The Hero Kneels

Chapter 515: 1 Cannonball Enemy

Everyone had never heard of it, and it looked like a dementia. The thick and wide corridor in front of the square was directly erased, and the building that stood a thousand years ago beside the road was completely blown to pieces by the shock wave.

The ruins replaced the original building complex, the huge long crater that stretched for hundreds of meters, and there were lightning flashes, charred smoke rising out, and flames burning.

In front of the worshipers, the Demon Skin King and other dozens of strong people stood in front of the giant pit with a blank expression, their eyes were empty.

on the square.

The sage masters organized high-level organizations, opening their mouths one by one, and unknown syllables emanating from their throats.

So far it hasn't slowed down.

The power of the electromagnetic gun is beyond imagination. The power formed in an instant, such as the power of destroying the world, is more than ten times more terrifying than the power of the electromagnetic gun in their impressions!

After the battery was fired, not only did a burst of orange light burst out, but the violent thunder shock waves squeezed each other, causing the space to be almost torn apart. This explosive increase is by no means that simple!

Even the initiator Ye Dou twitched slightly at the corners of his mouth when he saw the destruction scene.

He didn't even think that his electromagnetic cannon would have such a terrifying explosive power!

He looked at the big-eyed worshipers in front of him, and he was a little anxious: "Hey, what are you thinking? Don't you even have a dollar? Still don't understand what a dollar is?"

"A dollar?"

Everyone at the scene was dumbfounded.

This man who had just performed a devastating blow was actually asking them for a dollar?

Everyone was still in shock and didn't react, and they were stunned.

"Can't understand?"

Ye Dou simply took a deep breath and sang aloud: "I picked up a dollar in front of the road, I found a dollar, and handed it to the police uncle. The police took the money and nodded to me... Do you understand? One dollar None of you?"

The crowd began to touch their pockets, but then began to shake their heads.

At such a decisive juncture, who would carry a dollar with him?

They'd rather pack a few more bullets than carry a dollar coin.

Because one dollar can't even buy a condom!

"Hey hey hey! Hey hey hey! Awesome, awesome!"

Chi You opened his mouth wide and smiled happily and proudly: "You did a good job! You should be happy too, right? You intimidated this gang of dead people and killed almost half of their combat power. You are not at a loss if you die now!"

He couldn't help asking Ye Dou, "It's an unimaginable trick, how did you do it?"

Chi You's purple eyes aimed at him, full of curiosity.

Ye Dou was speechless and ignored this big head.

He was admiring the scene of countless souls flying in. Shooting these undead gave him the income of countless souls. These souls were quite large, although most of them were white souls.

However, he was very puzzled. If the Skeleton King was shot, where would the other party's soul be?

Lieutenant General Li Hu on the side, but his eyes were shining, his eyes were extremely frenetic, and he muttered: "I understand, I understand, this is not an ordinary electromagnetic gun, but the legendary super electromagnetic gun."

"The principle of the railgun is the ampere force, but the method is somewhat different from the power of the maglev train. The current will be affected by the ampere force in the magnetic field, and the size is F=BILsinθ, so the object passing through the current will generate acceleration in the magnetic field, As long as the direction of the current is at an angle to the direction of the magnetic field."

"The railgun has two energized long metal guide rails to generate a very strong magnetic field, and at the same time part of the current in the guide rails passes through the metal projectile, which accelerates the projectile and finally has a very high initial velocity when it comes out of the chamber. The railgun does not have a metal rail, but it can generate a very high voltage to break down the air to form a plasma, replacing the role of the rail. The principle is the same as that of the railgun.

"Because Ye Dou can control the current arbitrarily, as long as the arc moves quickly from near to far, it is much simpler than the Gaussian electromagnetic gun in reality... He also upgraded the electromagnetic system."

Li Hu said that the spit was flying, but the other people were confused, and almost no one could understand what he was saying.

Only Ye Dou could understand what Li Hu was saying.

The production principle he relies on is actually a coil gun, also known as a magnetoresistive electromagnetic gun, GaussGun. According to this principle, he can create a spiral arc around his arm.

The magnetic field produced by these helical arcs is parallel to his arm, and the ampere force is perpendicular to the field, so it must not be the ampere force that shoots the coin down the arm in this way.

The principle of the Gauss gun is actually the same as that of a magnet attracting an iron block. As long as the magnetic field moves from near to far, the magnet can be attracted to move with the magnetic field. Of course, in reality, a series of fixed coils are generally energized from near to far in order to achieve the same Effect.

Although Ye Dou only uses a coin, because it uses its own electromagnetic force to correct the flight path and accelerates continuously before hitting the target, it is different from ordinary bullets and has extremely high accuracy and destructive power.

Due to the high temperature caused by friction with the air, the cheap game coins will start to melt after 50 meters, so the range is about 50 meters, but the shock wave will extend more than 100 meters, and it can collect the electricity in the atmosphere and release a billion volts of electric shock .

Demon Skin King, Ghost King, Nether Ghost Mother and other powerhouses are located around the square. At this moment, their expressions are more exciting, and their eyes are more regretful.

"It's impossible..." The Demon Skin King couldn't express his horror in words, if he still had the heart.

They looked at Ye Dou at the same time with burning eyes.

"Old bone, old bone..." The Demon Skin King murmured in a somewhat lost voice.

Under the black veil of the ghost mother, her face was ashen, her body trembled violently, as if her whole body was going to explode with anger.

The masters of the surrounding organizations, regardless of Song Shendao, Song Qian, Yang Mimi, and all the evil warriors, all stared at Ye Dou with wide-eyed expressions at the moment.

Today's electromagnetic cannon is the most powerful cannon they have ever seen in their lives, and it has been deeply imprinted in their minds, so that they may not be able to forget this shocking event in the next life.

"Ah! Ah ah ah!"

Suddenly, from above the underground ruins, there was a frantic scream.

When everyone raised their heads, they saw a huge skull head suspended in mid-air. The big head was scorched black and smoking, the skull was cracked, the chin was half missing, the front teeth were missing a few, and it was spraying vicious words.

"Ye Dou! Don't do it, you will be slashed with thousands of swords, your soul will be smashed, and you will be castrated!" A shrill voice came from the other party's mouth. Come!

"It won't kill you like this!" Ye Dou was a little surprised by the opponent's vitality.

The other party is the missing Comrade Bone King, who was not killed by the electromagnetic cannon, but the other party's fleshly body disappeared completely invisible under the powerful attack.

"All the believers move for this seat! This seat will completely destroy this kid Ye Dou!" The Skeleton King roared.

"Capture Ye Dou! Use the cruelest method to train him to death!" The Demon Skin King ordered.

Under the orders of the two sect masters, the surviving undead of the You Worship Cult instantly became crazy and rushed towards Ye Dou from all directions, with crazy killing intent burning in everyone's eyes.

The power of one electromagnetic cannon is so destroys nearly half of their elite power. It can be said that the entire worshipping sect was severely hit because of this electromagnetic cannon. Can't recover.

Nowadays, these undead creatures are all sacrificed, especially the sutured corpses. The manufacture of each sutured corpse consumes a lot of time and energy, and Ye Dou has no way to make up for their damage.

all of these,

All because of Ye Dou!

Torturing Ye Dou to death can barely dispel the hatred in their hearts?

Otherwise, as giants that have been around for thousands of years, wouldn't they lose all face.

Kill Ye Dou!

Kill Ye Dou!

Smashed to pieces!

When these gangsters attacked Ye Dou from all directions, they all noticed that Ye Dou was smiling, raised his hand up to his arm again, covered his body with lightning, and aimed at them with flashing fingers...

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