The Hero Kneels

Chapter 632: tailing insect ancestor

"Speaking of the topic, don't flatter me." Ye Dou said indifferently.

"Insect Ancestor, Insect Ancestor's order." There was only Ye Dou in his eyes, and the person in front of him could decide his life and death, he could only tell the truth.

"Insect Ancestor? What do you mean by that!" Ye Dou's heart skipped a beat, thinking of a half-sized worm.

Insect ancestor?

The so-called insect ancestor is the big head maggot he encountered in the tomb of the gods.

The big-headed maggot was old and fierce in the tomb of the gods. He followed him into the time-space tunnel and pretended to be dead in front of the giant-faced god. Why did he hear the name of the ancestors here?

The cockroach man opened his mouth and continued: "Insect Ancestor... Insect Ancestor ordered, look for, look for you!"

"Ancestor Insect is looking for me?" Ye Dou raised his brows.

The cockroach man nodded quickly: "Ancestor Insect said that you have a treasure...thing, a mysterious treasure."

Ye Dou's heart is cold, and his eyes are even colder: "Where is Zongzu now...?"

There is no doubt that the treasure in the opponent's mouth is the soul ring.

At the beginning, the soul ring was indeed exposed when it was sucking the soul, which terrified the giant face and was seen by the rest of the people. Unexpectedly, the insect ancestor also saw it and came to this world.

"...I don't know, I really don't know." The cockroach shook his head again and again.

"do not know?"

Ye Dou raised his brows slightly: "Who is the insect master?"

"The insect master is the insect master... Our leader, our king, the servant of the insect ancestor, we obey orders and the insect ancestor..." The cockroach explained quickly.

In order to delay time and save lives temporarily, it knows everything and says everything, and shakes everything it knows, even the most confidential information.

"Do you know anything about the information about the ancestors?" Ye Dou continued to ask with deep eyes.

The cockroach shook his head, his eyes suddenly turned to the left, and the tentacles on his head were also facing down.

Ye Dou's senses swept away, and he noticed the abnormality, and his face changed suddenly.

He swept a behemoth.

Before the cockroach man in front of him could react, a fist with a strong wind slammed into its chest.


The cockroach man's chest was immediately penetrated, and then the whole man flew out backwards, breaking two big trees, and then fell to the ground, unable to move at all.


It spurted out yellow blood, and it felt as if all the internal organs were smashed into pieces.

Ye Dou slowly retracted his hand, his expression extremely cold.

"There's a big guy approaching? How dare you play tricks on me to delay time."

" won't be his opponent,'re dead."

The cockroach man tried his best to speak, but he was out of breath. The punch just now knocked her to death and almost all her internal organs were shattered.

"Really? I'm doomed?"

Ye Dou grinned: "I'm really looking forward to it, let's deal with you first."

He slowly walked towards the cockroach man, one step at a time.

"no, do not want…"

The cockroach man was very afraid of death and was trembling all over, but it couldn't move at all. Not only was the injury not allowing it to move, but the murderous aura of the other party was so terrifying that it didn't even have the thought of resisting.

"Ye Dou, Ye Pao God, I didn't expect it to be you!"

Before he could make a move, there was an incomparably low voice behind him, and the sound of heavy footsteps.

Ye Dou was not surprised, he just turned around a little, turned his head to look at the person who came, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Who are you? Wow, wrapped so tightly, could it be a bug master!"

In the opposite bush, a strange man slowly walked out. The other party looked short and stout, and his whole body was wrapped in a dark cloak.

The other party was staring at him fiercely with a pair of strange eyes, unable to see his true face.

"It doesn't take much effort to find a place to break through the iron shoes. It turned out to be the God of Ye Pao himself. I never imagined it. I must have been very happy to get this caution." The other party's voice was hoarse, but full of Disappointed.

If he hadn't sensed the aura of his subordinates, he probably wouldn't know what happened, nor would he know that he met Ye Dou.

Ye Dou smiled: "Insect Master? Your subordinates are doing things in the sewers. This kind of behavior is absolutely unbearable. I happened to meet this group of guys under your subordinates, and they just taught me a lesson when they were upset."

"I was just looking for Zongzu to settle accounts, but I didn't expect you to come to the door by yourself,

"You are really not only the heavens and the earth! Insect Ancestor has been looking for you for 20 years, and now it's not what it used to be. You can't be Insect Ancestor's opponent, and definitely not mine."

The insect master said in a gloomy voice: "It's good for you to kill yourself, I can consider leaving a whole corpse for you."

After speaking, the insect master tore off his cloak, revealing a strange human-like body. He was originally short, but his body suddenly swelled, as if his body was composed of arthropods.

The muscles of his body were still wriggling, the clothes on his body were no wind and waves, and there was a majestic blood energy squirming and rising in the opponent's body.

At the same time, there are insect-like vents on the other side, which is a burst of green gas, and the grass and trees at the feet are withered due to the corrosiveness of the evil.

The insect master is really a combination of a human and an insect, and it looks really disgusting.

"You little bugs are disgusting."

Ye Dou smiled, holding the cockroach man's head with his big hands, and suddenly threw the cockroach man out: "Go!"

The head of the cockroach shattered suddenly, and the body was thrown out like a bag of cement, screaming in the air.


Seeing this, the insect master waved one hand, and the skin burst open in an instant, and a big hand turned into a mantis-like arm in a blink of an eye, and immediately jumped down, extremely fierce and terrifying.

Suddenly, a giant sickle appeared in his hand. It was not long enough for the palm of the hand, but in a blink of an eye, it grew into a sickle that was comparable to a ghost-headed sword.

There was a faint glow of blood on the sickle.


The insect master gave a low drink and waved his knife at the flying cockroach.


Blood splattered, and the cockroach man's body was directly cut in half.

And a knife with blood light slashed out, causing the surrounding wind to blow violently, and the branches and leaves swayed.

Ye Dou was directly slashed by the seemingly ferocious sword qi.


At the same time, the sword's hit him, and a large amount of soil on the ground exploded at any time, sending smoke and dust everywhere.

The insect master stepped abruptly, waving his arms and slashing towards the opponent wrapped in smoke, the speed was fast and fierce.


As soon as the blade of the arm slashed into the dust, it got stuck, and there was a sound of gold and iron colliding with each other, and a big hand firmly grasped the blade.

"Interesting, it seems that the physical strength is no less than mine. Since we met today, let's decide the winner!"

Ye Dou said, his body swelled suddenly, his muscles skyrocketed, and within a few seconds he turned into a little red giant. On the red skin, his whole body was white and he was stronger and taller than the insect master, and his imposing manner was extremely powerful.

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