The Hero Kneels

Chapter 532: Different world

Although there are many kinds of monsters, there are few Youzu people.

Ye Dou noticed that only some of the powerful monsters were seated with strange-looking humanoids.

Each of these creatures is about three to five meters in height. The gray-brown skin is full of wrinkles, as ugly as the skin of a toad. There are fleshy wings on the back, claws on all four limbs, and clear facial features, but there is a kind of saying no. It came out horribly ugly.

They were clad in grotesque armor with barbs on their backs and a lizard-like tail.

There are also curved strange horns on the head, and some have more than one strange horn.

"After the combination of the Demon Skin King and the Skeleton King, this is what it looks like."

Ye Dou is a little strange: "It looks like the Demon Skin King and the Skeleton King are from the Netherworld!"

"Yaksha! This is the legendary Yaksha clan!" Bai Wuchen exclaimed.

Yaksha tribe?

Ye Dou was a little stunned, he seemed to have heard of the so-called Yaksha creatures.

In Buddhist stories, the Yaksha clan is still one of the guardians of the eight divisions of Tianlong. Yaksha is a Sanskrit transliteration, which means quick-witted ghosts, able to bite ghosts, light and strong, and brave.

The Yakshas in Chinese Buddhism, the underworld, and folklore are also not the same. According to legend, his life was miserable and ugly at the same time, and the woman's movements were also very agile and fast, powerful, but beautiful. There are many types, such as dakinis, terrestrial and so on.

It's just that he didn't expect the so-called Yaksha ghost to appear in such a place.


The location of the two of them was a bit strange, and the sound immediately turned back, which caused many creatures in the nether world to react. Many of the monsters heard the abnormal sound and looked up one by one, and some even made a roar. .

"Is that dark hole the passage of the secluded world??" Ye Dou looked around and found that huge black vortexes appeared directly above these monsters.

Just saw that huge pitch-black vortex in mid-air, and above the monster's head, the vortex kept spinning, releasing a strong suction force.

Many monsters will take the initiative to walk directly under the whirlpool of black air, and then be directly sucked away by the powerful attraction of the whirlpool, like a vacuum cleaner, and the suction is extremely strong.

The waiting monsters and the people of the secluded tribe will be absorbed from time to time, but so many monsters are only sucked away, and most of them are waiting for the gate of the secluded world to open and then enter the earth.


At this time, an extremely cold voice appeared from the beast group below.

I saw a person from the You Clan with purple eyes, raised his head and looked at the high platform of the hall where the two were.

The other party was the source of the sound and found something.

"let's go!"

Bai Wuchen's expression changed in shock: "Let's leave here immediately! As long as we can fly into that vortex, we can return to Earth again, let's go!"

The thin sand under her feet was like a flying carpet, and it reappeared, pulling Ye Dou up, and the air under her feet wanted to get out of here as soon as possible and fly towards the huge black vortex.

Here, there are a lot of monsters and strong people from the Yasha clan. Although it is extremely dangerous to break through, she does not want to stay for a moment!

The air here is not within the range that humans can bear. If you breathe the air here for a long time, you are lucky enough to not have lung cancer. Most people who breathe it will be evil.

Only escaping from here and returning to Earth is the only correct choice.

Under the dim sky, the densely packed monsters roared, and many Yasha clan powerhouses noticed the traces of the two, pointed at Ye Dou and Bai Wuchen, and shouted something in strange tones.

Bai Wuchen grabbed Ye Dou tightly, and the air flow of the flying carpet under his feet surged.


With a terrifying roar sounded.

A monster with wings rose into the air, and there were even strong men of the Yasha clan on it, and the evil and cold consciousness had locked their position.


Bai Wuchen suddenly shouted: "You must not be caught up by them, otherwise, you and I will definitely die without a burial!"

She also seemed to be in a hurry, her whole body was surging with spiritual energy, her clothes were bulging, and cold sweat poured down her forehead.

"I'll find a way, you don't have to worry!"

Ye Dou didn't hesitate, flipped his hand, and a coin appeared in his palm.

Seeing more and more monsters rising into the sky, these monsters fly at an amazing speed, and they are getting closer and closer to Bai Wuchen. He aims at the densest position of monsters, and his fingertips flash with lightning.

Then, around his arm, a circle of lightning arcs appeared.

A blazing electric light flashed away in the depths of Ye Dou's eyes.

In an instant, Ye Dou's fingertips flashed a splendid arc, and when it reached the orange light, it shot out like a spear without making any sound.

No, to say that it is a long gun, it is actually more like a laser light. Judging from the afterimage of the light, the light came from the coin in his thumb.


A shock wave that shook the sky and shattered the earth, impacted indiscriminately, and the thunder wave spread. This incomparably thick orange light, like a huge sickle wielded by the **** of death, cut in front!

The vast number of monsters in front of them collapsed and disappeared in an instant in the world-destroying attack!

Then the orange light that destroyed all objects in a line of 100 meters left an afterimage in the air after it stopped.

Thunder rolled, electric snakes danced wildly, the monsters disappeared and turned into **** water. The shock wave hit directly below. Suddenly, many monsters directly below were bombarded by the shock wave in an instant, their bodies shattered, their flesh and blood splashed, and many monsters were separated...

Gunpowder smoke billowed, earth and stone flying swords, and a deep pit was formed below, and the monsters around were affected, howling miserably, blood flowing all over their bodies, and quickly scattered.

Only a small number of powerful monsters that seemed to be hard all survived, but their bodies were covered with scars.

The initial speed of the electromagnetic gun is only three times the speed of sound, but after continuous electromagnetic acceleration, the speed can even be increased by hundreds of times, so a mere coin can cause terrifying kinetic energy kills.

The coin will also burn out in mid-air, and the range will not exceed 100 meters, but the shock wave carried by the coin will still have several powerful kills.

When several Yasha masters saw this, they bared their teeth and exuded extremely terrifying fel energy fluctuations. From the fluctuation point of view, the fel energy possessed by these Yasha masters was equivalent to dragon-level berserkers, each with a terrifying breath. .


These guys are all dragon-level existences, and it seems that the number is not too small.

They ride on all kinds of monsters with wings that can fly to the sky, UU reading www. chased and killed Ye Dou and Bai Wuchen, and the eyes released a cold and crazy color, full of killing intent.

Ye Dou's face was full of joy, because he found that after killing these Yasha masters and powerful monsters, there would actually be souls floating over. Most of these souls were white souls, not big, but there were also red souls.

Most of the white souls are the size of eggs, but the masters who kill the Yashas will get red souls.

After one shot was fired, he gained a lot. He collected at least dozens of white souls and a few red souls. The number of souls on the soul ring was from the crazy night, and in a blink of an eye, there was an extra row of red souls.

The speed at which this soul emerges is simply unparalleled.

"Interesting, really interesting, today I want to kill enough and earn enough!"

Two more one-yuan coins appeared in Ye Dou's left and right hands, his eyes glowed and he grinned: "Everyone in Youjie, I love you to death, hahaha!"

Let's try a few more shots of my railgun!


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