The Hero Kneels

Chapter 572: Shenqiao Realm


Then came a girl's exclamation.

Ye Dou tried his best to open his eyes, and saw a girl in a tight-fitting dress appearing in front of his eyes. The girl's body was full of the fragrance of gardenias, which made his nose twitch, and he couldn't help but look at the other side carefully.

The girl in the white dress in front of her has skin that is better than snow, with a face with melon seeds, peach blossom eyes, a high nose bridge, a high chest, and a slender waist. The pink Yin Tao mouth is slightly opened and closed, and bursts of pleasant fragrance are spit out. It can be smelled from a few meters away, the absolute breath is like orchid, and the appearance is like a fairy.

Ye Dou has seen a lot of beautiful women in his previous life, but I have to say that this girl looks like a fairy who came out of the painting. Is a class of beauty.

Wait, why does this beautiful girl feel so familiar?

"Song Bing!"

"Are you Song Bing?"

Ye Dou trembled all over, and immediately recognized the other party, and couldn't help but turn pale in shock.

Yes, the other party is Song Bing, but she looks a few years younger than Song Bing in the original world, and her temperament is quite different. If the previous Song Bing was a female man, this girl is full of youth and vitality, and she is definitely beautiful. girl.

the most important is,

There are actually two Mount Everests on Song Bing's chest!

Come on, what did this eat to grow?

How can there be such two people in the world?

"Please don't call me by my name, who are you?"

Through the towering chest, the girl frowned.

"Your name is Song Bing?"

Taking a deep breath of the air with the fragrance of gardenias, Ye Dou completely forgot about the severe pain all over his body. He jumped up from the water, bowed his body and asked the other party, "I'm fine, why are you here?"

As for how the other party fell from the air and hit him again, he felt that it was not important. Next, he should ask Song Bing to find out the true identity of the other party.

Song Bing was a little stunned, looked at Ye Dou with a pair of beautiful eyes as dark as the night, and put his hands on his hips and said, "You know me? ... I think your strength is good, you should be a warrior from the Bronze Continent, how would you know? I'm a hero? Could it be that my hero's reputation has spread far and wide..."

"You said you were a hero?" Ye Dou was very strange, Song Bing didn't know him.

Song Bing impatiently pointed to his chest: "Did you see it?"

Ye Dou looked at the two big meat buns on the other side's chest and didn't know what to say: "I see, at least there is d, have you enlarged your **** again?"

Song Bing almost didn't spit on the other side's face, her cheeks were blushing, and she said angrily: "I told you to see my badge!"


It was only then that he discovered that Song Bing had a faintly glowing silver-white badge on his heart. The badge was half the size of a palm and had a gorgeous rose pattern engraved on it.

Hero Badge! ?

what the hell?

Ye Dou was inexplicable.

"You can tell at a glance that you are a **** from the Bronze Continent, not even a hero."

Before he could speak, Song Bing announced loudly, "My hero is called Snow Maiden, and she is currently the fifth-ranked hero on the Holy Silver Hero Ranking!"

Snow Maiden?

Holy Silver Hero?


What the **** is this?

The dragon knight also happened to arrive here, and when he saw Song Bing appear, a blood-colored spear appeared in his hand, and the spear fell from the air.

The spear just shot at Ye Dou, Song Bing turned his back to the other side, unprepared.

"Be careful!"

Ye Dou suddenly felt bad, and immediately jumped out and shouted.


The spear exploded, with an exaggerated power, comparable to a heavy TNT bomb, with a strong impact, almost destroying the dead, bursting the waves of the sea, and a deep pit was blown out of the sea.

The smoke cleared and the culprit was exposed in broad daylight.

The dragon knight had already killed him.

Seeing that Ye Dou was holding Song Bing's waist, the eighteen layers of indestructible golden body qi had been fully unfolded. In fact, the sixteen layers of qi were almost penetrated by a single blow, and Song Bing was staring at the dragon knight in a stunned manner. human appearance.

"Dragon knight? How can there be a dragon knight here?" She exclaimed, and at the same time she found that Ye Dou had released the inextinguishable golden god's qi, and his eyes were even more horrified.


In midair, the shrill and strange howls of the dragon knights charged towards him overwhelmingly.

A spear condensed from blood was condensed from his hand, and the blood of the spear was full of violent, murderous, and violent aura.

"Play spear throwing with me!"

Ye Dou looked up at the sky and opened his mouth to drink.


Suddenly, there was a dull sound of thunder from his body, and there was thunder in the void, and a few lightning bolts accompanied the thunder to blast towards his body.

At the same time, a lightning spear appeared in his hand, and the whole body was wrapped in lightning.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sea water around Ye Dou was also boiled by lightning, like boiling water.

However, when he was running Condensation Destruction, he was standing still.

Another dragon knight also pursued from afar.

The previous dragon knight had a terrifying blood light all over his body, like a bloodthirsty beast falling from the sky, driving the blood-colored flying dragon to slam down towards Ye Dou.

Later, the dragon knight had a blood-colored spear in each of his hands, and threw them in the void, forming two extremely ferocious spears, which fell from the top of his head.

This is the rhythm of the two dragon knights who are going to join forces to smash Ye Dou into tens of thousands of pieces!

At this moment, a strong cold light appeared in Song Bing's eyes. She waved with one hand, and the surrounding area instantly turned into an ice and snow, full of extreme cold. The dragon knight rushing at the front froze almost instantly, and the speed immediately decreased. Down, even the mount flying dragon almost turned into ice.


Ye Dou roared to the sky, the bones all over his body crackled, his body swelled up again, the spear in his hand was getting thicker and thicker, and the lightning of the thickness of his fingers was densely wrapped around his body.

The thunderous whistling sound came from his body. This was the real essence liquid in the thunder pool, burning wildly.

Dozens of arm-thick thunderbolts shot out from his body, forming a grid around him.

The thunder around his body shot towards the sky, and two blood-colored rays of light fell from the sky, bombarding Ye Dou below him indiscriminately.

"Boom! Rumble!"

Countless blood lights, thunder lights, and fire lights exploded and splashed, and in the mid-air of this sea area, like dazzling fireworks explosions, intertwined, it was extremely gorgeous and colorful.

Seeing that he could not penetrate the net of lightning, the dragon knight roared in the **** sky, constantly throwing **** spears, and his state became more and more crazy.


The blood-colored spears fell down one by one, smashed into pieces with thunder and lightning, and sprayed down from the sky.

These blood rains exuded a strong fell into the sea and immediately dyed the sea water red.

"This is the blood of the dragon! Don't be touched in the slightest, or your blood will be invaded by poisonous blood, and you will become a dragon knight." Song Bing, who had not spoken, reminded.

However, those **** rains were extremely dense and covered a huge area. Ye Dou ignored these **** rains and suddenly threw out the long-stored thunder and lightning spear in his hand, and an aura of destruction erupted wildly.


This dazzling thunder spear slid across the sky, slammed into the chest of the dragon knight through the blood rain, the powerful force of destruction exploded, the dragon knight was blown out, the whole body armor exploded, and the body was almost torn apart. , his mount flying dragon also burst open.

"The demigod of the God Bridge Realm!?"

Seeing this, Song Qian couldn't help her pupils shrinking.

In her horrified eyes, the dragon's blood rain that filled the sky with blood poison, crashed down...

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