The Hero Kneels

Chapter 533: The might of the gun king


Two more orange rays of light shot out from his left hand and right hand one after another.

As soon as the orange light appeared, a scream was heard from the mouth of the strong Yasha clan chasing behind him. He screamed something in the language of the Yasha clan, as if he sensed something was wrong.

It's a pity that the guns are fired very fast.

The two electromagnetic cannons shot at them separately.

"Boom! Boom!"

With two earth-shattering explosions, two orange beams of light flashed past, bursting out with extremely terrifying rays of light. In addition, thunder and thick and long lightning were mixed, and they suddenly exploded among the monsters of the secluded race.

Two powerful shock waves caused the monsters and Yasha clansmen to be hanged and destroyed, and their flesh and blood flew.

"Hey, kill it quickly, Ye Dou, as long as you see someone, fire a cannon, you must blow up a **** path!" Bai Wuchen shouted fiercely, she was driving her spiritual power with all her strength and controlling the flying carpet under her feet.

"it is good!"

Ye Dou was naturally extremely happy.

If it weren't for the bad air here, he really wanted to live here and have a good time.

"Boom boom boom! boom boom boom!"

With the sound of roars and explosions, beams of light appeared in this incomparably evil world, and then there would be continuous roars and explosions.

After each orange beam is emitted, there must be a deep pit sunken in the ground. In each deep pit, there are often dozens of corpses of monsters, as well as the corpses of Yasha people.

Ye Dou has entered a state of frantic firing.

The prestige of the gun king is unparalleled!

They marched all the way towards the big hole, firing guns all the way. As long as there were monsters attacking in groups, as long as there were guys from the Yasha clan blocking the way, Ye Dou would not say a word.

Although the effective range of the electromagnetic gun is only within 100 meters, these monsters, relying on their large numbers, are attacking one after another, and they are not afraid at all.

Of course, as long as they participate in the pursuit, those who block the road, and those who are surrounded, they will immediately be torn to shreds by the electromagnetic gun.

Relying on the low consumption and high power of the electromagnetic gun, Ye Dou and Bai Wuchen forcibly bombed a **** road, approaching the huge black vortex.

This way, there are many large pits and corpses below, a strong smell of blood wafts in the sky, a shower of blood flew over, and the powerful electromagnetic cannon bombed and killed hundreds of monsters that could fly or not. It completely evaporated many Yasha warriors with dragon-level strength.

At this time, they were approaching the entrance of the giant hole, and they would soon be sucked into the giant hole. After more than a dozen shots were fired, the Yasha clansmen were also bombarded, and they did not dare to continue to go forward. chase.

No way, the opponent's attack power left them helpless.

Anyone who goes up will die!

I am afraid that the demigod masters will come, and they will not be able to get the slightest benefit.

Bai Wuchen breathed a sigh of relief, while Ye Dou sighed regretfully.

He looked down at the soul ring. The number of soul rings on it was as many as two purple souls, three red souls, and a few white souls.

This is simply the rhythm of a great harvest!

As soon as the two came to the bottom of the cave, they saw an octopus-like monster flying overhead.

The arms of this "octopus" are actually very, very unbelievable, and very large, which can be described as overwhelming, but each arm is extremely thick and full of serrations. .

Electromagnetic gun!

Ye Dou was taken aback and raised his hand to see an electromagnetic cannon.

Boom, the octopus immediately shattered in mid-air.

At this moment, a strong suction force appeared, and the bodies of the two of them rose into the air with the strong suction force.

Ye Dou and Bai Wuchen immediately flew towards the sky, and were sucked into the huge cave above together with several giant beasts.

The two experienced the scene when they were sucked into the secluded world channel before, as if they had traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers, and they seemed to have traveled through several interstellar stars, and the stars were twinkling in front of them.

In the end, a white light appeared in front of them, which brought them back to Earth.

The surrounding space also became brighter, and the air became noticeably fresher.

This air flow blows a lot, and Bai Wuchen seems to have used up too much spiritual energy at this time, losing control of his body, and falling down weakly after a scream.

Ye Dou directly grabbed one of the opponent's feet, hugged the opponent in his arms, and fell straight down, with a three hundred and sixty-five degree free fall, and then crashed to the ground, smashing a big hole in the ground. .

He looked around and found that this was the outskirts of Youcheng, close to the direction of the player's camp.

"Ye Dou, you really know how to pity fragrance and cherish jade. Whoever finds you as a husband is really blessed." Bai Wuchen lay in Ye Dou's arms, with a blush like a girl in Huai Chun's face.

With a playful smile on her winking face, and a look of relief in her eyes, she just lay in Ye Dou's arms and said, "It's true that you took so much advantage, and you didn't take any further action... Or, Do you feel sexually blessed?"

Ye Dou hugged the other's soft body and suddenly felt a little dry.

She couldn't help but chuckle.

At this time, Ye Dou noticed that his hand was on the other's hip, and when he saw the other person teasing him like this, he couldn't help grinning at her.


A slap slaps the opponent's buttocks.

He used a lot of strength and beat Bai Wuchen to the point of grinning.

"You..." Bai Wuchen bit her red lips and couldn't help but said angrily.

Ye Dou smiled indifferently: "Vixen, if you want to provoke me, just say it straight, I don't mind eating your tofu, if it makes me anxious, I will imprison you, spank your **** every day, and keep you satisfied for ten months. childbirth..."

Bai Wuchen didn't speak anymore, he dared not to speak in anger.

He changed his words and sighed slightly: "How long will it take you to watch Youjie invade this earth?"

"for how long?"

Bai Wuchen's beautiful eyes flowed, and there was no charm at all, and the beautiful eyes looked at the direction of the secluded passage: "The secluded people are all gathered near the entrance of the secluded world, I think it's fast, it's just these few days, I can't think of three sky."

"Just now, in the passage of the secluded world, there was a very powerful expert who seemed to have entered the earth." Ye Dou said.

Bai Wuchen nodded and said, "Well, it's that guy just now, the owner of that hand. His arrival will probably cause earth-shaking changes."

"We are still alive now, proving that your decision is correct." Ye Dou exclaimed: "I must thank you for this."

"Of They are very smart."

Bai Wuchen smiled and said proudly and coquettishly: "A woman as smart as others is one of a kind in a thousand. I can't believe that you can't look down on others, hey, you really have no eyes, but people will never give up so easily, will you? Let you taste who is better, a woman or a ghost."

"Speaking of which, do you want to release your female ghost and let others compare with her."

"In terms of body and appearance, people are countless times better than female ghosts."

Her beautiful eyes flashed, and her words seemed to have a lot of meaning, as if secretly determined that Ye Dou would not be able to escape her palm sooner or later.

"Hehe, it's a pity that you will be pregnant."

Ye Dou laughed twice, and was about to leave here, when suddenly there was a fierce roar and an incredible wave of fel energy in the distance.

And the direction from which this fel energy wave came is exactly the direction of the player's camp, he couldn't help but change color slightly: "I'm a big fuck, it turned out to be a demigod-level fel energy wave!"

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