The Hero Kneels

Chapter 579: lava giant

Chapter 580 Lava Giant

"There are dozens of ice crystal monsters. These are all souls. Do you want to..." He looked at the group of ice crystal monsters in front of him, hesitating.

"People die for wealth, birds die for food! How could I miss such a good opportunity to brush the soul?" Gritting his teeth, he took a deep breath and rushed out again.

He mobilized his inner strength, constantly shaking his palms to attack, smashing all these seemingly ferocious ice crystal monsters.

The cold air suddenly spewed out, mixed with the meaning of ice, and wrapped him all in it. The layers of ice cubes condensed quickly, almost freezing him into ice cubes.

"Quack quack!"

Ye Dou was enveloped by Bingying, his movements were getting slower and slower, he couldn't bear it, he felt like he was freezing.

Second block!

Seeing this situation, he took the time to burn all the blood and energy in his body, and his body immediately swelled up, dispelling the chill that spread to his bones with rushing hot blood plasma.

This stops the cold penetration!

"Damn, half of the True Essence Liquid in the Thunder Pond has been consumed, I won't play with you guys anymore!"

Ye Dou's face was ugly, he gasped slightly, and spit out thick white smoke into his mouth.

Looking down, I saw that four red souls and two white souls had appeared on the soul ring.

Such income is really enough, and there is no need to consume any real yuan.

At this moment, the surrounding magma seemed to be stimulated by the surrounding cold air, and it began to boil, like boiled water, began to burst, and bursts of boiling magma hit the ice-covered world.

Watching the magma streams that meander like long snakes suddenly rush out, the surrounding crater looks like it is about to erupt, as if it is about to explode.

Ye Dou immediately realized that something was wrong.

At this time, the real essence liquid in the Thunder Pond has been completely consumed. If someone comes to hunt the cicadas at this time, and the oriole is behind, then everything will be in vain.

The most important thing is that this world is too weird. The volcanic magma on the ground may be about to erupt. It seems that it has been stimulated and there is a sign of an earthquake.

"You have to find a place to take it easy and then talk about it!"

Ye Dou tossed and turned, avoiding the remaining dozens of ice crystal monsters, and at the same time avoiding the lava gushing on the ground.

In this place where magma is everywhere, he needs to activate his true essence to cast his indestructible golden body to defend against the pervasive magma around him and the attacks of ice crystal monsters.

At this time, the power of the True Essence Liquid in the Thunder Pond had consumed as much as 50% in a short period of time.

Here, he may encounter people from other forces at any time. He can't consume too much power, so as not to be unable to go all out when encountering an enemy.

Better to leave now!


The sound of the ground shaking suddenly came from under his feet, and Ye Dou suddenly felt that his feet were not stable at all, and his expression suddenly became serious.

Is this really going to be an earthquake?

Otherwise, the ground would not have such big fluctuations for no reason.

"What the **** is going on?" Ye Dou frowned deeply, trying to find a safe foothold, but unfortunately surrounded by rushing magma, it was almost unsafe.

At this moment, he felt that the gray sky was covered.

"What the **** is that?!"

Ye Dou looked at the sky in horror and inexplicable, and a giant hand fell.

At least this giant hand has the size of seven or eight football fields, which can be said to cover the sky and the sun, and each finger is not much wider than the widest road.

It fell like the top of Mount Tai, and the surrounding air was crushed and shattered, and the wind surged.

Ye Dou jumped, dodging one of the giant fingers.

I saw that finger that covered the sky and the sun suddenly fell down, smashing the ground into a depression, and more magma was set off around it, and there was an extremely strong shock wave and hot wind, surging.

And the ice crystal monster in front of him was completely smoothed out by this giant hand, and it was all crushed into powder.


At this moment, Ye Dou used his inner strength and climbed onto his fingers that were dozens of meters thick.

Fortunately, the fingers of this giant hand seem to be very thick, and the magma is relatively small. Between the textures of the fingers, there are winding rivers of magma flowing in it, and even car-sized parasites can be seen. Got bugs, sucking lava between fingers.

He quickly came to the top of his palm, like climbing a mountain of thousands of meters. At this moment, the giant hand that covered the sky began to move, first slowly upwards, and then slowly downwards. The movement was very slow, but the amplitude was very high. big.

Climbing high and looking into the distance, he saw the mountains and small mountains. Only then did he realize that there was another Lang Lang Qian Kun in the distance. The corpses of gods and demons, but these supposedly huge corpses of gods and demons are as small as ants and mosquitoes.

With the strength of this big hand, he suddenly jumped and couldn't help galloping out.

woo woo woo woo!

The wind whistled in his ears, the wind howled, and he fell madly.

Ye Doudao didn't worry about what would happen to him at all, he turned his head in mid-air and looked at the giant mountain he had just stood on.

Only then did I discover that the magma was all over the place. In fact, a lava giant with a height of at least 1,000 meters was sitting.

The lava giant is majestic and inexplicable, unparalleled in size, standing upright, and it is much bigger than the mountains, but it is many times larger than the corpse on the bottom of the sea.

"It's an injury, and it's still a serious injury!"

The farther away Ye Dou was, the more clearly he could see the whole picture of this lava giant.

The huge and unparalleled lava giant in front of him has a huge and unparalleled body, but his whole body is covered with scars, and there are huge gaps on his body, flowing all kinds of magma.

In addition, there was an incomparably huge blade stuck in his chest. He was firmly nailed to the ground, and magma was also flowing in it. Three limbs were left in the opponent's limbs, and there was only one big hand left that could barely move.

The other party was half lying on the ground, his eyes were closed, and he looked half-dead.

"What kind of existence is it? It can damage this lava giant to such an extent? It's terrifying!" Ye Dou felt puzzled, and a deep fear.

The tomb of the gods is the tomb of the gods, there are too many unbelievable existences here.


Ye Dou slammed his feet to the ground, smashing heavily on the ground, and smashed a big hole on the ground.

He had already used electromagnetic force to reduce the gravity after landing, but it still caused a big movement.

"who is it?"

As a result, just as he landed, he heard a loud shout in the distance.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Then came the sound of heavy footsteps, which seemed to be quite fierce.

Ye Dou was indifferent.

As the footsteps got faster and louder, he could hear a strong man with a strong body in the The other party was rapidly approaching him.

This person may be Haima and the others, or it may be someone from other forces.

Dayan decision!

He tried to release his consciousness and wanted to perceive the surrounding area.

He quickly found out that in the tomb of the gods, his sense of consciousness was also suppressed.

I usually scan a kilometer around without a problem, but now I don't even have a hundred meters.

It is very difficult to detect the area without the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. That kind of magical power has taken away the true essence, and it has also hindered his consciousness, and the extension distance has been greatly reduced.

If you come, be safe!

No matter what kind of monsters they are, let's go.

Thinking of this, he also calmed down and waited for the arrival of that person.

(End of this chapter)

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