The Hero Kneels

Chapter 582: Insect Ancestor

Chapter 583 Insect Ancestor

an hour.

Yue Shan's body was pitch black, his hairstyle exploded, his muscles trembled uncontrollably, and smoke was coming from his mouth, and he said slowly, "...This is all about kung fu, spare your life, don't call me again."

His whole body trembled, his voice trembled so much that his will almost collapsed.

This eldest brother's massage technique was too magical. It was very comfortable at first, and then the endless thunder began to stimulate the body and stimulate the soul. Not only did his body suffer from severe pain, but his soul was almost destroyed.

It is simply impossible to survive, not to die.

The soul was deformed by "massage", and he had to reveal most of the contents of the top secret sect's mad flame bursting art.

After he wanted to say it, he wanted to die.

After Ye Dou listened to Yue Shan's oral madness bursting art, he calculated it in his mind, and he knew the general situation of this art.

He is a martial arts master, and he has a very good understanding of the meridians and acupoints in the human body, and he also has a rough estimate of this practice.

Although this Crazy Flame Explosion Art is not as good as the Five Thunders, it is quite powerful. You can use this method to cultivate all the way to the realm of Shenqiao, and through this, you can realize the mood of raging flames, and you can use many magical powers.

In terms of the effect of cultivation and artistic conception alone, it is actually only one step worse than Wu Lei Shen Gong.

The two have similarities and many differences, and the systems are not the same.

It seems that the exercises inspired by the golden finger should be the best deduction results.

"The so-called Shenqiao is to condense the soul first, and then cross the Shenqiao to soar in one fell swoop, shattering the void?" He roughly calculated what the so-called Shenqiao realm was based on the exercises.

Yue Shan murmured decadently: "Since the end of the age of mythology, the cultivator's divine bridge has been completely broken, no one can make the divine soul cross the divine bridge and become a god, all the methods of becoming a **** are invalid... It is impossible for a true **** to exist in the world. ."

Ye Dou took over the words: "That's why you entered the tomb of the gods to find the method of becoming a god. What is this so-called method of becoming a god?"

"It's a divine bead... Nine divine corpses appeared one after another before, and nine divine orbs pointed nine directions. Those nine directions can obtain the divine method. Whoever can obtain the divine bead can find the divine method."

Ye Dou took out a pale red bead the size of a ping-pong ball and said repressedly, "This thing is so useful?"

Yue Shan's eyes were full of horror and bloodshot, he never expected that the other party would also have a divine bead on his body.

At this moment, this divine bead is slowly exuding a red shimmer, as if guiding something.

"Yes, it's this divine bead, are you going to kill me next?" Yue Shan asked feebly.

"I'm not interested anymore, you are too weak." Ye Dou jumped up without saying a word and disappeared from his sight.

Looking at the afterimage that quickly disappeared, Yue Shan murmured, "This guy is so strong... I'm afraid even the Sect Master is not his opponent. What is his origin?"

In a hill full of tall trees.

There are mosquito-like flying insects hovering in the air.

These mosquitoes are absorbing the essence of the surrounding trees, and many trees that were originally lush are rapidly dying of old age and slowly decaying.

Mosquitoes are getting more and more alive.

There are about eight men with strong bodies in front. At this moment, their heads are being penetrated by huge mosquitoes with their slender and pointed mouths. There are traces of flesh and blood on the eight people, which are constantly disappearing and being absorbed. The eight were eventually shriveled into mummified corpses.

Like jerky that has shrunk rapidly.

Four dark-skinned aboriginals wearing grass skirts, at this moment, are holding skeleton canes and performing some strange witchcraft.

Mosquitoes stabbed a shriveled giant worm corpse, donating their life energy to the worm corpse.

This corpse is very strange. It looks like a human but not a human, and it looks like an insect but not an insect.

The flesh on the corpse is gradually filling up, but the recovery speed is very slow.

One of the natives simply turned around, looked at a group of people behind him who were bound by spider silk, and said solemnly: "Insect Ancestor needs more flesh and blood, kill all these people and let Insect Ancestor revive."

"You **** of the voodoo religion, everyone gets it and kills them." Song Bingjiao shouted, at this moment her body was covered with spider silk.

Not only was she not arrested by herself, but also people from all major forces were arrested by these natives.

Their strength was suppressed enough in this tomb of the gods, but these voodoo people could attack them with various poisonous insects, and their strength was not seriously damaged.

This caused the forces of all parties to suffer a big loss, and the result was that they were wiped out by the other party.

Not only Song Bing, but even Haima and some sect masters of the Bronze Continent were picked up by these voodoo guys and used as food for the ancestors.

Seeing that the masters who dominate one side are sucked into adulthood by insects, everyone is really frightened, but more of them are dissatisfied.

If it wasn't for their skills and abilities being restricted to death by the laws of this world, they would not have been able to be defeated by poisonous insects at all.

Just as the mosquitoes flew towards the big guy, everyone showed despair.


It was a deep despair.

Next, their fate is to become a jerky.

This will become the burial place of their generational heroes.


At this moment, one after another figure galloped, and the speed was very fast.

"Wow, there are so many big bugs, are the bugs here also that big?"

With the sound of a curious voice, everyone found that the young people who seemed to be strong and stopped.

"Hey hey hey, did you make a mistake?"

Ye Dou looked at the bound people around him, and couldn't help but stare: "Is this a game of feeding bugs?"

"Ye Dou, save me!"

"Save us."

When Song Bing, Haima and the others saw Ye Dou, they immediately shouted for help.

"Hehe, what are you doing? So many people have been dealt with by a few mosquitoes." Only then did Ye Dou realize that among the bound people, he actually knew quite a few people.

Cough cough!

He snorted and asked the people around him, "Several dark-skinned brothers, can you let some of my friends go?"

"Go? Your blood essence is so mellow, Insect Ancestor must like you very much, leave your body, and your soul can go!" One of the **** men said loudly.

After finishing speaking, the other three black men waved their bone sticks one by one, and one giant floater flew wasting my skill! "Suddenly, an electric light burst out from under Ye Dou's feet, and his whole person disappeared.

Everyone felt that there were a series of thunder light movies in front of them, and they flashed by in front of them.

When everyone saw Ye Dou again, the mosquitoes and poisonous insects around them all fell to the ground, and the four black people had four more blood holes on their foreheads.

Ye Dou solved all his opponents in an instant.

He stepped in front of the crowd, first untied the spider silks on Haima, Song Bing and the others, and then untied everyone's spider silks. These spider silks were very tough, but they were still strong under his enormous strength. Unlocked immediately.

Just when everyone was about to say thank you.

Insect Ancestor's huge corpse suddenly moved and made a sharp cry.

"No, Zongzu is not dead, he is about to wake up!"

(End of this chapter)

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