The Hero Kneels

Chapter 558: I don't go to hell, who goes to hell

At this moment, there was an extremely strong fel energy fluctuation in the direction of Youcheng, and the world trembled at this moment, which can be described as shocking.

It is full of several powerful breaths.

Song Shendao also rushed here with the rescued players at the moment, his expression was extremely grim: "Ye Dou, Youjie must have sensed the situation here, this time, they have completely opened the passage of Youjie and opened the door of Youjie. Door!"

"I can sense that they are about to use the player's body to come to this world!"

As he said that, his face showed pain, and his whole body suddenly became agitated with evil energy.

The rescued players showed pain and wailed, and they also felt the blood in their bodies boiling at this moment, as if they were being summoned by a powerful presence in the distance.

That is the blood of Youzu Yaksha!

Song Qian, Song Bing, Tianyue, Li Hu, and even Song Shendao were trembling all over at this moment, their bodies were deformed and twisted, and the evil energy could not be controlled. They all involuntarily entered the evil state.

Across the distance, Ye Dou could feel the surging tide of evil energy all over their bodies, which was on the verge of running wild.

"No, the You people are coming." Song Shendao roared.

Bai Wuchen's face turned pale: "Yaksha in Youcheng is about to launch an attack! They will be descended soon!"

Jing Yanluo in her hand yelled loudly at the moment: "Ye Dou, you killed the underworld Yanluo, there will be no one available below, no one can resist the attack of the secluded world, our plan to re-seal the secluded world passage cannot be implemented, the earth is over, and human beings will also It's over, all of us will be sacrificed!"

"Earth is over? Humanity is over? Who told you?"

Ye Dou guessed what happened to Youcheng, and said calmly: "Niu Li, lead all your clansmen to kill Youcheng, and enter the central area of ​​Youcheng!"

Niu Li let out a roar that shook the sky, and the vast earth was shaking constantly.

The incomparably gigantic ox-headed horse-faces turned around the horse's head and the ox's head, and began to rush towards the secluded city shrouded in endless evil clouds.

There were originally many giant beasts in the secluded city, such as three hellhounds, black iron lizards, magic tooth pigs and other powerful creatures in the secluded world. These monsters are almost demon-level, and there are also many dragon-level monsters.

At this moment, under these tens of meters high giant bull-headed horses, these originally tyrannical creatures from the Netherworld were fragile, and they were either swallowed up cleanly, or they were trampled into flesh and smashed into the sky.

This is the gap between species. The bull head and horse face are also dragon-level, but they can crush these Netherworld creatures, making them powerless to fight back.

Ye Dou faced Bai Wuchen and a group of players who were extremely painful: "Don't worry, you will be fine, and the Nether Realm will not invade the earth!"

"Let's go! Niu Gu! Let's go and destroy that group of Yakshas in the Netherworld!"

As soon as he gave an order, Niu Gu took a step and followed the large army to the direction of the gate of the secluded world.

Bai Wuchen gritted his teeth and followed.

Under the trampling of Niu Gu and others, they came to the ruins of the 18-story building.

This place has become a place of secluded world, which is full of endless plants of secluded world. These plants are ferocious, with thorns and claws, and some are still wriggling and look full of threats.

One of the huge and ferocious plants covered the entrance to the underground ruins. This plant was like a giant tree with a terrifying black face.

In that big mouth, there are countless huge phantoms of Yaksha, their blue faces and fangs, eager to try, and the evil energy on their bodies is extremely terrifying.

The ox-headed-horse-faced people wanted to get close to attacking, but they were all knocked out by the vines of this big tree.

Suddenly, a loud, piercing howl came from the big mouth of the tree.

In the whistling sound, there was an extremely murderous aura, as if some kind of extremely powerful existence was quickly rushing out through the secluded world passage in the tree.

At the same time, an extremely terrifying evil energy was suddenly released from the big mouth of the tree.

The surrounding gravity instantly increased a hundredfold!

Boom boom boom!

Groups of ox-headed horse-faces couldn't help but fell to their knees, smashing one big hole after another on the ground.


This group of bulls and horses screamed, only Niu Gu and a few demigod-level beings could resist this powerful pressure.

Bai Wuchen almost fell to the ground.

Ye Dou immediately noticed that he was having difficulty breathing, and felt that he was suddenly pressed against an iron mountain, and his body could hardly stand still.

The terrifying gravity coming from the gate of the secluded realm below forcibly stopped the gate of Niu Tau Ma Mian, making Ye Dou and Niu Li unable to escape at all, and even unable to move forward.


An angry howl mixed with madness and evil came out from the gate of the secluded world.

Many cow-headed horse-faces around began to shiver all over, exuding a breath of fear.

"not good!"

Bai Wuchen's beautiful face was now filled with thick horror, she exclaimed: "There is a powerful figure in the Netherworld who is coming here, he wants to come to Earth!"

As soon as the voice fell, a strong suction surged around.

Ye Dou frowned, watching the giant trees full of suction swallow many objects into the tree holes, and even a few powerful bull-headed horse-faces were even pulled down by the vines on the tree into the gate of the secluded world, swallowed by the darkness .

"The Great Master of the Netherworld is doing material exchange. He needs a lot of substances. All of them will absorb the ability of living creatures here, and we will be pulled to the Netherworld by our lives!"

Bai Wuchen sneered, "It must be a high-level evil clan, because he is too powerful, and he is afraid that the evil underworld may not be able to withstand all its power. With the help of material from us, we can exchange material to help him escape from the netherworld. Help him come to Earth! Terrible!"

"A certain powerful existence casts spells in the channel? That's exactly what I want!" Ye Dou said something He didn't say a word, his muscles swelled, and with the power of thunder and lightning, he Protected by a thick aura of destruction, at the same time, the eighteen layers of indestructible golden body formed a defense line on the surface of the body.

"I don't go to hell, who goes to hell!" Ye Dou smiled lightly, jumped, and jumped out alone following the attraction, and fell into the mouth of the giant tree.

"Ye Dou!"

"don't want!"

Before he was about to fall into the secluded world passage, Ye Dou finally heard a woman's scream. He didn't know if it was Bai Wuchen or someone else.

Then, countless bright starlights appeared in front of his eyes, and the passing stars of the river of light flew across the endless starry sky at a high speed around him.

A sense of time-space distortion and spatial confusion shrouded his body.


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