The Hero Kneels

Chapter 575: God Bead Mystery

? Ye Dou's eyes were enveloped by seven-colored rays of light. Before he could react, the cabins behind him were beaten back, and several heroes rushed out. Song Binghaima and others took the lead.

The soldiers running from a distance approached to raise their guns, but were stopped by the heroes.

Seeing the seven-color light appearing, Haima couldn't help but exclaimed, "Ye Dou, this divine bead has been activated, you'd better not move."

Ye Dou nodded and didn't make the next move. Then, seven brilliant rays of light flashed from the inside of this strange divine bead, which gradually became transparent. A strong wave of blood energy rippled out from the divine bead.

The people around didn't speak any more, they all frowned and looked at the divine bead quietly.


The seven splendid divine lights inside the bead suddenly lit up, and a mysterious force suddenly shot out.

Song Bing, who was the closest, groaned, her pretty face paled a little, and she couldn't help but take two steps back.

Haima and others were also forced to withdraw by this colorful light, and the whole body was shaken like an invisible impact.

Ye Dou didn't have anything at all, but his divine sense was shut out of the door by the divine bead, and he couldn't go deeper, but he was not attacked by that mysterious colorful light.

"Is this divine bead rejecting us?" A streak of red blood flowed from the corner of Song Bing's mouth.

She wiped the blood, looked at the bead in horror, and did not dare to approach.

"The divine soul in this divine bead really isn't completely silent, and it is quite special, everyone, pay attention." Haima let out a sullen breath and hurriedly moved away from the divine bead.

The rest of the people had lingering fears, kept retreating, and stared at the divine bead in awe.

"I was just prevented from going deeper, other aspects are fine." Ye Dou said.

Everyone looked at each other.

"This bead recognizes you as the master?"

After thinking for a while, Song Bing looked at him suspiciously.

"The divine soul inside was destroyed by me once. This divine bead has absorbed the true essence in my body, and I can't figure out what state it is in!" Ye Dou said lightly.

"Have you destroyed the divine soul? You said earlier that this should be the manifestation of the divine bead's recognition of its master. Try to touch this divine bead with your hand." A light flashed in Haima's eyes.

"Then I'll try." Ye Dou stretched out his left hand and got closer to the bead.

When his palm was a few inches away from the divine bead, strands of red blood energy flew out from the divine bead and wrapped around him.

Ye Dou's body was obviously shaken.

A violent qi and blood energy burst out madly, rushing into his body.

This is an extremely powerful and pure blood energy!

Second block!

Ye Dou's muscles suddenly swelled, his bones were crackling, his whole body was red, his blood was surging, and his whole body immediately rose to a height of two meters.

This is not his own will, but the blood is too fierce and strong.

Haima's eyes were terrifying. He stared at the Divine Pearl and said with a trembling voice, "Ye Dou, this Divine Orb has been activated, what do you feel?"

"There was a burst of blood rushing into my body, and the blood radiated in my internal organs, bones and muscles, I felt like I was going to explode!" Ye Dou frowned, gritted his teeth and growled.

"That's the blood essence left by the gods. I'm afraid you won't be able to refine it. It will explode below. Immediately, the **** beads will cover the area." Haima shouted.

Song Bing couldn't help exclaiming: "Let go quickly, let go immediately, and stay away from this divine bead!"

"It doesn't matter, it's nothing, third gear!"

Ye Dou let out a violent drink.

His originally tall body swelled up again, his bones swelled with a crackling sound, and his muscles clapped like armor. Not only was his body extremely crimson, every muscle was bursting with terrifying blood energy fluctuations, and his height rose to five meters. , become a giant.

With the help of this majestic and pure blood of the gods, he entered the third gear state for the first time in history without burning the real essence liquid.

This kind of burning essence and blood, the feeling of rising up in an instant is really cool.

A wonderful feeling arose in his flesh, and it was the first time he felt that his flesh was so strong, almost indestructible.

Ye Dou was trembling all over. For the first time in the history of his Thirteen Taibao Heng Lian, he felt what is called blood energy like a dragon.

He wants to use this practice to strengthen his body with all his strength.

One after another scarlet blood light flashed out of his body very clearly. There were hundreds of blood lights, surging in his bones, tendons, and blood, making his whole body scorching hot and the temperature around him rising. Not a lot.

The blood energy has been absorbed and refined by him, and the speed is very fast.

"What's going on here? How can a human body swell like a sponge?"

Haima, Song Bing and the others opened their mouths wide, looking at the incomparably hot giant, nothing but horror was left.

Ye Douzheng was trying to digest blood and energy, and looked at the divine bead that had turned red.

In a trance, he saw a picture he had seen before from the bead.

On the cold and desolate ground, there are many strangely shaped corpses.

Those corpses are incomparably huge, some are like evil gods, some are like ancient giants, some are like dragons of the returning clan, and some are like gods, and their bodies are covered with sacred...

A flash of lightning flashed!

Following Leiguang, he suddenly saw an incredible scene. He saw a tall, muscular blond man, half-kneeling on the ground.

This blond man is also the size of a normal human.

Among the huge corpses of gods and demons, this tiny corpse looks very inconspicuous.

But this blond adult man, in addition to wearing bright silver ancient armor, also has a lightning spear in his hand.

The whole body was shrouded in lightning, and even the wounds on the body had endless lightning flashes, and there were bursts of lightning in those half-closed eyes, and even the hair strands were filled with lightning.

At this moment, the man's whole body is covered with scars, and each scar has a strange lightning pattern, which is very conspicuous, and an incredible destructive is very terrifying.

This is a thunder mark!

"I saw many corpses, like evil gods, huge ancient giants, and various corpses of gods and demons."

Ye Dou asked while looking at it: "I also saw a man who looked like a human. His skin was covered with lightning, his body was covered with lightning marks, and even his eyes were lightning. A terrifying aura emanated from Lightning flowed out of his body, and even his hair was full of lightning... He was still wearing ancient armor and holding a lightning spear in his hand."

"You, what did you say? Say it again?" Haima suddenly screamed, his voice was loud, like a sonic boom, causing pain in the surrounding eardrums.

"I also saw a man who looked like a human. His skin was covered with lightning, and his body was covered with lightning marks. Even his eyes were filled with lightning. A terrifying aura flowed out of his body, even his hair. There is lightning in the middle... He is still wearing ancient armor and holding a lightning spear in his hand." Ye Dou simply repeated it again.

"God! He is Zeus, the **** Zeus in Norse mythology!" Seahorse screamed madly.

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