The Hero Kneels

Chapter 516: Ye Cannon King Sings Empty City

"Be careful!"

The Demon Skin King shouted violently, and his figure couldn't help but stop immediately.

The Skeleton King's head also stayed in the air, and he seemed to be very afraid.

If Ye Dou fires another shot, they can't afford it, nor can they resist.

"Give me a dollar, the front is 1 and the back is a coin of chrysanthemum!" Ye Dou shouted, sweat on his forehead.

Everyone touched their pockets and shook their heads, indicating that they didn't have a dime.

Ye Dou, who was calm and calm just now, had his eyes split open, but his powerful acting skills instantly restored his composure.

But my heart is already broken.

You can use other metal objects for your own electromagnetic gun. Unfortunately, he is not Magneto, so he has to re-experiment and design parameters such as current and magnetic fields. It takes a long time to adjust. If you lose the opportunity, you might as well not shoot.

At a critical moment, how can a man fail?

Or, all men only have one shot, and he is no exception to Ye Cannon King.

Speaking of which, I have to hold on now.

Now use the horn of death to sneak away, which is a good choice.

But if he leaves, these people at the scene will definitely not be able to escape the tragic end of being cramped and skinned and made into an undead.

With so many confidantes here, it is impossible for him to leave alone.

What's more, his last hole card has not yet been handed in.

Can't go, can't go!

"If you don't retreat, my next electromagnetic cannon will completely destroy you."

Ye Dou kept his firing posture, his voice was cold, and his acting skills were full.

There was silence all around, the Skeleton King's head and the magic skin looked at each other, and they were all intimidated.

However, Ye Dou didn't have a clue in his heart. These two guys are old and talented. No matter how good their acting skills are, they may be seen through by the other party.

At this time, we must learn from Zhuge Liang and sing the empty city plan!

He also has to sing an empty city plan.

Singing and washing the brush? Or burn calories? Or desert camels, or...

Before thinking about the lyrics, the Skeleton King shouted: "If I remember correctly, he just used the artillery bombardment and needed coins, but now he has no coins in his hand, he is definitely holding on!"

The Demon Skin King smiled: "Yes, this kid is fooling us."

The two old rivers and lakes who have lived for thousands of years soon discovered the clue and began to approach and test step by step.

"It's time for you to play, Chi You!" Seeing that he couldn't hide the two old ghosts, Ye Dou simply shouted at the big head with a wicked smile on his face.

"I've done my best, and I can't manage the other things below. That Huangquan sect master is here!"

Chi You opened his mouth and shouted: "He can only restrain him in front of him. If he takes action now, the leader of Huang Quan may take advantage of it!"

Ye Dou's consciousness was swept away, and he knew that what he said was true, and that there was an evil force waiting to be launched.

While speaking, the undead in front of them began to rush towards them frantically again. They were extremely mad and vicious.

The head of the Skeleton King in the sky exudes a strange yin energy, and the green flame is extremely strong, like a huge burning meteorite, smashing straight down.

It made Ye Dou's scalp numb, giving birth to the terrible feeling of being covered.

"I'm going to kill you, Ye Dou!" The Demon Skin King screamed and flew over.

"Ye Dou! Ye Dou! What should we do? They have already killed them!" Song Bing's small face was filled with anxiety and unease, and he kept whispering beside him.

Yang Mimi's beautiful and flowery face showed an absolute color, and she simply stepped forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with Ye Dou.

It seems that he wants to live and die with Ye Dou!

"Ye Dou!"

The saint teacher and several old Zhang screamed in surprise.

At this time, Ye Dou's eyes were blank and motionless, as if he was frightened.

"After all, he is an ordinary human. He has only lived for more than 20 years, and his experience is still a little too tender." Moping said with a grin.

He also thought that Ye Dou had lost his mind because of this scene.

"Ye Dou! The main purpose of this sect is to peel your muscles and skin, and then revive your soul!" The shuddering voice of the Skeleton King suddenly sounded.

"Capture Ye Dou alive! He has a big secret!" The Demon Skin King was also roaring frantically.

It was only then that everyone found out that the resentment of the You-Waiting Sect was all concentrated on Ye Dou, who had become the target of public criticism and became the biggest target of the You-Waiting Sect.

"What should I do? Ye Dou, if you can't beat them, run away!" Yang Mimi shouted loudly.

Song Bing followed and shouted, "Ye Dou, go, leave us alone."

However, the Skeleton King became more and more ferocious, his eyes spewing green fire, and became more and more terrifying. After his body fell, a skeleton grew again and rushed towards Ye Dou like a ghost!

The Demon Leather King opened his hide and rushed towards Ye Dou as if covering the sky.

The two quickly merged into one in mid-air, and re-integrated into a weird butt-shaped comrade Wang.

At this moment, Song Shendao was seriously injured and could not make a move. Chi You chose to look at the head of Huang Quan, who had been looking from afar, and did not make a move. It seemed that doing so would not violate his blood oath at all.

The sage and other masters showed appalling expressions.

"Third gear! Do you really think I'm afraid of you guys? My brother came with a full charge, and the Five Thunder God Technique has reached the third level!"

All of a sudden, Ye Dou's muscles swelled, his bones crackled, his whole body was raised, and his body was raised quickly. Lightning bursts, and in an instant, he grew into an extremely strong giant with a height of about five meters.

The muscles on his body shrouded his body like armor, and the thunder marks on his chest have spread to his back, filled with lightning and thunder, like a wonderful scar, which contains the law of lightning.

Sea Tiger Blasting Fist!

He slammed into the **** king with all his strength, and made a roaring sound.

"Kill together, fight to the death!" Song Shendao bit out blood and gave the order with a stern expression.

"Follow Commander Song's orders!" All the players roared with murderous After several **** slaughter and purges, the members of the organization who survived by chance are now less than 30%, but the big guy is still Desperately fighting to the death.

"Kill! Kill them all!" The Nether Ghost Mother ordered.

"Let's go too." The fox king in white on the side gestured to the hungry wolf.

The remaining undead elites also launched a sprint, waving blood-stained butcher knives, and began to slaughter the remaining people in the organization.

Players and evil warriors frantically burn their own evil energy to fight against this torrent of death!

A yellow river flows out from the entrance. The yellow river is full of the wailing of the undead, and the yin and qi are suffocating, condensing the heartbeat of a yellow-robed man in the void.

The leader of Huangquan is here!

The real **** storm, at this point, has completely opened the curtain!

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