The Hero Kneels

Chapter 580: Grandpa's name is The Flash

Chapter 581 Grandpa Calls The Flash

Da Da Da Da!

The sound of stepping on the ground sounded one after another, getting closer and closer.

Ye Dou, who was in the midst of adjusting his breath, suddenly opened his eyes.

In the eyes, two dazzling electric lights were released.

He jumped onto a grey boulder and looked motionless in the direction of the sound.

This place is not too far from the giant lava giant, and there are a lot of red and hot magma flowing around, which emits a lot of heat and sulfur.

At the moment opposite Ye Dou, there is a man in tight black ancient clothes. This man looks like he is in his thirties. He looks rough and looks like he is looking for something.

The other party's demeanor was calm, and he came safely, neither in a hurry nor in a hurry.

"Ha, found a hero from the Silver Continent!" Yue Shan couldn't help opening his mouth to smile when he saw Ye Dou, and his eyes showed quite a satisfied look.

He was lucky and was teleported near the lava giant as soon as he entered.

There are low volcanoes here, constantly spewing out magma, and there are many treasures of heaven and earth in the flame juice.

You know, these magmas are the blood of lava giants, and they are a breeding ground for treasures from heaven and earth.

Ordinary people will definitely be unbearable if they arrive at this boundary, after all, magma erupts here at any time.

Yue Shan is not afraid of trouble at all. On the contrary, he feels very comfortable here, and the pores all over his body feel comfortable.

Because what he cultivated was the Bronze Continent, the most famous top-notch technique, the Crazy Flame Burst Technique!

This kind of cultivation technique can absorb the power of flames, so in this area, his power has not been diminished, and even slightly improved.

Now that he came to this place where there is a high possibility of treasures from heaven and earth, he is more and more excited.

He heard a noise just now, so he followed the sound to find it, only to find that someone in this area had taken the lead.

Looking at the other party's attire, it should be someone from the Silver Continent.

He was immediately stunned.

The people of the Silver Continent and the Bronze Continent have never had much in common. The two sides have fought repeatedly, so it can be said that the relationship is not good.

For Yue Shan, the other party is a guy who has no faith and is not worthy to come to this realm of gods.

Hundreds of meters apart, between him and Ye Dou, there was a river of bubbling lava.

Yue Shan looked at Ye Dou, his eyes gradually became cold, and finally he shouted coldly: "People from the Silver Continent, get out of the way immediately, or they will be killed without mercy!"

Ye Dou frowned: "You are really domineering, are you from the Bronze Continent?"

Yue Shan squinted his eyes and asked: "Yes, I come from the Nine-Day Buddha Sect of the Bronze Continent, and I am a first-class master of the Shenqiao Realm. The sect master is my highest strength, I believe you should have mentioned the name of my Lieyang Hand Yueshan."

"The Lieyang Hand Yueshan?"

Ye Dou Ran, shook his head slightly: "I don't care who you are, isn't your so-called Crazy Flame Explosion Art very powerful?"

"Yes, my Nine Sun Buddha Sect's Crazy Flame Burst Technique is absolutely extraordinary. It is definitely a first-class technique in the Bronze Continent. Where the **** are you from, and you haven't heard of Crazy Flame Burst Technique?"

Yue Shan said disdainfully.

Their Nine-Day Buddha Gate and Crazy Flame Burst Technique are very famous in the Bronze Continent, and their reputation is far-reaching, even the heroes of the Silver Continent know it.

This **** doesn't know?

How did he know, Ye Dou not only didn't know him, but there were many things he didn't know.

"Hey, you're lucky, it's just me."

Yue Shan suddenly laughed: "I am a kind person. When I meet a rookie like you, I will leave you a whole body. How do you want to die next? BBQ? Or charcoal?"

After Ye Dou was startled, he suddenly grinned strangely: "I should have said this. By the way, did you bring some crazy flame bursting art with you?"

"I am a martial arts genius who is second only to the suzerain. This kind of peerless cultivation technique does not need to be carried at all, and it is all recorded in my mind."

Yue Shan raised his eyebrows, and suddenly smiled again: "You have the temperament of a strong man, are you ready to die?"

The words fell, and Yue Shan's face and eyes turned red.

Waves of fierce fire ignited on his body, flames spewed from his eyes, and the whole person instantly turned into a small scorching sun.

The surrounding magma tumbled more and more intensely, almost instantly boiling.

His big hand waved suddenly.

A thick and long magma dragon composed of magma appeared. This magma dragon was thicker than a bucket. It suddenly flew out of the riverbed, and opened its hot mouth and bit toward Ye Dou.


The long lava dragon was billowing and exuding heat, and the whole body was filled with fire waves. Before it got close, the surrounding air was almost ignited.

Ye Dou stood still.

In his pupils, the fine light of thunder and lightning flashed, giving birth to thunder and lightning.


Ye Dou drank violently, punched out, and dazzling lightning, as thick as an arm, accompanied by a thunderous shock, and came out red.


The magma dragon was struck by lightning and exploded in succession, and the magma was scattered with raging fireworks.

These falling magma suddenly rushed towards Ye Dou, like a shower of fire and rain, still carrying an extremely hot impact, rolling in.

"Interesting, it's the power of thunder and lightning, this kid really is in the realm of Shenqiao."

Yue Shan narrowed his eyes, his expression icy cold.

He attacked in the rain of scattered lava fire in the air.

The opponent can control the power of thunder, which is really beyond his expectations. You must know that the power of thunder is a high-level power, and few people can master it.

The person in front of him will definitely not be a nameless person in the Silver Continent.

Immortal golden body!

Ye Dou's eighteenth-layer indestructible golden body activated, protecting his body.

The eighteen layers of the inextinguishable golden body that is invulnerable to water and fire immediately blocked the rain of lava fire.

"Interesting! This kid is not weak enough to fight with me."

Yue Shan speculated about the opponent's strength in his heart.

If Ye Dou's strength is not good, he will never show mercy and will kill him directly.

"It's my turn now!"

Ye Dou has not waited for the other party to react, and the powerful physical strength suddenly erupted.

The muscles of his legs were bulging, there was a faint flash of electric light, and the ground under his feet shattered instantly.

The whole person disappeared in place, and two deep pits exploded in place.

Ye Dou, a body tempered by divine blood, is already quite good just by virtue of the explosive power of his physical body. With the tempering of the Five Thunder God Technique, he can increase his movements to lightning speed.

There's a flash of haste!

The footsteps flashed past, and Yue Shan's squinted eyes saw a flash of lightning flashing in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, he was slapped in the The other party was already in front of him.

No way, Ye Dou's lightning-like movements made him unable to react at all.

This palm was strong and powerful, and it sunk his chest directly, but a flame of aura flashed from the opponent in time, blocking the remaining power of this palm.

He couldn't help but go back and forth in astonishment.

The opponent didn't even have any spiritual power fluctuations before the explosion, which means that this is pure physical explosive power!

Is this guy so strong?

Yue Shan spat out a mouthful of old blood, his eyes stunned.

Oops, kicked the iron plate today!

"Wait a minute! What's your name? Can we..." He quickly waved his hand, wanting to stop the fight.

Ye Dou waved his fist, but he was not idle, and shouted: "Grandpa is called The Flash!"

(End of this chapter)

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