The Hero Kneels

Chapter 517: Bomb the leader

Next to the square where the seven spirit-patterned **** are located, there are many two-story stone buildings. These are ancient stone buildings made of bluestone.

Now, all the organization players, including Ye Dou, are fighting outside the square.

They defend their own dignity with their flesh and blood, defend the last line of defense, defend their own lives, and defend the final dignity of players and evil warriors.

"Green Devil Fire - Burn the Eight Wastes!"

Although the **** king who was fighting Ye Dou was beaten back and forth, he screamed loudly, and green fireballs spewed out of his mouth.

Although these fireballs were dodged by Ye Dou, they fell towards the center of the players.

The green flame, as long as it touches any living creature, the person will immediately hold his head and scream, and the whole person will be ignited by the green flame and burn to ashes.

"The villain who worships You Sect, I fought with you!"

The Song Shendao, who was in poor condition, rushed out of the crowd, waved the blade forward, but collided with the palm of the ghost king, and immediately spit out a cloud of scarlet blood.

"Song Shendao, let me see how powerful you are!"

The hungry wolf charged with irritability, and at this moment he had transformed into a golden werewolf.

His body is like a rock, and his strength is enormous, so he crushed it towards the Song Shendao, and his golden fist fell like a meteor, smashing it towards the Song Shendao.

"Boom boom boom!"

A pair of golden-gray fists bombarded Song Shendao, causing him to fly backwards.

The blood was sprayed out by Song Shendao again, and splashed on the surrounding stone ground.

Song Shendao groaned, and her serious injuries had not yet healed, but this time, she was sluggish again, and she couldn't even swing the blade.

"Get out of the way, let's come!" The first elder and the second elder moved forward quickly, but resisted the attack with their fleshly bodies, trying to protect the Song Shendao.


However, Lord Ghost's palm is not a vegetarian. The moment the curtain was opened, two more palms with the breath of death shot out, hitting the two of them, causing them to fall to the ground instantly.

"Do not!"

The Saint Master couldn't help shouting, watching the sacrifice of the two old men who had accompanied him for many years.


The hungry wolf speaks.

They are all elites among the elites of the cult of worship, and the kings among the kings. They are all absolute powerhouses, with countless lives in their hands, and they are still able to handle these players who have just grown up.

Those powerful undead creatures wielded butcher knives and kept beheading these players.

Overall, it is still the player who suffers more.

Butt King and Ye Dou stood together, and green flames shot out from all directions.

Once touched by the green flame, as long as it is alive or undead, it will be directly burned to death.

Butt King's eyes were spitting fire, looking straight at Ye Dou with cruel and crazy expressions on his face.

Ye Dou was not wrong at all. Between his fists, the dragon-level king who hit him retreated again and again, causing huge wounds and scars to appear on the opponent's body.

It could be seen that the combined Skeleton King and Demon Skin King had been suppressed by Ye Dou's fists.

He is still not Ye Dou's opponent.

Under the watchful eyes of the leader of Huang Quan, all the believers were attacking with all their might, and their killing intent was resolute. Before that, the Ghost King, the White Fox King, and the Hungry Wolf were all fired up and swept away these players.

Every moment, every second, players in the organization are dying!

From the moment they started, Chi You stared at Huang Quan's true body without saying a word.

He seemed to be on guard.

Suddenly, the real body of the leader of Huang Quan suddenly burst into a turbulent wave, and those seemingly quiet undead all wailed, and then rushed towards Chi You's head.

Chi You was instantly submerged, as if he did not respond, he was submerged, without any resistance.

Afterwards, the leader of Huang Quan looked at Ye Dou again.

Ye Dou's body trembled suddenly, and a dazzling divine light suddenly shot out from his eyes.

Depend on!

Do you dare to stare at Laozi's chrysanthemum?

That old man will force you to see it.

Feeling the great threat, he took out a handful of small blue pills and ate them into his mouth.

Now it's time for the old man to show his cards!

The body swelled up again, becoming incomparably huge, the skin also turned blue, the body was raised and raised, and the muscles were swelled and swelled.

Everyone stared at this scene in awe, staring in their pockets, because the current Ye Dou was nearly ten meters tall, and he was a veritable blue giant.

I don't know what the blue pill the other party just took.

"It is said that there is a blue giant in Youcheng, so he is Ye Dou?"

"I never thought that the giant Smurf was Ye Dou."

Tianyue, Bai Lu and the others could not help exclaiming when they saw the incomparably tall blue giant.

Ye Dou said nothing, and injected a red soul into the ring of sighs, followed by a rapid expansion of his right arm, and the tenfold attack was activated.

He raised his big fist and slammed the **** king fiercely, slapped the two guys who were besieging him in one slap, and the Demon Skin King and the Skeleton King were instantly separated.

Ye Dou immediately slapped another palm, smashing the 5-meter-long Skeleton King from head to toe.

Then, smashing the opponent's big head completely is as easy as smashing a watermelon.

Seeing an egg-sized purple soul flying over, Ye Dou knew that the Skeleton King had finally been killed by himself.

Ye Dou also turned his head back, waved his hand and grabbed the leather body of the Demon Leather King in his hands. He tore it furiously from left to right, tearing it into two halves. Then endless thunder of destruction flashed in his hands. The high temperature burns, and in a blink of an eye, it will burn to ashes.

Another egg-sized purple soul flew over.

The Demon Leather King also died!

In one breath, two dragon-level bosses who had been in a row for thousands of years were killed in a row.

His Five Thunder Divine Art is already the third-level Xiaocheng, and two hundred drops of True Essence Liquid have been accumulated in the Thunder Pond. At this moment, at this moment, the burning is accelerated.

This is the strongest form of his martial arts, combined with the enhancement effect of Soul Ring and Viagra.

At this moment, Ye Dou was extremely violent, blood rushing all over his body, wrapped in thunder, like the **** of thunder.

At this time, the unstoppable Ye Dou launched another attack on the Huangquan Sect Master who was rushing towards him.

His big fist slammed out, a big fist full of destruction. It was a fist that completely shattered the opponent's body. The undead in it was completely destroyed by the fans, and many yellow liquids flowed to the ground, giving off a pungent smell, a bit like The taste of formalin.

However, the leader of Huangquan is not a vegetarian. Huangquan, which extends in all directions under his feet, surged again. In a blink of an eye, his body was condensed and formed again, as if he had not suffered any damage.

The strongest form of Ye Dou hit the leader of Huang Quan with a series of punches.

Every punch shattered it, but every time the leader of Huangquan would reshape his true body from the seemingly endless Huangquan.

The other party seems to have endless life.

Yes, Huang Quan is immortal and cannot be defeated by ordinary means.

He himself is death!

"Master Huang Quan, are you capable of this?"

Ye Dou saw withdrew his fists full of destruction and shouted: "I also prepared a gift for you!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at the spiritual pattern ball closest to him.

That is the spirit pattern ball representing the greedy wolf!


Ye Dou suddenly raised his hand.


The spirit pattern swayed from the distance, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

"Get up!"

Ye Dou drank again.


The huge stone three or four meters high suddenly rose into the sky, and under the shadow of the war, this spiritual ball released dazzling starlight...

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