagine that it will be destroyed today. We evil warriors just want to gain a firm foothold in Youcheng, why should we suffer Such a devastating disaster!?"

"Heaven kills our evil warriors." The Great Elder, who had broken one arm, sighed in the sky.

The second elder, covered in blood, shouted: "We will coexist and die together in the organization, and we will never take a step back!"

The wounded all around, gritted their teeth and shouted: "We are willing to live and die with the organization!"

Everyone knows that there is no way out at this moment, saying that it is coexistence and death, but in fact, we can only wait for death to come.

No way, the strength of the two sides is not equal at all.

"My lord, the sutured corpse has entered the last line of defense in the temple!"

The blood-stained young man appeared in front of the stone ladder in front of the temple, and his footsteps were unstable. He shouted: "The defense line of my organization has been completely broken through. Please make a decision!"

"All gather towards the temple and use the temple as a defense!" The Saint Master said in a low voice.

"As ordered!" Luo Tianxi nodded and blew a high-pitched whistle, trying his best to notify everyone and let everyone gather in the temple.

This temple will be their final line of defense.

on the square.


The Demon Skin King and the Skeleton King merged into one, and the incomparable evil energy flowed from his body, walking towards Chi You's head like an evil god.

Behind him, an extremely powerful ghost appeared. This surging and intimidating ghost actually condensed out of the air.

The shadow is as majestic as a mountain, and the wave of evil energy permeates the city like the sea.

The fel energy that covers the sky and the sun, exudes majestic fel energy fluctuations, dominates this area, covers the sky of the underground ruins, and turns the entire underground ruins gray.

"Very strong evil energy! You are not a creature of this world mountain!" Chi You looked up at the evil **** sitting in the void, narrowed his eyes, and couldn't help but mutter to himself.

"Four evils kill!" The evil **** made a slap with both hands.

An invisible force attacked Chi You's head, smashing it to pieces.

"Clap clap clap!"

A mighty powerful force came from the giant hand of the evil god, and the rays of light like black diamonds slammed down towards Chi You.

This kind of fel energy fluctuation made the saint teachers and elders far away in the temple, as well as a group of evil warriors, unable to stand evenly, and they had difficulty breathing under the power of this evil god, and they almost had to kneel down and worship.

"Dragon-level king! After the demon skin king and the skeleton are combined into one, they have such a terrifying power!" The saint roared inwardly, with a look of horror on his face.

After listening to the people around him, his face was even more bloodless. It turned out to be a Dragon King-level existence, and there is such a trump card in the worship of You Sect.

"The two of you have long been separated, and now you have temporarily gained a strong power by combining the two?"

Chiyou's big head suddenly grinned strangely: "Then I will use the ancient war song to meet you!"

He opened his mouth wide and sang an ancient song, followed by a sound of indistinct syllables, like a song from ancient times, full of the feeling of desolation and desolation, and the songs drifted away as if they were real. Echoes in the underground ruins.

All the dead evil warriors, whether they have just died, or have been dead for a while, or were temporarily resurrected as walking dead warriors or berserkers, trembled involuntarily. The evil energy in them is It turned into an evil wind and rushed into the air.

For a time, an evil whirlwind appeared in the sky above the underground ruins.

This whirlwind, like a substance, gathered into a cloud of evil in mid-air.

The fel energy fluctuations in it are so strange that their hearts are torn apart!

Soon, the sky was filled with this evil cloud.

on the square.

Chi You, whose ruins were caught by the giant hand of the Heretic God, suddenly turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Immediately, the evil cloud in the sky quickly condensed and condensed, and changed extremely strangely.

A huge figure slowly formed as the evil cloud condensed!

In the end, it condensed into a huge body composed of evil energy, which looked like three heads and six arms, full of explosive muscles and a sense of strength.

"Now is the real battle!"

Chi You's head was on the body of this evil energy, opened his mouth, and roared at the evil **** above his head in front of him.

Suddenly, the long tongue composed of seven chains was sprayed out by Chi You's mouth and wrapped around the evil god.


Seven thick and long chains fell on the Evil God one after another, binding the other party. The Evil God's illusory body emitted thick white smoke, as if it was corroded by the starlight on the chain, the evil energy on his body was rapidly passing.

The Demon Skin King and the Skeleton King suddenly shouted, "Break it for me!"

An extremely powerful evil light flashed from his body, and they were injected into the body of the evil god, which stabilized the evil energy on his body.

"Chi You! What kind of evil law are you cultivating?!" The evil **** shouted loudly.

Chi You split his mouth: "Guess, junior, you are already dead, even if it is, the evil energy can't be more powerful than me!"

The Demon Skin King and the Skeleton King in the combined state were both horrified and became more silent.

The power and means Chiyou showed seemed to restrain them, making them more and more afraid to act rashly.

At this moment, there were waves of spatial fluctuations around.

Figures suddenly appeared in the underground ruins. They were all players who were taken away by the game before. As these players, all of them appeared in the underground ruins.

Song Shendao, Bai Lu, Tian Yue, Li Hu, Luo Tianxi and others descended one after another, showing their bodies, followed by groups of high-ranking players who survived.


The monster combined with the Skeleton King and the Demon Skin King was directly stepped on by a man who was covered in lightning.

With his head down, he was smashed by the opponent and smashed the ground into a deep pit with a diameter of five or six meters.

I saw a man covered in thunder and light, looked down at his feet, and couldn't help but opened his mouth and shouted, "Fuck, what the **** are you? How did you look like this?"

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