The Hero Kneels

Chapter 631: 1 In the event of a gun god, everything will be empty

?According to the remarks of the underpants, Ye Dou actually practiced the martial arts of Ye Pao Shen.

That speed, that power, that kind of destructive power, within a mere tens of seconds, everything was over, and the entire battle was estimated to be over without even a minute.

The difference in power is too great!

Looking at Ye Dou, who was completely broken, Staring Man couldn't help taking a deep breath.

He did realize that Ye Dou might be very good at fighting, but his super powers were really useless, so he pulled him into the ranks of black iron heroes, they were short of people anyway.

It's just that I didn't expect that Ye Dou's strength was so strong, it was simply terrifying.

I was really blind.

It seems that such strength among heroes, I am afraid that only those top-ranked steel-level bosses can match it, and in terms of physical strength, maybe only diamond-level heroes can match it.

It is an exaggeration to be able to practice martial arts like this.

So far, apart from Ye Pao God, there is no pure martial artist who can transform into a muscle giant like this one.

The four cockroaches who were shot to death like little cockroaches.

Those four cockroaches were at least above the Demon Rank, moving extremely fast, and with great strength, even steel-level heroes would be very difficult to deal with.

Thanks to Ye Dou's sudden eruption, otherwise they would most likely be wiped out today, all planted here.

"Thank you, Ye Dapao... No no, Brother Ye."

"Ye Dou, are you the direct disciple of Ye Pao God?"

"I don't think it's a disciple, should it be an illegitimate child?"

"By the way, what is your relationship with Ye Pao Shen?"

Several people immediately gathered around, looking like a curious baby.

"You don't need to thank me, I'm not a descendant of the Yepao God, because I'm the Yepao God." Ye Dou smiled.

In fact, he is also a test of his combat power. At present, he has not found a way to restore his inner strength, nor has he figured out how to use the so-called super power.

He uses his strong physical body to fight completely. With the hard skills he has cultivated, and the quenching body of the Five Thunder God's Art is still there, his physical body is still at the dragon level. With his physical body, he can fight against the dragon level, but without internal skills, he will be extremely disadvantaged. .

Fortunately, the physical strength of these cockroaches is at most demon level, and they opened the second gear themselves, which did not give the cockroaches any chance to breathe.

Among them, the strongest evil energy belongs to the fat cockroach man. It is a pity that the opponent's defense is useless in front of him. No matter how strong the defense is, it can only be solved with one punch.

It's a pity that it takes a lot of blood.

Suddenly, cold sweat broke out on Ye Dou's forehead, and he felt... not feeling well.

"Hey, hey, did I make a mistake? Why is my stomach hurting so much? Did I eat the wrong thing?"

He covered his stomach, feeling more and more right, and couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Ye Dou, who the **** are you? Why do those cockroaches seem to know you?" Staring Man asked the doubts in his heart at this time.

The rest of the people couldn't help but look at Ye Dou with doubts in their eyes.

The reactions of those cockroaches were indeed very strange, making people feel extremely strange.

"You ask me, who do I ask?"

Ye Dou didn't mean to hide anything, he just felt his stomach hurt more and more.

"Let's get out of here first, lest there be too many dreams at night, and clean up the battlefield by the way."

Ye Dou wiped his cold sweat and said casually, "These cockroaches must be conspiring to gather here."

Everyone nodded and looked into the distance.

I saw that there were some cotton wool-like filamentous objects in the aisles deep in the sewers. There were many cockroach eggs in these aisles, and it was estimated that they were specially used to hatch cockroaches.

In addition, there are many animal or human skeletons.

"Burn these cockroach eggs, don't leave these things behind." Staring Man nodded.

"No problem." The crotch man touched his crotch and found a lighter and a small barrel of gasoline from the crotch.

Well, this guy's crotch is simply a Doraemon space. It seems that it can hold anything, but it feels very bad.

And Ye Dou could see that the opponent occasionally had a few thick and soft black hairs in his hands.

The crotch man took a lighter and came to the corpse of one of the cockroaches,

The corpse was motionless and lifeless, but Ye Dou frowned.


Ye Dou simply stepped forward and slammed it down. The head of the corpse exploded. As a result, it was empty inside, and the whole body seemed to be hollowed out. The real body of the cockroach man was disappearing.

This guy actually ran away on his own ignorance.

Ha ha,

Can you escape?

Not long after, the escaped cockroach man was running fast in the woods on the outskirts.

It was injured and punched through its body, and its internal organs were almost shattered, but its body was a cockroach, and a cockroach would not die so easily.

So it used to pretend to be dead to avoid the pursuit, and he wanted to inform the insect master of the news.

The sunset slanted down, the clouds steamed and the clouds were shining.

A cloud appeared in the sky, and the cockroach grinned. It will be night soon, and it will be completely safe at night.


There was a strong gust of wind overhead, followed by a roar.

A strong bald-headed man fell from the sky and smashed heavily in front of him. Immediately, earth and stones splashed, and a pit appeared directly on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the man turned his face, and a cold voice came: "Sample, you ran very fast!"

The cockroach man was shocked and stopped quickly, and almost fell to the ground before he could stand firm.

"You you you... How can you catch up..." It didn't know what to say, and could only open its mouth wide to express its shock.

Ye Dou walked out of the pit and looked at the cockroach man with interest.

"You're very smart. I never thought a cockroach would be so smart. It's a pity that you can't get rid of me no matter how much you run." Ye Dou pointed between his eyebrows and grinned.

The cockroach man stopped moving, his body trembled slightly, and he seemed to be still scared.

The seemingly ordinary young man in front of him is a fully-armed killing machine. Killing a few of them is easier than squeezing a few bugs.

The opponent's fists were indescribably powerful.

No matter how smart it is, it has nothing to do at the moment. It can only stand in place, not daring to move even a Watching the other side come step by step, the cockroach man moved, and his breathing almost stopped.

It understands that all resistance in front of the opponent is futile. The person standing opposite is not a human being, but a humanoid monster. It does not want to die and must be obedient.

Ye Dou opened his mouth and asked: "Little bug, tell me, who asked you to come, what purpose do you have, and why do you know me?"

The cockroach slowly opened its mouth and made a jerky sound from the worm's mouth: "Whoever becomes the peak at the end of the martial arts will succeed once it encounters the cannon god."


Cockroaches do this too.

Is this flattering me?

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