The Hero Kneels

Chapter 562: Which excavator technology is strong

【Lanxiang Second Hero Vocational Academy】

After walking out of the school gate, Ye Dou looked at the sign hanging outside the school again, and when he saw the sign, he almost spit out a hot spit.

Lan Xiang?

Which excavator technology is strong, naturally I am the big blue sky!

His school is actually called Da Lanxiang, which is too funny.

A smell of dirt and **** came from the surface.

It might be better to change the name to Lanxiang Second Vocational and Technical College, which is more down-to-earth.

With a sigh, he didn't want to pursue anything, after all, things in the parallel world were fundamentally different from the original world.

In my memory, there was a small park around the academy. There were many students and couples at night, but during the day there were no people. Ye Dou hurriedly ran into a remote rockery and sat cross-legged on the ground.

Letting go of his mind, he breathed in and out for a while, but he suddenly frowned.

Because he found that he couldn't gather Qi at all, as if his dantian didn't exist at all, no matter how much he breathed, he couldn't gather Qi to his dantian.

"I remember being attacked by a monster when I was ten years old, so my dantian was severely injured." Taking off his clothes, Ye Dou looked at the five-centimeter-long wound on his lower abdomen, and suddenly remembered something.

Immediately, he understood that his dantian was injured and could not gather qi, presumably because his dantian qi sea was broken, and he could not cultivate any internal skills at all.

Next, if his dantian cannot be repaired, he may not be able to cultivate his inner strength for the rest of his life. In that case, his own strength will be greatly reduced, and his growth will be greatly restricted.

With a sigh, Ye Dou came to the small pond beside the rockery and looked towards the clear pool.

It's okay not to look at it, but at a glance, he was stunned.

I saw in the mirror that my skin was dark and thin, and I lost the freshness and freshness that I had before, and the face like a crown of jade before, the little fresh meat was gone, and the tendon flesh of the whole body was gone.

It seems that he is also very young, only sixteen years old, and there is still a trace of immaturity on his face.

This is simply a low-profile version of yourself.

No, it should be said that the prototype was called back.

Did the Soul Ring send my soul to another parallel world?

By the so-called sacrifice, do you mean to sacrifice all my original body?

So what is the purpose of the Soul Ring?

Ye Dou couldn't figure it out, he couldn't help looking at the index finger of his right hand, and saw that the soul ring on the index finger of the right hand still existed, but all the souls on the soul ring had disappeared.

disappeared again?

Was this swallowed by the Soul Ring?

This is so weird!

A gust of cold wind hit, Ye Dou couldn't help shivering.

Since it's useless to think too much, he simply doesn't think too much.

Next, he subconsciously walked towards the Cross Street, wanting to see what the Cross Street in this world is like. After all, he has experienced many things there, and it is necessary to see it.

As he walked, he recalled the memory details of this world.

Judging from the current timeline, he went back to when he was in college more than five years ago.

This world is quite strange. Twenty years ago, it was basically the same as the original world, but after a strange meteor shower, it has undergone earth-shaking changes. There are many monsters and heroes in many places in the world. Incredible things.

In addition, the level of technology in this world is also more advanced than the original world...


Ye Dou was walking when he heard a deafening loud noise.

He looked back at Yinqiao Market, a few hundred meters away, and his eyes could not help but widen.

I saw that the glass of the Yinqiao Market Building was all shattered, thick smoke billowed from it, and the fire was soaring into the sky, like a burning giant torch, scorching hot and dazzling, compared to the orange-red sunset on the horizon.

"My God! Is this a gas explosion or a monster attack?" He took a deep breath and thought of the monster in a meaningful way.

Many passers-by around were calling 110, and some people even screamed.

Suddenly, there was another loud noise from the Yinqiao Market, which was already smoking and burning.

Second explosion!

From a distance, the Yinqiao Market Building collapsed.

The explosion produced a lot of dense smoke and dust, which spread out in a terrifying manner.


I don't know who shouted, and the stunned people around reacted and started to flee frantically, and the screams of countless people followed.

Facing the billowing smoke and dust, Ye Dou turned his head and ran, and ran out with the others on the last rays of the sunset, turning into Olympic sprinters.

I remember that after the 9/11 incident in the United States, many firefighters and police officers who went to rescue for the first time died or fell ill after inhaling the dust emitted by the collapsed buildings.

The dust generated after the collapse of these buildings is comparable to poisonous gas, an absolutely highly toxic substance. Anyone who takes a breath may lose half their life.

Ye Dou is an ordinary person now and absolutely does not want to die.

He was about to turn around and start running, when he suddenly felt a chill all over his body and his scalp was numb, as if a shadow was covering the top of his head, so he subconsciously looked up at the sky.

I saw a floral white dress fluttering in the wind. The two long legs in the white dress were very eye-catching. The most conspicuous one was a pair of white sweatpants with a brown bear printed on it.

"It's a pair of unparalleled legs, those little bear pants are so cute, wait... Why did a pair of legs and little bear pants fall from the sky?" Ye Dou felt incredible when he saw the incredible beauty.

As a result, before he had time to react, he was hit by the bear's shorts from the front, and his whole body fell to the ground without speaking, and the bones all over his body also cracked.

Let Ye Dou feel unbearable pain.

"Hey! It's so strange, why is the bottom so soft?" A clear and pleasant female voice came into my ears.


You sit on me, of course soft.

Ye Dou squeezed out two words from his teeth: "Go down!"


There was a girl's exclamation.

Ye Dou tried his best to open his eyes, and saw a girl in a white dress appearing in front of his eyes. The girl's body was full of the fragrance of gardenias, which made his nose twitch, and he couldn't help but look at the other side carefully.

The girl in the white dress in front of her has skin that is better than snow, with a face with melon seeds, peach blossom eyes, a high nose bridge, a high chest, and a slender waist. The pink Yin Tao mouth is slightly opened and closed, and bursts of pleasant fragrance are spit out. It can be smelled from a few meters away, the absolute breath is like orchid, and the appearance is like a fairy.

Ye Dou has seen many beauties in his previous But I have to say that this girl looks like a fairy who came out of the painting. Dare to blaspheme.

Wait, why does this beautiful girl feel so familiar?

"Red Snow!"

"Are you Hongxue?"

Ye Dou trembled all over, and immediately recognized the other party, and couldn't help but turn pale in shock.

Yes, the other party is Hongxue, but she looks a few years younger than Hongxue, and her temperament is quite different. If the previous Hongxue was a classical beauty, then this girl is a modern style, full of youth and vitality.

The most important thing is that this girl Hongxue has two Mount Everests on her chest!

Eighteen has been updated less recently, and it is maintained twice a day. It is because I want to participate in the update event at the end of the month. It should be updated next month. I will try my best to save the manuscript now, please be patient.


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