The Hero Kneels

Chapter 573: Leaf Cannon Man? Self-propelled Superman?

Ye Dou grinned and asked again, "You seem to have used the power of ice just now, what kind of power is this?"

"Why are you pretending to be stupid? Your cultivation has reached the realm of the God Bridge, and even the Dragon Knights can be repelled. You must be famous in the Bronze Continent, right?" Song Bing didn't answer, but his eyes were very vigilant, as if he was looking at a monster.

Between the words, she had already withdrawn to go all the way, and disappeared almost instantly like ice skating.

He found that the cold air surging under the opponent's feet was freezing the surface of the sea, and pieces of crystal clear appeared on the opponent's body, as if a shield had protected the opponent's body.

"Hand over the Divine Pearl!"

The blood was shining brightly, and the blood-stained dragon knight appeared again, roaring furiously on the sea like a demon.

His voice was rolling, and the powerful sound waves in this sea area continued to explode, and the power was soaring to the sky, causing many unknown sea fish to turn their stomachs on the sea.

However, the dragon knight's physical condition was not good. The thick armor was blown to pieces, and the flying dragon that sat down was turned into fly ashes. However, the body that had just exploded was healed in an instant, and the resilience was not like that of a human being.

His appearance is also inhuman, his eyes are golden snake pupils, his whole body is covered with golden scales, his head is deformed like a snake, with two feet on top of his head, long **** hair and a pair of **** feet.

The appearance of this dragon knight is similar to that of the corpse in the sea, but the size is quite different, and there is no such terrifying majesty.

"Forget it, the heroes of mankind are here. We must leave quickly. It's better to give up this divine bead temporarily. It's a pity, but this divine bead should have the way we want to become a god..." Another dragon knight roared. .

The roar of the dragon knight standing on the sea subsided a lot, the terrifying blood in his pupils gradually faded, and his sanity slowly recovered.

The blood on his body was slowly dissipating, and the whole person seemed to be collapsed, sweating profusely and panting.

The dragon knight was very unwilling, but he saw a silver speedboat approaching in the distance, and there were many figures on it.

"Human, you stole my divine pearl! This hatred is unbearable!" He spat lightly, jumping on the flying dragon of another dragon knight, and the two dragon knights suddenly turned into a streamer and disappeared into the sky .

It came and went in a hurry.


A white speedboat rode the wind and waves and stopped in this sea area.

"A speedboat? It also has a gasoline engine?" Ye Dou sucked in a breath, making sure it was correct.

How is this technology so similar to the earth?

In this speedboat, there are also several men and women wearing strange clothes, all of them are either wearing tights, capes, or pants, and they are of different styles and the same color.

It's quite tasty.

A group of people looked at Ye Dou up and down in amazement.

The first middle-aged man wearing a red helmet and a red helmet said solemnly: "The two dragon knights ran away!"

"Yes, run really fast and dare to enter our territory."

A man with a yellow complexion shook his face, his expression extremely ugly.

"The fluctuation of spiritual power here is very strong. The dragon knight should have fought with a master just now." Someone checked and said with certainty.

"This kid should be questioned carefully, so as not to cause any trouble." The yellow-faced man said with a gloomy face, and then he looked at Ye Dou.

"I'm the hero Haima from the Silver Continent. Are you from the Bronze Continent?" asked the man in the red cape.

Before Ye Dou could answer, a cold voice sounded: "He is a demigod in the Bronze Continent. He has just injured a dragon knight, and he seems to have obtained a divine bead... He just saved me once."

"Shenzhu? Then yours?" The yellow-faced man asked Ye Dou with a gloomy face.


Ye Dou frowned slightly. He had already discovered the problem, and the divine bead had just disappeared.

It seems that this divine bead evaporated from the world when he was fighting with all his strength.

"After you obtained the Divine Orb, did it suddenly disappear?"


Ye Dou nodded.

Haima frowned, as if feeling a little troublesome.

"Another divine bead holder."

Ma Hai simply asked: "Young man, you may die and soon become the carrier of the so-called gods."

"God carrier?" Ye Dou was surprised.

"Speaking of which, you are now the holder of the Divine Pearl!"

He sighed lightly and looked at Ye Dou with complicated eyes: "There is a remnant of the gods in the bead, even if you are a master of the **** bridge realm, you can't refine it, and in a short time this **** bead will absorb your power and try to occupy it. Your body, only we have the means to help you refine the Divine Pearl."

"So exaggerated?" Ye Dou twitched the corners of his mouth.

"The so-called Divine Orb is actually a peculiar star stone fragment... If you have this kind of debris, you have the qualification to become a hero, but unfortunately for you, absorbing the untreated Divine Orb, your situation is very dangerous, It is very likely that the body will be occupied by the remnant of the gods and become a puppet."

Song Bing explained, "We will have to kill you then!"

Ye Dou immediately scanned his body with his spiritual sense, and as expected, he found something strange in his body. He found something that looked like a bead in his dantian. The bead was suspended in the thunder pool and seemed to be absorbing him vaguely. the power of.

"Could it be that the so-called remnant soul of a **** really wants to invade my body?" Ye Dou couldn't help but break into a cold sweat.

This thing was able to enter his dantian without knowing it under the wrapping of his own thunder and lightning.

Mom sells batches!

This thing must be poisonous!

Just when he felt puzzled, Song Bing said to Haima: "Although we think that the people in the Bronze Continent are all barbarians, I feel that he is different from many people. He just saved me, Brother Haima, take him with him. Go back? He saved me anyway."

Haima thought about it for a while, and then reluctantly nodded: "Okay, maybe we can have an extra partner, young man, would you like to join us in the Silver Continent?"

"Okay." Ye Dou simply nodded.

Although this group of people dressed strangely, they all looked and were quite talkative.

I happened to be a newcomer and had nowhere to go. When I arrived, I could go and see the so-called Silver Continent.

Haima nodded: "As long as it abides by the laws of the Silver Continent, our Heroes Guild will try our best to help you expel this remnant of the god."

He smiled and said: "Also, if the expulsion is successful, the power in the bead will become your power, and I will recommend you to become a hero! You have to think of a nickname first."

"Me? Becoming a hero? Taking a nickname?"

Ye Dou is dumb, if he becomes a hero, what should he be called?

Leaf Cannon Man?

Self-propelled Superman?

Magnetic Storm Infantry?

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