The Hero Kneels

Chapter 560: 1 The gun king becomes a pick-up man

Ye Dou found himself sitting in a huge classroom. He looked around blankly and found that there were many young men and women gathered around. These young men and women were all around sixteen or seventeen years old, and they were all unfamiliar faces.

Ha ha ha ha!

Seeing Ye Dou's dazed look, there was a burst of laughter all around.

Strangely, the laughter of the people around him was directed at him. Seeing that the people around him were laughing at him, he didn't ask aloud for a while, so he could only be on guard.

Because he could feel the malice all around him.

"Where am I? Why does this place look like a school?" Ye Dou asked subconsciously.

"Hahaha, is this kid stupid..." There was a crowd of laughter all around again.

"Ye Dou, are you confused? You are not afraid of causing trouble if you dare to make a big belly of Goddess Yang, and you dare to stay here, you should leave here earlier. This class is Professor Yang's class, and he hates what you have done. What." The tablemate next to him poked his arm and warned in a low voice, with a worried look on his face.

"Are you Ming Kai? Little Fatty Ming Kai?"

Looking at the tablemate beside him, Ye Dou's eyes lit up, then his face changed slightly, and said, "Ah, I was a little confused just now, and I said some nonsense, who's belly is getting bigger?"

Ming Kai sighed, of course he didn't believe what Ye Dou said was nonsense, the other party was probably not reconciled.

Ye Dou's head was aching, how could he appear here? Is this still Earth?

He was a little puzzled.

What is the Soul Ring asking itself to sacrifice?

Why did he travel through countless light-years and see a new earth, and finally appeared in this school infirmary.

At the same time, Ye Dou became more and more curious about the Soul Ring, and became more and more afraid.

Not to mention the powerful ability of this soul ring, it is so strange that it can be described as incredible.

"Wait, why doesn't my body have any strength or internal strength?" Ye Dou Qi transported his dantian, and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

If there is any danger, wouldn't he be slaughtered by others, thinking of this, Ye Dou couldn't bear it any longer and stood up suddenly.

"What the **** are you doing? The class bell has already rang!" A tall and thin man with a pale face and black-rimmed glasses came over, his eyes were extremely cold.

The people around who had just burst into laughter immediately shut up, and the surroundings became silent.

Everyone knows that Professor Yang doesn't like students who are booing in the classroom. Once he is targeted by the other party, there will be electric shocks waiting for the students.

"Professor Yang? Yang Haoran?"

The corner of Ye Dou's mouth trembled slightly, unexpectedly Professor Yang was alive again.

He already felt that something was wrong in the surrounding atmosphere. Although he didn't understand the situation here, he still closed his mouth, but he wanted to know more clearly.

Hu Ran, bursts of headaches came, a lot of messy information poured in like a tide, and familiar and unfamiliar pictures flashed before my eyes.

In an instant, there were many more memories that did not belong to him, but belonged to him.

Twenty years ago, the earth suffered a strange meteorite attack, so the whole world was turned upside down, and all kinds of monsters emerged one after another.

A mysterious item called star fruit, with the meteor shower coming from the sky, gave many human superpowers, these people fought against various monsters, and changed the human world since then, and these people are also called heroes.

Since then, the hero has become a profession, a profession that everyone yearns for, but it is highly dangerous.

At present, "I" is also a member of Hero Academia. Of course, "I" has also obtained the extraordinary star fruit. He is just an ordinary person. Even if he graduates, he can take up the most low-level hero position and handle some ordinary daily life. Small things, get a meager salary to live.

Now, he has done a very strange and embarrassing thing.

Because, just three days ago, the goddess Yang Mi in the academy suddenly became pregnant!

This is already big news within Hero Academia.

Yang Mi didn't say who the child's biological father was, so the college wanted to expel Yang Mi from the school in the name of being indecent. After all, being pregnant before marriage is a shame for heroes, especially a campus like Yang Mi. Popular hero.

As a suitor of Yang Mi, he did a death-defying thing, that is, he took the initiative to admit to the academy that he was the biological father of the child and wanted to be a pick-up man.

As a result, Yang Mi refused to admit it.

The person who made him want to be a father was so sad, he cried a lot for this, and even passed out crying in class, so he was laughed at by so many classmates.

"Ah! Why am I so cheap? I want to be a father for a woman..."

When the memory was turned over here, Ye Dou screamed and stood up again.

He understands that his soul may be possessed by a person named Ye Dou, and it is estimated that this is a so-called parallel world.

I just can't imagine that Ye Pao Wang, who is known as a pear tree pressing on a begonia and hurting the hearts of 3,000 young girls, has been reduced to the point where people don't even want to take over. It's just too shameful.

"This classmate, do you dare to yell in my class, do you want to sit in my electric chair?" Professor Yang was lecturing when he was interrupted by Ye Dou's exclamation, his face was not good-looking.

His eyes flickered faintly.

For a while, Ye Dou was in a hurry, and many nicknames of Professor Yang suddenly flashed in his mind, such as "Lord of Thunder", "Magnetic Storm Infantry", "Yang Shiwan Volt"!

This Professor Yang once ate a lightning-like star fruit, and since then he has a strong ability to control lightning. In addition, he likes to shock those disobedient students, and the students of electricity are dead and alive, so the students are very afraid of each other.

The surrounding classmates were secretly laughing and dared to interrupt Professor Yang's class. Could it be that Ye Dou didn't want to live?

Ye Dou sat down decadently. He didn't know Professor Yang's specific strength, but the other party undoubtedly had the ability to kill him in seconds. Let's listen to the lecture honestly, so as not to be called He didn't really listen to the professor's lectures, because his thoughts had already flown out of the sky.

This earth is a world full of monsters and a stage for heroes. This world has many strange monsters and many strange heroes.

Unexpectedly, he was reborn into such a strange parallel world.

After sorting out his memory, Ye Dou's face became more and more gloomy, and he didn't care about the question of whether he was a pick-up man. There seemed to be extremely powerful monsters here, and even more powerful creatures than the original world.

The most important thing now is to figure out your current situation. You must know that a hero is a high-risk profession. Who knows when you will be suddenly killed by some monster? And I heard that the exam is coming.

This makes him full of a sense of crisis!

After the get out of class bell rang, Ye Dou's first thing was to rush out of the school. He wanted to find a place to practice his internal skills first, and then improve his own strength...


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