The Hero Kneels

Chapter 574: wrong style

Ye Dou simply followed the group of heroes onto the speedboat. It didn't take long before he saw a huge aircraft carrier on the sea. less modern fighter jets.

"Hey, hey, this style of painting has become too fast."

Looking at this modern aircraft carrier and the soldiers wearing military uniforms and holding rifles on the warship, Ye Dou opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

The boat that I was on before was obviously a wooden sailboat made by the ancients. The warriors clearly used cold weapons, even the cold weapons used by the aquariums. Why are all the people in the Silver Continent now equipped with modern equipment?

The same human beings, how could the Bronze Continent and the so-called Silver Continent be so far apart?

Ye Dou felt that it was incredible, and the whole person was instantly stunned.

At this time, someone reached out and patted his shoulder, and then, Song Bing's voice came: "Hee hee, your reaction is really big, why are you opening your mouth? Let me give it to you. Make up the class, lest you go to The Hague and ask three questions."

"Okay, Teacher Song, I like you to teach alone."

Ye Dou grinned: "It's better to take a pointer and wear a short skirt and high heels, that's even better!"

"What?" Song Bing was a little confused.

Ye Dou laughed twice, the other party was so pure that he didn't understand what he was talking about.

Not evil at all.

Come to the cabin conference room inside the aircraft carrier.

Ye Dou briefly recounted what happened to him. Of course, he concealed his origins, and only told what happened to him and the general process of obtaining the Divine Pearl.

The rest of the people thought that he was a warrior from the Bronze Continent, so they didn't ask any further questions. They were not surprised at the appearance of the corpse, and they seemed to have expected it.

"If you add this corpse, it means that nine corpses have surfaced in the endless sea. This scale is unprecedented... We may need the help of an astrologer."

Haima frowned, and looked at everyone present with a very serious expression: "The Eight Immortals and the Iron Clamp King are both from the Dragon King of the East China Sea. They threw corpses one by one to feed the corpses, in order to obtain this Divine Pearl, and there are more behind them. Two dragon knights, those two dragon knights are the heirs of the Dragon Prince of the East China Sea, and they are also rushing to get the Divine Pearl, which is very interesting..."

The yellow-faced man on the side said: "The divine bead is not unusual for dragon knights, not only the Eight Immortals and the Iron Clamp King went to find the corpse, but the two dragon knights chased them like mad dogs, I really don't know this divine bead. What's inside deserves the attention of the Dragon King of the East China Sea... and what is the method of becoming a god."

"Could it be the legend of the Gate of Myths?" Suddenly, Song Bing seemed to have thought of something.

Everyone's expressions changed, and they thought of something in an instant.

"I really want to see what's in this bead now?" Song Bing suggested.

"No, only astrologers are qualified to open and spy on this divine bead."

Haima shook his head and glanced at Song Bing: "Ice and Snow Girl, take Ye Dou down first, we need to discuss this matter carefully."

three days later.

Ye Dou walked out of the cabin and came to the deck, blowing the sea breeze, looking at the blue and turbulent sea, thinking in his heart.

In the past three days, he has followed Song Bing to learn the knowledge of this world. With the help, he has learned a lot about this world.

Fifty years ago, the earth was hit by a strange meteorite, and the whole world was turned upside down, and all kinds of strange-shaped monsters emerged one after another.

A kind of magical stone called the star stone, which falls from the sky with the meteor shower, endows human beings with many superpowers. These people fight against various monsters and change the human world since then, so these people are also called heroes.

Since then, the hero has become a profession, a profession that everyone yearns for, but it is highly dangerous.

The continental plate of the so-called parallel world is basically the same as that of the original world, and it is divided into five continents, but the names and representative meanings of these five continents are different.

Africa is called the Black Iron Continent: in the age of darkness and dreams, all kinds of idols and gods are everywhere, very savage and primitive, and witchcraft is rampant.

Oceania is known as the Bronze Continent: in the Bronze Age, similar to ancient China, people knew all kinds of cultivation methods, followed martial arts, and worshipped gods extremely.

Asia is known as the Silver Continent: this continent is dominated by the yellow race, and its technology and culture are no different from the original world, even more than the original world, and it is also a gathering place for heroes.

America is called the Golden Continent: rumored to be a place full of gold, once the hometown of the ancient gods.

Europe is called the Abandoned Continent: this continent was completely destroyed in the meteor shower 50 years ago, and has become a very dangerous wasteland, full of all kinds of magical creatures.

There are also people who practice martial arts in this world, but most of them are from the Bronze Continent, so they were mistaken by Song Bing and others for being from the Bronze Continent.

At present, the highest cultivation realm of martial artists is the realm of Shenqiao.

The so-called Shenqiao realm is the last realm after one, two ceremonies, three talents, four images, and five qi. , can become a god.

Therefore, the warriors in the realm of Shenqiao are also called demigods.

The strength of the heroes is not the same as that of the warriors. The source of their power comes from the star fruit, and the realm they cultivate is the star system, which is far stronger than the warriors in some aspects.

Heroes are paired with powerful technological means, which makes human beings enduring in the Silver Continent and has a strong suppressive effect on foreign enemies.

However, Ye Dou also learned from this that there were gods in this continent, myths and legends are very rich, and there are even many descendants of gods.

So the corpse will appear on the sea!

It's just that the chances of the corpse appearing recently are a bit high, which is unusual.

"This divine bead has been in my body for three days, and all the real essence liquid has been absorbed by him. It's really troublesome. What exactly do the guys here want to do?"

Ye Dou frowned slightly, and began to use his divine sense to continue to probe the divine bead.

In the past few days, he has spent a lot of time on this strange divine bead.

However, this thing is very strange, it is absorbing his power all the time, there is no flaw, and it is almost going to kill him.

I heard Song Bing say that in order to take out this divine bead, he has to go back to The Hague City, and he can only consume it like that.

Originally, he thought this thing was a big baby, but he didn't expect it to be such a fool.

If it goes on like I am afraid that I will be killed by this thing.

"Sample, I don't believe I can't cure you." Ye Dou narrowed his eyes slightly.

Immediately, he concentrated all his Dayan Jue Divine Sense, formed an awl, and began to stab the dim and pitch-black bead.

Suddenly, the bead bounced off his consciousness, and the bounced consciousness was like a barb, stabbing back at his soul, causing him to have a splitting headache, and he could hardly hold it back, and he sat down on the ground.

I rely on!

Ye Dou held back the pain and didn't know what to say.

At the beginning, he smashed the so-called gods in the bead with one punch. Why does the bead still seem to have self-awareness?

What is this thing thinking?

But at this moment, a burst of dazzling colorful light suddenly erupted from this divine bead, and a powerful wave burst out...

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