The Hero Kneels

Chapter 602: ass, life

Yes, I read that right.

The other party's leather pants were open, so that he could actually see the color of An Tiao's pants.

It can really brighten your eyes.

"Am I encountering a pervert? Or a mental patient who ran out of somewhere?" Ye Dou was covered in cold sweat, he couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and his little heart was thumping.

His body is abnormally weak, and it is difficult to even walk, and there is no extra strength in the whole body.

It can be said that even an ant can't be pinched to death. If it goes on like this, if I really encounter a pervert, I'm afraid my daisies will not be protected.

In other words, does anyone have a serious taste, like a bald guy who doesn't even have eyebrows?


At this time, the man in the leather jacket and crotch pants seemed to have found something, and said strangely: "You are seriously injured? Next, I will take you to the hospital! We must hurry!"

After speaking, the other party rushed over and hugged Ye Dou.

"Hey, I don't want to go to the hospital? Put me down!" Ye Dou was anxious.

Because as soon as the other party came up, he hugged himself the princess!


It turned out to be a special princess hug!

You know, it was his princess who always hugged others, and the ones who were hugging were girls. Unexpectedly, today, he was hugged by a man to the princess.

And also a man wearing open crotch pants, the princess hugs herself.

so awkward!


I really want to find a hole to dig into!

The man in the open-crotch tights panted and carried Ye Dou onto a 50% new tricycle parked on the side of the road, panted Ye Dou behind him, and muttered to himself, "It's so heavy, isn't it? Is it because I haven't eaten meat lately?"

After taking a deep breath, he covered Ye Dou with a coat, covering the key parts of the opponent.

Then hurriedly got on the tricycle and stepped on the pedals, and came to a road: "Don't worry, I'll take you to the hospital right away. By the way, brother, how did you hurt yourself? Was it attacked by some monster?"

"Uh, ah..." Ye Dou replied vaguely.

The man stepped on his feet and kept mumbling: "If I hadn't seen a meteor fall here early in the morning, it would have been impossible for me to find you. Saying that the meteor didn't know where it went, I guess You were taken first by others, you should have been affected by a meteor, and that's why you were injured..."


Ye Dou simply lay on the back of the tricycle, gasping for breath facing the sky.

Since he obtained the soul ring, he has never been as useless as he is now. He feels like a sea cucumber that hasn't eaten for ten years, and his whole body is soft.

Not long after, he saw a modern metropolis standing in front of him.

Looking from a distance, the city is full of skyscrapers. A road extends from the city. Many cars of different colors and shapes are driving in and out of the city, traveling along the road toward the distance.

The tricycle entered the city along the small road. There were a lot of traffic around, and many buildings had a sense of futuristic technology. In addition, various billboards can be seen from time to time on the road. These billboards are not stars, but various Man in leotard with mask.

"Is this a parallel world again? Who are these strange guys? It feels like Song Bing, Haima and the others?" Ye Dou looked around, frowning.


Suddenly, a strange sound filled Ye Dou's ears.

Puff puff…

He didn't care at first, thinking it was the sound of the engine. After a while, he realized that the sound was non-stop.

Thinking about it carefully, the tricycle is obviously powered by human pedals, where did the engine come from?

And it sounded like a fart.

"Hey, what kind of sound is this? Who is farting?" Ye Dou asked in confusion.

The man in front of him who was madly pedaling the bicycle was silent. After a while, he slowly turned his head and asked, "Hey, don't you recognize who I am?"

"Who are you? Wearing a mask and covering half of your face, how could I know who you are?" Ye Dou was very puzzled.

To be sure, he was seeing this guy for the first time.

Well, in fact, this earth is also the first time,

He doesn't know anyone.

Seeing Ye Dou's confused look, the man shook his head slightly, opened his mouth, and spit out a long list of jingles:


"The anger of life, it will run out if it is not careful."

"One day the king of Spain was watching a play and smelled a fart and thought it was funny, so he ordered the whole country to fart."

"Whoever makes the sound, be the principal."

"Whoever stinks, be a professor."

"Whoever does not make a sound and does not stink shows who is the most backward in thinking!"

The speaker shook his head, the rhythm was quite rap style, and he looked like he was enjoying it. Then he braked suddenly, twisted his body, straightened his chest, opened his arms, and made a gesture of holding the sun with his hands.

He raised his head and shouted, "That's right, I'm the legendary fart who shook Jiuxiao with one fart!"

"Put... fart man?"

Ye Dou opened his mouth, a little confused.

The other party was dressed very strangely, and he was startled. Now that he called himself a fart man, he was already certain that he was definitely suffering from mental illness.

Absolutely mentally ill!

Fortunately, his mind was turning fast enough that he knew that mental illness could not be provoked, so he simply came to cooperate with each other with full acting skills, and couldn't help laughing loudly: "You are a fart? Hahahaha... Do you know who I am?"

"Who are you?"

The fart man asked strangely.

Ye Dou planned to be addicted to tricks, and a heroic smile appeared on his said confidently: "Since you asked the question sincerely, then I will tell you with great mercy, in order to prevent the world from being destroyed , in order to protect world peace and carry out love and true evil..."

"I am the one who knows Autumn and One Leaf, who is known as a pear tree and a begonia, who broke the hearts of three thousand young girls!"

He brewed such a strong momentum, and his acting skills were fully utilized. Who knows, the fart man was laughing backwards and forwards, and laughed, and said: "Hahaha, buddy, you have nothing to learn about Ye Cannon God. Lines, I think you must have watched too many movies about the God of Ye Pao!"

"I heard that there is a recent movie called [Legend of the God of Ye Pao], which has just been released. I heard that this movie tells the life of God of Ye Pao, and everything happened. I plan to watch it another day, you You must have seen the movie."

God of Leaf Cannon?

what the hell?

Why does it feel so similar to his nickname of Ye Cannon King?

Hearing this, Ye Dou had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Ahem, who the **** is the God of Ye Pao you're talking about?" He asked the fart man carefully.

The fart man was stunned when asked, his black pupils showed an incredible look, and he looked at Ye Dou as if he was looking at a peerless flower: "Hey, hey, are you mistaken? The God of Ye Pao is the God of Ye Pao. , don't you know?"

Ye Dou shook his head and said he didn't know anything.

The fart man was stunned, so he simply pointed behind Ye Dou and said loudly, "Please brother, the statue of Ye Pao God has been standing here for 20 years. Tell me you don't know Ye Pao God?"

Following the opponent's fingers, Ye Dou saw that there was a bronze statue more than 20 meters tall at a distance of 34 meters from him.

It's okay not to look at it. After a look, he was stunned and couldn't help trembling: "Damn, it can't be so coincidental!"

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