The Hero Kneels

Chapter 613: The man who became the stallion king

A golden soul just disappeared? !

Ye Dou almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood. The soul ring was rare and generous, giving away one soul of all kinds. This golden soul was also the most valuable of all souls.

As a result, this gift is gone?

Looking at the pale red, cherry-sized star fruit, Ye Dou almost didn't get his eyes out.

I saw that the originally dull star fruit had become the size of a ping-pong ball, with a bright red blood-like appearance, and there seemed to be a dark golden dreamy star twinkling in it.

This layer of dark golden flames is still burning around the dreamy stars. This kind of flame is unpredictable.

Ouch, that looks so cool!

Ye Dou was startled suddenly and remembered something.

I immediately found a magazine on the bed. This magazine contains the most precious S-class and A-class star fruit pictorial information found in the world. It may be possible to find similar fruits on it to estimate the value of this star fruit. .

After quickly flipping through with his divine sense, he really found several similar S-rank fruits. Among these S-rank fruits, a dreamy star was flashing, but they were very restrained and were in static mode, unlike the one in his hand. The dark golden fruit was burning continuously.

"Could it be that this F-rank fruit has become an S-rank fruit through golden fingers?" Ye Dou's little heart was beating non-stop.

He didn't find anything like this strange fruit in the S-rank fruit illustration book, but what is certain is that this star fruit has been strengthened, even if it is not S-rank, it is very close to S-rank.

After all, this star fruit consumed his first golden soul ever!

So what kind of superpowers can this star fruit provide?

The star fruit has a mysterious origin.

They are heavily wrapped in stone skins, and with the dense meteor shower landing on the earth, only after cutting those meteorites can we know whether there are star fruits inside.

Every complete star fruit is extremely precious, especially the S grade or A grade fruit. These most complete fruits can endow human beings with various powerful abilities. Human beings can eat a star fruit, and they can become extraordinary and holy, so the star fruit Also known as the fruit of super power, it is sought after by the world and is invaluable.

If this star fruit is really strengthened to S-rank, then after eating it, it will definitely have special abilities!

"After eating this star fruit, what powers can I get?" Ye Dou couldn't help but wonder.

According to the information known so far, anyone with an ability can become a hero by simply applying for a name. It hardly requires much review, which is far simpler than other ordinary people.

As a hero with powerful abilities, he is admired and admired by thousands of people, and he is worshipped by countless beauties.

If he becomes a hero with powerful superpowers, he can be in newspapers and on TV every day. Wherever he goes, countless fans will scream, and countless female ghosts want to give birth to monkeys for themselves. Just thinking about it makes people excited. smoke.

Brother is the man who wants to become the king of stallions!

blah blah blah...

Brother is a man who wants to become the king of heroes!

Cough cough!

Can't be so swinging!

My brother is actually a decent person.

In fact, brother just wants to enter the League of Legends and figure out the relationship between Jian Ji and Hongxue.

"My thunder pond dantian has basically been melted, and the strength has been greatly weakened. Many martial arts and magical powers can no longer be used. To become a **** requires divinity. If I am not mistaken, there is an extremely weak fluctuation of divine power in this fruit. Maybe this is Divinity 1"

Ye Dou narrowed his eyes and looked at the star fruit carefully.

He has not yet found a way to reshape his dantian, and it is almost impossible to become a true **** just by virtue of the so-called martial arts. If he wants to be a step closer to becoming a god, the star fruit is probably the only way to go.

After the soul ring took him back twenty years, I am afraid there is also a reason for this.

Eat it!

Anyway, a golden soul has been consumed. This enlightened star fruit seems to be of high quality, so it would be a waste not to eat it.

Ye Dou gritted his teeth, made up his mind, opened his mouth, and shoved the star fruit, which was almost the size of a ping-pong ball, into his mouth.

Click! Ka Ka Ka!

He didn't expect that the so-called star fruit turned out to be like a candied haws, and it shattered completely after biting hard, and a clear stream flowed directly down the esophagus into the stomach.



Then, there is no then.

After Ye Dou ate the star fruit, he didn't notice anything unusual. It seemed that the star fruit didn't have any effect, as if he really ate a candied haws.

But he can be sure that this star fruit will definitely be useful, and there must be something powerful and extraordinary.

It will not be long before he will have super powers.

If you can have powerful and rare superpowers, then you can't fly until you fly, maybe you can turn into a superman at that time, sweep all the monsters in the world, and save the world again.

Well, this is a bit of a joke!

Even if you don't have the ability to become superhuman, it should be good to have other superpowers, such as Wolverine's undead body, Magneto's control metal, Professor X's telepathy, or set fire, discharge electricity, discharge water, etc. Super power, that is absolutely the rhythm of walking to the peak of life in minutes, just thinking about it, there is a little excitement.


The future king of heroes is calling you!

After Ye Dou meditated in his heart, he tried to feel the movement of the fruit in his However, everything was calm as before, nothing happened, and the air froze awkwardly.

What followed was a feeling of drowsiness.

He was a little puzzled, his internal strength disappeared and disappeared, but his flesh and blood were still so strong and energetic, why would he feel so drowsy?

Could it be a side effect of that star fruit?

As the sleepiness became more and more intense, Ye Dou simply fell back to sleep, and fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

Unconsciously, in the hazy dream, a gorgeous starry sky that was deep and dark and full of bright stars appeared.

The gorgeous starry sky was unpredictable, and then it was replaced by a disordered and chaotic picture, with turbulent currents, thundering bursts, and loud rumblings from time to time, which seemed to contain infinite danger.

From the depths of the chaotic starry sky floated a chaotic, dark and strange star. It fell from the bright and peaceful starry sky until it reached the depths of his eyebrows and disappeared...

The next morning.

Sunlight filtered into the house through the window.

Ye Dou was lying on the bed, his sleeping posture was extremely strange, like a dormant beast. As he breathed in and out, a translucent gray mist surged around him, changing all kinds of bizarre shapes.

The moment he opened his eyes, all the gray mist was sucked into his mouth, and everything ended.

"It's been a good night's sleep. I haven't slept so well in a long time." Ye Dou slowly got up, stretched his waist comfortably against the sun, and his eyes were full of light.

He felt that he was in good spirits, and his whole body seemed to be beaten with blood, and his energy was extremely strong.


Why do you feel something is different in your body?

Ye Dou used the inner vision method to detect himself, and suddenly found something strange, he couldn't help but blurt out: "Fuck, am I becoming a god?"

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