The Hero Kneels

Chapter 534: against the demigods

In the temporary base built by the players, everyone looked at a tall weirdo who fell from the sky.

This strange man has fleshy wings on his back, his whole body is wrinkled blue and black, his limbs are slender, he has sharp claws, his forehead has curved double horns, and his back has a thick three-meter-long tail, like that of a lizard.

The opponent's pair of purple pupils were full of ferocity and bloodthirsty, and there was a wave of fel energy on his body that seemed to suffocate the surroundings.

"What kind of monster is this? Rampage?"

"Such terrifying fel energy fluctuations, my knees are bent!"

"This kind of fel energy volatility far exceeds the dragon level!"

"He came from Youcheng, is it a so-called ghostly creature?"

The players were horrified and couldn't help but feel fear in their hearts.

They have never seen such powerful fel energy fluctuations, and the other party is like a **** in their eyes.

"Evil, what is your origin?"

Saint Master, Bai Lu, Tianyue and other masters stood in a row and stopped each other.

All of them were actually terrified by this terrifying monster that was full of fel energy fluctuations, and did not dare to move.

This two-legged monster stood in front of everyone, like a high-ranking person, full of infinite coercion, causing all players' knees to bend.

However, everyone has also noticed that the majestic evil energy on the other side is being corroded by an unknown power. That power is very mysterious, as if it came from the surrounding world. Even if this monster like a **** is very powerful, its body is being squeezed. The deformation of the pressure, the muscles and bones are twisted, and it seems that the invisible force will be squeezed into flesh.

"He is a creature of the Netherworld, and is excluded by the rules of heaven and earth. It won't take long for him to be killed by the laws of heaven and earth!" The saint master lived for hundreds of years, and at a glance, he noticed the problems faced by this powerful creature in front of him.

After everyone listened, their hearts could not help but calm down a little.

At this moment, this powerful and strange creature opened its mouth and smiled. His face was filled with an extremely evil smile, and he pointed his hand towards the group of evil martial masters in front of him, and opened his mouth: "My children. , I used my blood essence to cultivate you all in vain, and I will choose one of you to become one with me and become my carrier."

His utterances are unusually bizarre and do not belong to any language on earth.

But all the players on the scene actually understood each other's meaning.

Two in one?

What exactly does this mean?

Why does the other party speak an alien language, but we can understand it?

Everyone was staring at each other, terrified, when they saw that the monster had pointed his finger at the forehead of the saint himself.

The opponent's body liquefied in an instant, and then turned into a large mass of gray-black mucus, which was shot from the fingertips, splashed on the Saint Master, and instantly wrapped the Saint Master firmly, and the Saint Master just struggled symbolically for a while. Kung Fu, then got into the other's body, and disappeared.

"This, this... how is this possible?"

Everyone was stunned, looking at the Saint Master in a daze.

I saw the Saint Master's muscles began to swell, the fel energy skyrocketed, the body began to twist and deform, the eyes gradually turned purple, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into the shape of a berserker. It looked extremely huge, almost three meters high. Similar to that monster.

"The arrival is complete, my people and I will devour this world!"

The monster transformed by the saint roared loudly.

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Bai Lu who was beside him, and slapped him into his hands.

"Very good woman, you will be an important prop for my wife's arrival!" After speaking, the holy master stretched out his long tongue and licked Bailu's cheek with his sticky long tongue, his eyes were very strange.


But at the next moment, a flash of lightning flashed, and the monster's arm was cut in half. When the purple blood gushed out, it fell to the ground, and Bai Lu was rescued by a flashing figure.

The person here is Ye Dou!

"Ye Dou, Saint... Saint Master was descended by him, and his body was occupied by that monster." Bai Lu shivered.


Ye Dou's pupils tightened, and he immediately understood what was going on: "Bai Wuchen said that the people of the You clan must have substitutes when they arrive, and these substitutes are players?"

He remembered the appearance of Bai Wuchen who hesitated to speak.

The other party must know these things.

At this moment, he finally understood why the underworld kept treating players as supernatural disasters.

If the players are all carrier substitutes for the descendants of the Youzu, then for the entire world, all players are unstable bombs.

Of course, the underworld must be wiped out!

"Which one of you has reached level 100?" Ye Dou asked loudly.

"I, the last game broke through to level 100."

"I'm level 100 too!"

"We have all reached level 100. The last game was too perverted!"

As a result, more than 20 people raised their hands, including Bai Lu, Tian Yue, Luo Tianxi, Li Hu and other high-level players.

Seeing this, Ye Dou couldn't help but want to sing a cool song.


In other words, it is very likely that there will be twenty or so level 100 players who will be descended by the Yasha clan and occupy the bodies of these people.

"He also said that he cultivated us with blood essence." Bai Lu had a complicated expression.

The expressions of one of the players around are more complicated.

Ye Dou immediately understood: "The medicine you drink in the game should be the blood of the You clan people, it is estimated that it is diluted blood, these blood can give you evil energy, and also give you powerful power, thus changing the player's The body, in the end, becomes the vessel in which they descend."

Oh shit.

After a long time, the game is very big, not only to open the gate of the secluded world, but even to prepare all the conditions for the arrival of the strong Yasha clan in the secluded world.


The Yaksha master whose arm was injured, this is the arm that has regrown, making a deafening roar.

The eyes of the other party were full of killing intent. Obviously, the saint teacher had been completely occupied by the other party, and his consciousness had been erased.

"I'm going to kill you, human!" There was a thunderous roar from the other side's mouth.

Ye Dou clearly felt the killing intent.

If you want to fight, I will fight!

Who is afraid of who!

He looked straight ahead, not ignorant.

Anyway, I have a very strong Destruction Thunder, and I can restrain the evil energy. It is not certain who will win this battle.

Yaksha's eyes became more and more gloomy. He said, his hands began to deform, and the muscles of his fleshy arms wriggled. In a blink of an eye, both his right hand and his right hand became huge and sharp claws, and scales appeared on the surface of his arms.

"Exactly, I will eat humans raw today!" Evil energy surged throughout his body, black-gray evil energy wrapped around his body, and his size seemed to grow larger.

The fel energy lingering around drives the airflow, blowing the leaves and grasses on all sides to sway, exuding fel energy fluctuations that make the hearts of the people around.

As he said that, his right claws suddenly raised, and he shouted in a low voice, "Death!"


There was an extra three-meter-long fel energy claw in midair, rushing towards Ye Dou quickly.

This claw qi exudes extremely powerful fel energy It almost seems that the space can be torn apart.

Immortal golden body!

The wind was surging, the vegetation was flying, and the evil energy was soaring into the sky, Ye Dou was hit by a three-meter-long gray-black sword in the blink of an eye.


His eighteen layers of immortal golden body shattered as many as fifteen layers in an instant, and it exploded, setting off a sky of smoke and dirt, causing even more damage to the immortal golden body.


The smoke and dust that had just been lifted was completely torn apart again, and a pair of steady big hands shining with thunder light pinched the wrist of the huge monster. Under the roasting of thunder light, a scorched barbecue smell spread out.

The opponent is not very strong, so he should not have complete control over this body, it should be dragon level.

"Very good, then play a good game, second block!"

Ye Dou's whole body was red, his muscles were bulging frantically, his bones were crackling, and he turned into a giant nearly three meters tall. Electric arcs flashed all over his body, and the thunder mark on his chest was very conspicuous.

He waved his hand forward suddenly.

Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!

Do not use Qianlong!

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