The Hero Kneels

Chapter 557: annihilate the underworld

His Wulei Divine Art has reached the fourth level, and he is only one step away from the completion of the Wulei Dao Body.

Now his power has reached the level of a demigod. In an instant, his whole body burst into a dazzling brilliance, and the thunder and lightning with thick arms and long arms rushed out of the pores of his body, and thousands of crazy lightning flashed in the air. Condensed in the void.

Ye Dou was also enveloped in a terrifying aura.

With the thunder and lightning full of destruction, he condensed a thunder spear and threw it suddenly. This thunder spear traversed the Yellow River in the sky and collided with the Yellow River!

The dazzling thunder light burst out with dazzling flames, making the originally dark sky even more gorgeous than the scorching sun.

Everyone subconsciously looked up at the sky.


The most dazzling light erupted at the intersection of the Thunder Gun and the Yellow River. The Thunder Gun was madly advancing in the Yellow River, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Immediately afterwards, the thunder gun turned into a dazzling light that blinded the eyes. Accompanied by the sound of thunder and lightning, it suddenly accelerated and stabbed at Li Yan.

All the yellow river water shattered and turned into starlight splashes.

Li Yan saw that the sword intent contained in Xuanyuan Sword was broken, and his face finally showed a hint of horror. He subconsciously used a spiritual technique to form a protective light shield around the body, and took a defensive posture.

"What a powerful aura of destruction!"

Suddenly, the lightning spear struck Li Yan fiercely.

Electric light is fleeting.

But Li Yan's whole body was enveloped by a terrifying aura of destruction, forming a powerful destructive force that wiped out his soul.

Countless thunder, fire and lightning flashed, burning in Li Yan's mind, killing his will, shattering his thoughts, and destroying his soul.

This is a powerful and extremely destructive mood, which can be transformed into thunder in an instant along the thunder, can reach the soul of the enemy, and destroy and destroy the soul of the enemy arbitrarily.

"Do not!"

Li Yan squirted blood from seven holes, and a shred of electricity spurted out of his mouth, nose, and eyes. He hugged his head and screamed suddenly, his facial features were smoking.

Even if the souls of the Yamas are extremely powerful, they cannot resist the thunder that is full of destruction.

A wisp of gray-black smoke was released from his blurred face and pores all over his body. He seemed to be bombarded by lightning from within his body, his whole body twitched and trembled, and finally his body burst open with a bang.

Li Yan died tragically!

Everyone was horrified.

Li Yan is no less than Fairy Liu Yun, but he became Yama a thousand years ago, and he has such a profound background that he even has an ancient artifact like the Xuanyuan Sword in his hands.

Such a thousand-year-old existence was killed by one blow, it is unbelievable and inexplicable!

In the light of thunder and lightning in the sky, Ye Dou, who was like the reincarnation of the **** of thunder, slowly turned his body, his eyes turned, and suddenly he looked at Wang Feng.

"Protect me!" Wang Feng felt a chill in their hearts.

Many spiritualists performed spiritual arts one after another, raising a translucent spiritual shield high up, protecting Wang Feng layer by layer.

He had just been slashed by Song Shendao once, and was hit by Niu Tau Ma Mian several times. At this time, he had not recovered from his serious injuries, and his body was covered with magic talismans, and he was recovering with all his strength.

Seeing Ye Dou looking at him, Wang Feng roared, "Ye Dou! You colluded with the You Clan and slaughtered us insanely. You are a traitor to all mankind, and you are the public enemy of all mankind!"

"Am I the enemy of mankind?"

Ye Dou looked at him mockingly, and another thunder light spear was condensing in his hand: "You admit that you are human? This is really strange, don't you think that you are a **** horse? Then I, the public enemy of mankind, need to see, What's the point of existence for a demigod like you?"

With that said, he was about to make a move.

At this moment, a giant horse-face with a burning blue flame kicked over, and the foot of the mountain collapsed, directly smashing the protective shields displayed by those underworld spiritists.

The huge horse's feet blasted out a huge hole in the ground, and the blue flames shot out in all directions. The explosion was so powerful that it was like a heavy bombing point, blowing the flesh and blood of the spiritists all around, and the heads, stumps, legs and feet.

Even Wang Feng was crushed by this giant minotaur, and his body protection treasure was shattered, and there was no defense at all.

He was directly stepped on the ground by the hoof and horseshoe, his eyes were protruding, but after a little effort, he was trampled into a patty.

"Ye Dou! You are the public enemy of mankind, I will fight with you!"

Hongjian is holding a black iron sword. This is his soul soldier. There are quite astonishing spiritual power fluctuations in it. The white aura of his body melts into the sword body, and it seems that he is going to use some kind of secret skill.

"You can die." Ye Dou shook his head.

He made an offensive gesture.

Niu Li raised his huge fist, and he suddenly exerted force in mid-air, and the tendons all over his body trembled.

His fist was like a giant hammer weighing tens of thousands of pounds, smashing **** Hongjian.

I saw Hongjian flying out backwards, and then it exploded in mid-air, and the long sword of the Soul Soldier broke apart.

The whole person turned into a blood fog!

In a moment of effort, all four Yamas were killed in action

Everyone in the underworld was almost slaughtered...

"Go! Get out of here!"

The rest of the judges and psychics were horrified. Seeing that this group of bulls and horses were so rampant, they knew that they could not compete, and they all started to flee.

Even the four Yamas were killed, so what are they struggling with?

"Everyone get out of here!"

Bai Wuchen had noticed that the spiritualists were almost slaughtered and killed countless times by the bull-headed and horse-faced people, so he shouted, urging them to escape.


Niu Li let out a heavy roar, and the black fur was condensed with lightning bolts, revealing his huge and terrifying energy in the air.

"Ow! Howl!"

The earth-shattering roars came from the mouths of these ancient beasts. They responded to Niu Li's roars and chased and killed all kinds of spiritualists.

"Disperse to chase and kill!"

Under Niu Li's gaze, Ye Dou frowned, pointing at the spiritists to flee.

Niu Li hissed again.

Each one as strong as a mountain was at the center, chasing in all directions. As their huge bodies twisted, there was a dull sound from the earth, and the ground trembled violently.

"Ye Dou..."

Bai Wuchen hadn't left yet, and looked extremely complicated.

Holding the mirror in her hand, she took off slowly and floated towards Ye Dou.

Niu Li opened a pair of bull's eyes, and his whole body flashed with lightning, shocking this stared blankly at Bai Wuchen.

Ye Dou stood on top of Niu Li's head, and when he saw Bai Wuchen appear, he also sighed secretly.

"I didn't want to do that."

Under the eyes of the other party, Ye Dou looked down at the bulls and horses: "The underworld bullies people too much, betrays their trust, and chooses means to do things. I have restrained time and time again, and finally I have reached this step. Do you want to kill me now?"

Bai Wuchen looked at Ye Dou, his face was a little sad, he shook his head slightly and said, "I don't want to kill you, just..."

Before she finished speaking, there was a roar from the sky, and there was endless evil light coming directly from the city, and a powerful wave of evil energy hit.

"Oops, the Yashas of the Youzu must have noticed the battle here, and they started!"

Bai Wuchen exclaimed in surprise.

"Finally wait until you guys take action!" Ye Dou looked towards Youcheng, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


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