The Hero Kneels

Chapter 535: Magic Melatonin

In fact, the effect of golden fingers on medicines is not only an increase, but also has a strange alienation effect.

For a long time, he has relied on this alienation to become a complete medicine jar.

In other words, he didn't know which of the many medicines in front of him would produce a powerful comprehension power, and he could only focus on the medicines related to spiritual nourishment.

But there are many medicines for calming the nerves and tonifying the brain, as well as medicines for mental illness and cerebral infarction. I can guess what medicines it will turn into, but the specific efficacy is unknown.


Give melatonin as a gift this year?

You can try this, but I don't know what will work.

Without saying a word, Ye Dou took out a small bottle of Melatonin and clicked on it with his golden finger.

The bottle of Melatonin flashed a dark golden halo, and that dark golden light was fleeting.

The point is successful!

"Three white souls were consumed! This thing is of the same level as Viagra!"

Ye Dou looked at the three white souls that disappeared from the soul ring, and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

He didn't expect Melatonin to have such a soul-sucking effect, so the effect of taking it must be good.

Without further ado, he directly opened his mouth and drank the Melatonin suit into his mouth.

Suddenly, a fresh breath emerged, and a mysterious and inexplicable force spread out from the stomach, and then slowly rose, feeding back into the brain.

Ye Dou let out a long sigh, and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him, but felt that his mind was much clearer.

It is useless to have a clear mind. To understand the God of War catalogue, the most important thing is comprehension.

He looked out the window, there was a dead old tree outside, the leaves were all gone, and the branches were broken several times, which looked dilapidated.

"It's so sad, so inexplicable, I feel the desolation and helplessness, and the breath of death." Ye Dou looked at this old tree with mottled skin, and felt a lot, and his eyes were wet.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Hongxue came out from the roof at this time, and there was a bit of surprise on her pretty face.

Seeing Hongxue's snow-white body hidden in her graceful body, as well as her peerless face, her chubby face, and her fat body.

Ye Dou couldn't help but grieve from his heart, and couldn't help shedding tears: "Such a beautiful woman, but she can only stare at her lover, she can't make promises, she keeps her boudoir empty, sighs every night, grief, grief, Hongxue, I have always been I left you out, I should have a good wedding with you, every day!"

He suddenly said aloud and read a poem.

"Yun thinks of clothes and flowers,

The spring breeze blows on the threshold of Revlon.

If it weren't for the group of jade mountains to see you,

I will meet Yaotai under the moon.

A sprig of red and bright dew fragrant,

Yunyu Wushan is heartbroken in vain.

If you ask the Han Palace, who is the best,

Poor Feiyan leans on her new makeup.

Famous flowers all over the country and the two are happy,

Looks like a king with a smile.

Explain the infinite hatred of the spring breeze,

Chenxiangting leans on Langan in the north. "

This is one of the verses of Li Baiqing's flat tone, said of Yang Guifei.

However, Ye Dou read the verse completely according to the mood at the moment, and the tears poured out.

After hearing this, Hongxue's nose turned red, and she couldn't hold back the tears in her eyes. She said softly, "Xianggong, you finally understand the mind of the slave family."

After she finished speaking, she threw herself directly on Ye Dou, and couldn't help but said coquettishly, "Why don't we have a bridal chamber now."

Ye Douhu body for a while, suddenly understood something.

You know, he is also a big guy, and he is not usually so sentimental, why is his sensibility so strong at this moment?

Could it be the additional role of Melatonin?

This should be called strong feeling!

So it is used to perceive the mood?

"Hongxue, continue to help me protect the law, and talk about the bridal chamber later."

Immediately, he ignored the three sevens and twenty-one and pushed away the fat Hongxue who scored the goal.

Then he immediately looked towards the God of War catalogue, and again at the villain in the hall in the catalogue. After staring at each other for a few seconds, the feeling of the whole person crossing the starry sky and entering a new world reappeared.

The picture in front of him became clear, and he once again returned to the vast and majestic Temple of War.

When I inspected the God of War catalogue in front of me, I saw that one of the reliefs was shining with a dark golden brilliance, which seemed to be different from before.

He could feel a kind of earth tremor, the mysterious feeling of heaven and earth opening to the heart, and he could even hear a feeling similar to the heartbeat of the earth in the picture.

Seeing the changes in the God of War catalogue, he secretly rejoiced,

Immediately afterwards, he saw a mighty and majestic man.

Although he could not see the face of the other party, the other party was tall, with muscles and beards like a dragon, standing upright, wearing a battle armor, and his temperament was like a god. Just standing there had an inexplicable and majestic aura, like a **** who opened up the world.

The sound of the heart beating came from the word's chest.

Just looking at it, Ye Dou's pupils shrunk.

The man in this picture has divine light shining and flowing continuously. These flickering divine lights seem to be irregular, but Ye Dou looks at it and always feels that the true qi in his body is flowing with these divine lights. The trajectory began to follow involuntarily.

"It's another brand-new way of practicing qigong. It seems that it can strengthen the body, and it contains a kind of earth mood!" Ye Dou immediately understood.

The infuriating energy in his body is running in a mysterious way, constantly growing in the two veins of Ren and Du, and at the same time, it is absorbing a strange force between heaven and earth, and it is attached to the skin.

After cultivating for a while, Ye Dou could be sure that this God of War catalogue recorded a special mood. If he cultivated to the highest realm, he could feel the power of the earth.

You know, he may have never understood the artistic conception contained in this picture.

Now that you can understand it at a glance, it means that Melatonin is effective.

What are you waiting for?

He once again came to the shattered void in the last and looked at the endless void that had shattered into pieces.

Looking at it, he realized something was different.

In this last relief of the broken void, each fragment of the broken void is actually a relief, and the broken ones are actually these Taos.

"Sure enough, I guessed it well." Ye Dou couldn't help nodding slightly.

If you want to learn to break the void, you must be familiar with the exercises recorded in each relief, or understand the artistic conception, and at least integrate the forty-eight exercises or learn the artistic conception, so that you can learn the last trick to shatter the void.

Since there is a magical object like Melatonin that increases perception, what are we waiting for?

Practice it!

Ye Dou sat cross-legged in the hall without saying a word, wholeheartedly, and comprehended the God of War catalogue.

He has already made the decision to cultivate to the Shattered Void, and when he next exits, it must be the time of the Shattered Void!


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