The Hero Kneels

Chapter 583: It's a **** maggot

?I saw the big bug that looked like a maggot and looked like a human being began to move. The body was wriggling like a big maggot, but it moved very fast, and it came to everyone in the blink of an eye.

He directly opened a big, **** mouth and rushed towards the black corpses beside him. He devoured the four black corpses in a few mouthfuls.

To be honest, this worm is more like a wriggling Roshan, with black spots and patterns all over its body, full of extremely vicious and strong fel energy fluctuations.


This thing actually has an extremely strong fel energy fluctuation.

It is estimated that it is a creature from the Netherworld.

The other party was clearly squirming, but the speed was as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, he came to the side of a rescued person, swallowed one of them into his mouth suddenly, and spat out a large mouth full of sharp mouths. Stock of blood.

"Come on, this insect ancestor is the ancestor of the voodoo religion, I didn't expect him to be alive."

"Running for what? This bug is scary fast."

"Don't run? What else can we do?"

"Want to sit still?"

Everyone couldn't help exclaiming, and they all backed out, preparing to run away.

However, the insect poison from before made them all weak and weak.

In the Age of Mythology, Insect Ancestor was the most terrifying existence in the Black Iron Continent. He once controlled more than half of the Black Iron Continent. Many people knew the story of Insect Ancestor.

This is a mythical story that even gods can devour insect monsters and has devoured countless lives.

Who knows, the terrifying existence in the age of mythology did not die, but was directly resurrected.

It's terrifying!

While everyone was in shock, an orange-red light suddenly appeared. This light was quite terrifying, and it set off a quite powerful shock wave, filling everyone's field of vision, causing a stormy wave around.

Insect Ancestor's huge body of maggots, like a mountain of flesh, was knocked out by this orange-red light, and slammed into a boulder a hundred meters away.

I don't know what material the boulder was. It was extremely hard, with almost no damage. It was just shocked, and the powerful shock wave was such that the ground was thrown away into a huge, thick and long dirt pit.

"This bug is so tough!" Ye Dou raised his brows.

It is said that not all bugs can become butterflies, because some are his mother's maggots.

He dared to guarantee that this big maggot would never become a butterfly.

Because he is so hard!

It is absolutely unbelievable that the electromagnetic gun that I am proud of has not broken through the opponent's defense, but only temporarily knocked the opponent's body into the air.

This big bug is absolutely divine.

"It's so strong! It's so strong!"

"The ancestors of the insects were all shot."

"Little brother, may I ask your honorable name."

Many people around were amazed, some even wanted to get to know Ye Dou, and looked at Ye Dou with bright eyes.

Just like countless people who fell into the water, when they saw a thick and long hairy leg, they could not wait to hug this hairy leg, pull off a few leg hairs, and lick it again.

"Speed ​​up!" Ye Dou turned and walked away, not intending to pay any attention to these people.

It was not until this time that everyone reacted, and the Zerg seemed to be slowly recovering.


Immediately, a large group of people began to run wildly, running very fast.

No one wants to be caught up and swallowed by Zongzu.

Outside the hills is a wilderness and vast grasslands, extending to the extreme.

"Finally escaped!"

Under the leadership of Ye Dou, Song Bing looked ahead with a look of joy on his face, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"We have only been here for the second day, and we have encountered so many dangers."

Haima heaved a sigh of relief: "I was almost eaten by a bug, thanks to Ye Dou."

"Yeah, it's Ye Dou's fault."

Song Qian looked at Ye Dou, her beautiful eyes flashing with brilliance, she said strangely, "Our strength has been drained by this world, why do you still have the strength to attack?"

"I've already been drained. The blow just now was the only real essence left. Now I'm no different from you."

Ye Dou said simply: "We need to hurry to the east! Immediately immediately!"

"What's the matter with you? Did the bead react?"

Another yellow-faced man, Huang Keqin, couldn't help asking.

"I feel a strong lightning field, where I can restore my strength." Ye Dou was in high spirits.


In the east separated by a wilderness, there is a strong thunder turmoil.

He could clearly feel it.

"Then let's cross this wilderness first. We must follow you. After all, the Divine Pearl is in your hands." Haima said helplessly.

a day later.

The four of them crossed the eastern wilderness and came to a strange forest.

The woods are filled with all kinds of big trees with strange appearances. These big trees are dark all over, and each one is dozens of meters high.

"Crackling! Boom boom boom!"

One after another blue lightning, accompanied by the roar of thunder, came from various locations in the woods from time to time, deafening, and the thunder light could be seen from far away.

From time to time, these thunder lights would smash on these branches, a wisp of blue smoke would emerge, and then disappear.

"I love this place!"

The corner of Ye Dou's mouth burst into a smile, which is definitely a good place for him.

"You're cultivating lightning-type exercises, no wonder you're so happy." Song Bing pouted.

"This is indeed a good place for me to practice! Hehe!"

Ye Dou was in a good mood, and without talking to a few people, he stepped into this place first.

What he was most happy about was that there was a faint aura of destruction here, and it seemed to be getting closer and closer to the body of Zeus, the **** of thunder. Perhaps the depths of the black forest here was where the body of the **** of **** Zeus was hiding.

The strange woods were filled with lightning and thunder, and the weather was extremely harsh.

The sky is covered with dark clouds, and thunder and lightning will be split from time to time.

This is very dangerous for those who cannot resist lightning, but Haima, Song Bing, and Huang Keqin can only follow him.

"Don't worry too much, as long as you follow me, you will not be hit by thunder and lightning."

Ye Dou has been comforting everyone: "It's just I need to find a place to practice. It won't take long before I can fully recover my strength."

Everyone was terrified, but there were several lightning strikes, and no one hit them hard, but hit Ye Dou hard and didn't hurt them.

Ye Dou is like a human-shaped lightning rod, absorbing all kinds of lightning around him.

The power of thunder and lightning surged, smashing Ye Dou's clothes into slag.

Ye Dou simply wore his underpants, and the underpants were a little scorched and torn. He continued to move forward calmly, ignoring Song Bing's strange and fiery eyes, and his beautiful eyes followed Ye Dou.

What can I do if I dump it?

You can't take away my virginity just by looking at you.


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