The Hero Kneels

Chapter 614: I'm a god?

At the position of Ye Dou's dantian, it was shrouded in a nebula at this moment!

It seems that the starlight is bright, Hongmeng has just opened, and there is a bright star phantom hidden in this nebula, and some people can't see clearly in the fog.

He remembered that when he manipulated Zeus' body, he also saw a similar scene in the other party's body. It seemed that there was such a star and a nebula in Zeus' body, but although the star in Zeus's body had been broken, it was like the essence. The stars appear to be very illusory, like a reflection.

In addition, there is a dark golden flame burning around the star, but it is not very obvious.

"There are stars in the body? And the fire?! Only the real gods can ignite the fire?"

Ye Dou feels quite messy.

Judging from the various methods of becoming a **** that he obtained from the evil god's eye, this is indeed a symbol of becoming a god.

Condensing its own stars in the body, igniting the fire, enjoying sacrifices and worship, you can have divine power, and this star can also grow.

After eating the star fruit, can you become a god?

how can that be?

"Am I a god? Is that impossible?"

Ye Dou felt very puzzled, he didn't feel anything strange, how could he become a god?

The star also seemed illusory and not solid.

But since eating the star fruit has an effect, what is his superpower?

"Superpower - Discharge!"

"Superpowers - set fire!"

"Superpower - release water!"

"Superpower - let the wind out..."

"Superpower fart!"

"Ah blah blah... What the **** is farting?"

After trying many so-called abilities in a row, Ye Dou turned his face red and almost farted.

He looked inside the illusory star in his body again, and found that not only the fire of the star was extinguished, but even that star was gradually disappearing.

Hey Hey hey!

It doesn't matter if the fire is extinguished, how come even the stars have disappeared?

He was very puzzled, he was already considered to be the **** who ignited the divine fire, why did he say that he would destroy it now?

Brother, what plane are you doing here?

Now that you have acquired superpowers, what are superpowers?

Why can't it be released?

Is it a special passive super power?

Ye Dou couldn't try it, and he didn't even think of using the super power method.

In theory, he really became a god, and he also ignited a **** fire, so he could enjoy sacrifices and exert divine power.

But the problem is that he can't use his magic fire, which is incomprehensible.

Also, is this star fruit related to the tomb of another world?

goo goo...

Well, I'm hungry again.

Become a **** will also be hungry?

Well, I'm afraid I'm a false god!

In order to save the soul on his soul ring, Ye Dou simply went out to find something to eat.

Not long after, he came to a commercial street, and the characters in the advertisements had all changed. The endorsement advertisements of celebrities such as Andy Lau, Hu Ge, Zhao Liying, and Yang Mi were all gone, replaced by handsome guys and beauties he had never seen before. There are some heroic figures in masks and leotards.

Going forward and looking at it carefully, he realized that the endorsements of these advertising spokespersons are very strange. They are always endorsed by so-and-so heroes and so-and-so superman, which he has never heard of.

All right!

This is the so-called Age of Heroes.

Celebrities are already a thing of the past.

In order to find out the truth, Ye Dou hurried to the newsstand on the street, spent a dollar to buy a copy of Youcheng Morning News, and began to read it carefully.

As a result, just one glance caught his attention.

It turned out that the front page of Youcheng Morning Post was actually full of news related to superheroes, and in the most conspicuous headlines, there were also various heroic deeds!

"The gold-level hero Violet Light defeated the Rat King, and the ranking has risen again. Currently, it ranks 13th among the gold-level heroes."

"The steel-level hero Winter Snow Witch defeated the monster three-headed snake alone, saving thousands of lives, and the hero ranking rose."

"Silver-level martial arts man endorses Zhongwei Mobile, and it is rumored that the endorsement fee is as high as 5 million."

"The famous steel-level hero Muscle Superman defeated the magic-level monster mushroom monster in the mushroom hole, and the hero ranking improved."

"The famous red diamond hero Jian Ji destroyed the fire ant nest in the A12 area of ​​Nanfang, killing thousands of fire ants!"

"What the **** are all these? Is this world so unfair?" Ye Dou was completely speechless when he saw this.

Turning around again, there were many heroic deeds that Ye Dou had never heard of in the newspaper, and many monsters that he had never heard of before. The world was being attacked and destroyed by monsters, and the heroic dream was settled one by one.

Walking on the street, looking at the goods with strange names, listening to the strange pop music playing at the storefronts, and the portraits of those unfamiliar heroes, Ye Dou only felt that these things were out of tune with him, and everything was so unfamiliar to him. He was upset, making him speechless.

No way, he is an antique from twenty years.

Or find a cafeteria to fill your stomach or the kind of restaurant that comes with a big appetite challenge, eat enough of it, before earning some points.

As for the soul, you need to save a little.

Just as he was about to put away the newspaper, he suddenly discovered that a huge and colorful picture was drawn on the cover of the back page of the newspaper.

Taking a closer look, a red stiletto was painted in the most conspicuous position on it. The background lights were feasting and green, which seemed to have a sense of design. The recruitment information in it had become unrecognizable, but the content made his heart beat instantly.

The title reads in bold, colorful letters:

[Xinyoucheng's final hero assessment of the year has begun! 】

[Address: Sweet Bar, the designated hero test point of the League of Legends. Those who are interested in becoming a trainee hero, bring your personal information, please arrive at 9 am today: No. 118 Changbai Street, Sweet Honey Bar]

"There is actually a hero test today! I rely on it!" Ye Dou's hands were shaking slightly.

This is undoubtedly an opportunity delivered to your door.

He was thinking of becoming a hero and approached Jian Ji.

To this end, he also ate a star fruit.

Now the opportunity to become a hero is in front of you, how can you let it go?

Changbai Street is not too far away. After asking about the way, Ye Dou used his own "11 Road" and spent more than half an hour walking to No. 118 Changbai Street.

Sweet Honey Bar is located on the golden section of Changbai Street, and it is easy to find. The neon signboard also has a pink stiletto, which is somewhat similar to those of famous nightclubs. .

Ye Dou's senses swept away, and he knew that this sweet bar was not as colorful as he imagined, but a "clean bar". The service inside was very formal, and there was no violation of regulations.

"Being a hero also has a salary, so you can eat a meal anyway."

Taking a deep breath, he stepped into it.

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