The Hero Kneels

Chapter 559: Shattered Nether

Enter the secluded world channel again.

The place is still so splendidly intertwined, countless starlights fly by in front of him, and there are also blurred figures among them. At a glance, you can see all kinds of monsters flying upwards in the opposite direction of him.

Not to mention the stench on the monster, the fluctuation of evil energy is also amazing, and it is densely packed.


Just inside, a fierce and brave roar that almost shattered the passage of the Netherworld came from below him.

"What a powerful evil energy!" Ye Dou looked down, and saw a behemoth approaching in front of him. This behemoth looked like a vague mountain peak. It was a few hundred meters tall and was bigger than Niu Li's body. Quite a few, almost an ancient behemoth.

Originally, the other party had been flying in the direction of the earth.

But on the behemoth, a Yasha master suddenly waved a scepter in his hand, and suddenly, a strong wave of overwhelming evil energy spread out.

That kind of fel energy fluctuation is like a substantial ocean, making him sink into it instantly, and he can hardly breathe.

In the passage of the secluded world where the starlight was originally bright, and the lightning sputtered, all the starlight disappeared in an instant.

The powerful evil energy fluctuates, like a tide of smoke lingering around, a dull and depressing atmosphere, covering the entire space!

There are no day or night stars around, there is darkness and evil energy, and the heaven and earth are full of a twisted and evil evil energy fluctuation.

Ye Dou was surprised to find that he couldn't move, and no longer fell, but stayed in the passage of the secluded world, floating in it as if he was weightless.

The Netherworld powerhouse standing on the giant beast stared at him so stubbornly, then opened his mouth full of sharp teeth and let out a roar, and at the same time, there was a strong mental wave. : "Human, you are very strong, this king likes strong creatures, surrender to my family, I will give you strength..."

After he finished speaking, a powerful and substantial fel energy wave attacked Ye Dou overwhelmingly, making him undulate like a small boat in the ocean, and the aura of destruction on his body was also swaying in an instant, almost extinguished.

Feeling the strength of the opponent, Ye Dou couldn't help shaking slightly.

The opponent was a powerful being with four long horns on his head, as powerful as Song Shendao, but the fel energy fluctuations on his body were more powerful, far above Song Shendao.

And there is a kind of inexplicable and powerful pressure, like a **** who is aloof, and has an innate and overwhelming pressure on mortal creatures.

This should be a legendary true **** of the Netherworld, far more powerful than a demigod.

"Ha ha!"

Ye Dou smiled slightly, with a look of disdain.

"Human, if you refuse, you will be killed immediately." The spiritual sense of this Netherworld deity impacted Ye Dou's soul, majestic and overwhelming.

However, a blazing electric light flashed away in the depths of his pupils.

Suddenly, a translucent spar appeared in his hand. This spar was only half the size of a palm, and there was an incredible spatial fluctuation.

The pair of red pupils of the god-level Yaksha flashed a cold light, focusing on the space spar with obvious spatial fluctuations.

"Want me to surrender? Impossible!" Ye Dou held the space spar, and strong spatial fluctuations erupted in his hand.

"No! Stop it!" The God of Yasha couldn't help but exclaimed.

Ye Dou didn't listen at all. He had been taking Melatonin crazily for the past month, and only then did he realize the true meaning of Shattered Void.

Although his understanding of space strength is not perfect and his skills are slightly insufficient, with the space spar he took from Bai Wuchen, he is sure to smash this space channel.

"you dare!"

The god-level Yaksha shouted violently and waved his claws.

A powerful fel energy came from the surface, Ye Dou ignored the three-seven-two-one, clenched the space spar, squeezed the fist mark, and suddenly punched forward.

"Destroy me!"


The thunder and lightning burst, instantly surging out of the surrounding monsters in the secluded world, with the thunderbolt lightning forming suddenly, the surrounding space changed and began to collapse.

"Zizzizi, bang bang bang!"

Thunder rolled, electric snakes danced wildly, raging in the space passage, a wave of space fluctuations that seemed to be substantial, spread out like a tide, hitting the dark passage wall, and two violent and incomparable forces were like a landslide. break out.

There were many monsters in the secluded realm around, and they were blown to pieces in an instant, their flesh and blood flying, turning into blood mist.

All kinds of flesh and blood corpses fluttered in this small gray space, and those monsters howled miserably. Whenever they were affected by strong spatial fluctuations, their bodies would instantly shatter.

Even the giant beast king under the god-level Yaksha seat was affected, and cracks appeared in his body. The beast's body was as hard as a mountain, cast like black gold, iron, stone and diamond, and blood flowed into rivers in an instant.

The giant eyes in the forehead of the giant beast released icy killing intent and violent evil energy, which even chilled Ye Douwang's heart. It could be seen that this giant beast was at least a demigod.

"Stupid, do you think you can shake my clan's space channel?" The You clan man with gloomy and cold eyes, sitting on top of the giant beast, was looking at Ye Dou with contempt.

Behind him, there were several Yakshas of the You Clan playing ferocious giant beasts, and the big guys all stayed in this space, staring at each other and shouting non-stop.

"Stupid? Hehe, the punch just now was just an attempt, the next is the real game!"

Ye Dou suddenly raised his hand, the space spar in his palm was instantly crushed by him, and he shouted at the same time: "Broken the void!

Immediately afterwards, an extremely powerful spatial fluctuation completely shattered, setting off a gust of wind and waves in the passage.

The **** of the Yaksha clan screamed and warned the strong Yaksha clan who were chasing from behind. He screamed in the language of the secluded world: "Dodge! This place will collapse!"

The surrounding Yakshas also screamed and ordered: "Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

However, Ye Dou had completely crushed the space spar in his hand.

"Boom! Bang bang bang!"

With an earth-shattering explosion, his Fist of Shattering Void was unparalleled, bursting out a terrifying shock wave that collapsed the space, mixed with thunder and violent lightning, and suddenly exploded in those secluded world passages.

The powerful space shock wave he blasted and the space channel squeezed each other, causing a very obvious distortion phenomenon in the That kind of distortion spreads out like a wave, which made the monsters and Yakshas in it live. The spatial fluctuations were shaken into pieces, and each one of them burst into blood mist.


The god-level Yaksha wanted to stop it, but the space fluctuated violently, and he was also blown away. Like the beastmaster under his seat, he was torn into pieces by the extremely powerful space fluctuations, and finally turned into a pool of blood. fog.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding void was extremely distorted and deformed, like a raging ocean wave. With a bang, the dark endless passage collapsed like a mirror, and the fragments turned into an endless void.

The passage of the secluded world was completely blown up, and a cold and dark void appeared around.

The sound of cracking explosions continued to roar in this broken and cracked passage. Ye Dou watched a huge purple soul flying over like a human head. At the same time, he found that his body was about to be torn apart by spatial fluctuations...

Not good, brother pill!


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