The Hero Kneels

Chapter 545: Yaksha King's Heart

Nearly a month has passed, and the entire Youcheng has been covered by the plants of the Netherworld, and the Youcheng and the surrounding sky are also covered by thick evil clouds.

During this period, the army composed of the army and the underworld had already fought against the monsters in the secluded city several times.

Although the human side has a higher winning rate, it is all because these monsters are unwilling to stay away from Youcheng.

Now that the range of evil clouds in the sky is getting wider and wider, these monsters have begun to wander around and attack human towns, causing a lot of trouble.

"Heaven! Look at the sky!"

Just then, a scream came from outside.


"That's evil! A very powerful evil!"

In the army camp hundreds of kilometers away, many players shouted and looked shocked.

Many people hurried out of the camp tent.

I saw that above everyone's heads, a jet-black Tianhe was surging in the sky.

Everyone below, looking at the top of their heads, suddenly felt depressed, and felt that the surroundings were gloomy, and it was that kind of feeling.

"Evil qi! Evil qi floating out of Youcheng!" Tian Yue exclaimed.

Li Hu, Song Qian, Song Bing, Yang Mimi, and a dozen other players all looked up at the sky with solemn expressions, watching the inky black river float over their heads.

"Let's go! That's where Commander Song retreated. Follow along to see what's going on!" Tian Yue shouted.

As a result, these players set off one after another, followed under the long black river, and moved towards the depths.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look." The surrounding soldiers also moved, and followed the dark evil spirit.

No way, that thing is so weird.

At this time, Bai Wuchen also saw a thick evil energy from a distance, like a long black dragon, surging over the military camp.

Bai Wuchen's face changed slightly, a layer of veil appeared under his feet, and then he immediately took out his mobile phone and informed the superiors in the underworld, telling them what happened here.

After the message was passed, she also went in the direction where the evil spirit was fluttering worriedly.

In the mountains behind the barracks, Song Shendao was talking to a big head.

"Chiyou, did you come to me just to talk nonsense with me?"

Song Shendao asked: "Your bloodline is quite pure, not even worse than mine? Are you human? Or from the You clan?"

"Each each other."

Chi You smiled strangely: "Actually, we both have the same fate, I'm here just to get in touch with you, by the way, this world has already collapsed, you better plan to leave here, this time No one can escape.”

"Your current state and form, you can go to the secluded world and gain stronger power."

"After all, you have the heart of a Yasha King!"

While speaking, he looked in the direction of Youcheng again, apparently already guessing something.

Song Shendao raised his head and saw a large number of people walking towards them, including his daughter Song Bing and Song Qian.

He raised his head, and everyone looked up at the sky.

I saw a long black river formed by the condensed evil energy, coming from Youcheng, floating and surging all the way, and finally reached its destination.

It stopped above Song Shendao's head.

The evil energy was surging and refining, like pitch-black wolf smoke, it shot directly from the sky into the scar gap in Song Shendao's heart.

Coming from Youcheng, passing hundreds of kilometers, a pure evil energy, like a long dark river, suddenly fell from the sky.

Falling to the gap in front of Song Shendao's chest, the heart was beating violently.

In this black evil cloud, an evil wave that penetrates people's hearts is mixed, and it hangs down from the black waterfall-like evil energy.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

A strange drum-like sound came from Song Shendao's body, and everyone who heard it was stunned.

His originally non-human body was indifferent, with tiny evil lines scattered around his neck, cheeks, and skin, which seemed extremely active.

"This is…"

Chi You's face was full of horror, and he murmured subconsciously: "The Yasha King's heart sucked a ray of high-purity evil energy from Youcheng. This can be the heart... It really is the heart of the Royal Family of Youjie."

"Just relying on the fluctuation of the heart, it actually attracts the evil energy. The heart of the Yasha King is probably the most powerful existence in the world!"

"Song Shendao, you have brought a lot of trouble to our players this time. Now that so many experts from the underworld are gathered around, they must know about this big movement of evil energy."

Bai Lu smiled bitterly: "If there is no accident, they will come over soon."

As soon as this statement came out, many players became cautious and looked around.

"It's really bad."

Tianyue sighed: "They have caught the underworld, and they will never let it go. The Song Shendao has been closely monitored by the underworld... This is no trivial matter, and the underworld will probably take the opportunity this time."

His face was gloomy, and he also looked rather headache.

When they spoke, that pure and incomparable evil energy was hidden in the knife marks on Song Shendao's chest one by one.

The Song Shendao was like a bottomless abyss, sucking the dark river-like evil energy completely!

Everyone was concentrating on the perception, and they could no longer detect the movement of the evil qi, as if the evil qi that had suddenly appeared before had never existed at all.

"We absolutely don't admit it."

Song Qian calmly said, "As long as you say you don't see evil spirits, they won't be able to find them."

"That's the only way." Bai Lu nodded.

When everyone looked at Song Shendao again, they found that his demeanor was serene, and there was even a comfortable smile on the corner of his mouth.

Everyone looked at each other.

They have also cultivated evil energy, and they can feel the terrifying evil energy fluctuations on Song Shendao.

I heard that the heart of Song Shendao is the heart of the Yaksha King. This heart is a Yaksha King who was killed by the Yamas of the underworld thousands of years ago. The heart of the other party was left in the last era.

It is rumored that this heart is extremely powerful and can attract extremely powerful evil energy. At this moment, this heart is on Song Shendao... That kind of strange and powerful fluctuations can naturally attract evil energy not far from here. Of course.

"Hey, hey, did you feel anything special just before the evil spirit disappeared?" Yang Mimi asked Song Qian, Song Bing and the others.

"Very comfortable evil energy, even the evil energy in our body, is just around the corner."

Song Bing thought about it for a while, her eyes sparkling: "It seems that this kind of fluctuation is helping us to My evil energy is running freely, and its speed is at least twice as fast. The tide is rising, and it feels pretty good.”

Tianyue's answer was more clear: "It seems that we are born with the help of this evil spirit to cultivate...!"

"Yes, yes, when Xie Yun came over, I felt very comfortable. Now the evil energy in my body is expanding with the sound of my heartbeat." Yang Mimi also excitedly expressed her feelings.

Everyone was surprised and finally understood how tyrannical the heart inside Song Shendao was.

It can actually make everyone's cultivation speed, a realm that evil energy can directly cross.

Just when the big guy was shocked that his cultivation speed had become extremely fast, someone from the underworld came.

The people who came were Huo Yanluo Li Yan and Feng Yanluo Wangfeng, both of them had murderous expressions on their faces, and they looked like they were bad.

Song Shendao raised his head slightly and sighed: "It seems that what should come is still here, the underworld really can't keep us, there is only one battle next!"


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