The Hero Kneels

Chapter 604: If you don't let go of your farts

Suddenly, an indescribable stench filled the air.

Everyone smelled an indescribable stench, which made them almost suffocate, and fled one by one.

Ye Dou was also choked up by the stench, so he simply held his breath.

This smell is too exaggerated, the stench is really strong, and it has penetrated into the depths of the brain through the nose straight into the lungs.

He didn't expect that Fart Man would actually fart, and he let it go as soon as he said it. The smell of this fart was so stinky that he almost fainted.

The face is yellow and thin, and the fart stinks;

Big fat, fart like thunder.

This guy doesn't look fat or thin, but his farts are loud and smelly, and they can reach people's internal organs and brains instantly!

Ye Dou dared to pat his chest and assured that he had never smelled such a smelly fart in his life, this fart man and the weasel must be relatives.

The fart man took the opportunity to come to Ye Dou, and said with a dry smile, "Fart is the spirit of life. If you don't let it go, it will damage your five internal organs. If you don't have a fart, you will squeeze and squeeze your body. You just accidentally let it go, don't mind."

"You need immediate treatment, let's go to the hospital first."

He helped Ye Dou away from the statue, and sighed earnestly: "You must have broken your brain, you don't even know Ye Pao God, and you said that you are Ye Pao God... But you really have a face. A little bit of the God of Ye Pao, another day you can go to participate in the activities of God of Ye Pao, what's your name?"

" name is Ye Dou." Ye Dou replied.

"What, your real name is Ye Dou? It's estimated that your parents are fans of Ye Pao God, but they have the exact same name as Pao God. Are you not afraid of being beaten?" Bizarre eyes looked at Ye Dou.

Ye Dou smiled awkwardly, feeling full of absurdity in his heart.

I am the God of Ye Pao, but now no one knows him.

Fortunately, he has experienced strong winds and waves, and his psychological quality is absolutely excellent. After taking a few deep breaths, he can be regarded as accepting the status quo.

Twenty years is twenty years.

Although the earth in twenty years may be different, but he has not aged because of this, and it is said that the thunder pool in his body has been melted away, but he also has the method of becoming a god, and the day he must become a **** is just around the corner.

"I did forget a lot of things... Fart man, I want to ask you what's going on with the hero badge? What's the hero?" Bored on the road, Ye Dou thought about it and asked about the so-called hero.

Judging from the other party's dress and speech, the other party is too similar to the hero he saw in another parallel world, and it is necessary to clarify.

The fart man knows everything about Ye Doudao, and he can't say enough. He explained what happened in the past 20 years clearly and clearly, and he really regarded the other party as a person with temporary amnesia.

It turned out that not long after he destroyed the passage of the secluded world, the earth suffered a strange meteorite attack, so the whole world was turned upside down, and all kinds of monsters became endless.

A mysterious item called star fruit, with the meteor shower coming from the sky, endows many human superpowers with superpowers, so that human beings can fight against various monsters, and the world has changed because of this, and these people are also known as hero.

Since then, the hero has become a profession, a profession that everyone yearns for, but it is highly dangerous.

The fart man is also a member of the hero.

Of course, his ability is rather strange, and he is a fart, which makes him annoying.

Therefore, the hero level is very low, and it is the most alternative black iron level. It can only handle some ordinary daily things and receive a meager salary to live.

Dangerous things such as fighting monsters are naturally not the turn of a little hero like Fart Man. Fart Man often does things that are righteous and brave. Today, he met Ye Dou because he saw a meteor land.

As for wearing open-crotch pants, it is also because it is convenient to fart.

Isn't there an old saying, take off your pants and fart, is it unnecessary?

Ye Dou savoured the information provided by the other party, and found that the current earth is quite similar to the Silver Continent, another normal world, which also suffered from meteor showers, so there are many more heroes and monsters with superpowers.

As for there must be some connection between the two, after all, this is too coincidental.

Soul Ring took him to another parallel world, just to go to the tomb of God to absorb souls?

Ye Dou was thoughtful, looking at the soul ring as thick as a wrench on his fingers, rubbing the smooth surface of the soul ring.

The soul ring at this moment has indeed become different from before.

He looked up and happened to see a pharmacy on the side of the road: "Stop, take me to the pharmacy, I'll buy some medicine."

The following should also try the effect of the golden finger upgrade.

Let's see what tricks the upgraded soul ring can bring out.

"The pharmacy? Your injury looks serious. You can't go to the pharmacy? Go to the hospital."

The fart man shook his head very firmly, and didn't mean to stop.

Ye Dou sighed: "I'm a poor man, I have no money, and I don't have medical insurance. If you go to the hospital, you have to take me to pay the medical expenses in advance. It is estimated that it will cost tens of thousands..."


There was a sudden braking sound, and the tricycle drifted to a stop at the entrance of the A cloud of blue smoke rose from all three tires, and Ye Dou almost didn't roll down from the back because of inertia.

He grinned and said, "You better buy me some trousers, I feel a chill in my butt."

"Cough, okay, buy medicine and clothes for you."

The fart man touched his shriveled pocket, and after a long time, he took out a few pieces of banknotes.

After a while, the other party came out of the pharmacy with a bottle of oral liquid Yunnan Baiyao in his hand.

Ye Dou took the medicine bottle and thanked him, and the fart man turned around and went to the small clothing store.


Seeing the other party leave, Ye Dou's mind moved, and Soul Ring immediately plated a layer of dark gold on his right index finger.

His fingers clicked on the medicine bottle of Yunnan Baiyao.

The medicine bottle was immediately enveloped by a dark golden light. After a few seconds, the dark golden light disappeared. The text on the outside of the medicine bottle became like a sword. A white soul on the soul ring completely disappeared. Liquid should be enlightened.

When he came to the corner of the street where there was no one, Ye Dou was about to drink this bottle of medicine to treat his injuries, but found something wrong.

There was a slight vibration again on his right index finger.

This is a sign that the item can be enchanted.

Ye Dou's eyelids trembled.

You know, this bottle of oral Yunnan Baiyao has already been enlightened once.

Now the index finger vibrates slightly, what does this mean?

Could this bottle of potion be enlightened again?

Goldfinger, touch!

With a move in Ye Dou's heart, his index finger once again burst into a strange brilliance, and then clicked on the bottle of Yunnan Baiyao that had been enlightened again.


The bottle of Yunnan Baiyao once again bloomed with a strange dark golden light, which was even more dazzling than before, and there was a slight vibration in the medicine bottle.

The second instillation turned out to be a success!

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