The Hero Kneels

Chapter 633: Insects are fierce

? "Power burst!"

The insect master suddenly burst his eyes, shouted violently, and waved his arms vigorously.


The blade that was comparable to the mantis's arm splattered with blood, and the big hand that was grabbing on the blade of the counterattack erupted with a fierce airflow, and the huge explosive force forcibly forced the big hand out.

Insect Master's body was surging with blood and energy, and between the rotation of the blade, the knife suddenly slashed towards the opponent.

This knife is extremely powerful, even if Ye Dou has achieved a great deal of hard work and a dragon-level physical body, he can't help shaking his body and retreating quickly, but there is still an obvious red mark on his chest immediately, with faintly revealed bloodstains on it.

The opponent is very strong, very strong!

"Hand over the treasure!"

The insect master roared, and the big arm blade in his hand once again emitted bursts of blood light.


The knife light exploded, and Ye Dou's strong body flew upside down, hitting a boulder in front of him, his body embedded in the rock, and the gravel cracked and splashed.


The insect master looked at the opponent extremely cruelly: "Stupid human, you are very weak now, you are not the opponent of the insect race at all, not even my opponent!"


The insect master raised the big arm blade high.

"Interesting, it is worthy of being a dragon-level body, increasing the power of the weapon, but unfortunately, you can't kill me with this alone!

Ye Dou raised his head suddenly, with a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, his eyes were like a wolf like a tiger.

Dragon Subduing Eighteen Palms - Shocked a hundred miles!

The moment the two palms hit the opponent's chest, the knife light also exploded on Ye Dou's body, making a sound of gold and stone intersecting, as if slashing on a piece of metal.


The two were ejected separately.

The two pectoral muscles on the insect master's chest were dented, and his footsteps plowed out two deep foot marks on the soil. After retreating about ten meters, he stopped and vomited a large mouthful of yellow-purple blood. Almost fell down.

But after he stood firm, he immediately raised his arm blade again, the purple light on the blade was prosperous, the muscles on his arm soared along with the blade light, and the arm blade became like a large pig-killing knife, with a fierce knife aura Cut out again.

"Eat my punch!"

Ye Dou's strong body flickered and appeared in front of the opponent. He punched the big arm blade fiercely. The fist wind crackled and the air exploded.


After the fist smashed on the arm blade, the explosion sounded, and the air waves rolled, as if a heavy bomb had been detonated. The shock wave generated by the explosion caused the entire ground to splash and exploded a small pit, and the surrounding trees were broken and fell to the ground. Smoke everywhere.

"God Ye Pao, it really exceeded my expectations."

The insect master stepped back ten steps, and his eyes finally showed a look of fear, and his eyes were fixed on each other, and a black light was constantly flashing: "Your strength is very strong, but weaker than I imagined, Now I'm 80% sure I can kill you!"

"Hahaha... laugh to death, it's up to you!"

Ye Dou burst into laughter, a hot air flow reappeared on his body, and his whole body became terrifying, the heat all over his body increased greatly, his muscles became more swollen, and his height was almost over three meters.

This is a symbol of blood energy running to its peak.

He stretched out his palms and curled his lips: "You're shameless, you really think you're my opponent, so let's let you see with all your firepower!"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Dou's huge body had disappeared in place.

The next moment, a big hand suddenly pressed on the insect master's arm blade.


The insect master raised his brows, feeling a powerful force coming from the blade.

In the blink of an eye, there was a sharp pain in his arm, and the arm blade was almost broken.



The corners of the insect master's mouth twitched, terrified.

His arm was temporarily twisted off by the domineering force in the opponent's hand.

"Eat my new trick! Spiral pill!"

Ye Dou smiled, his white teeth froze, and he opened his palm.

A strange blue-white light ball appeared in his hand, and the light ball seemed to be spinning rapidly.

Ye Dou did learn the spiral pill before, but he never had the chance to use it, and he didn't know how to use the spiral pill.

After all, he is not a ninja in the anime, and he did not practice chakra.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the principle of chakra is the same as internal energy, which is the collection of energy in the body.

So he used the method of the internal energy method, and as a result, a flame appeared in the nebula in his body, and the flame was quickly converted into an energy substance.

Maybe it can be called chakra. He is a chakra ball that concentrates chakra and condenses it in a small area with a huge tearing force generated by high-speed rotation to destroy the enemy's defense.

This is the spiral pill!

Once this palm-sized chakra ball hits the opponent, it can not only cause surface damage to it, but also temporarily cause the enemy's chakra disorder.


During the rotation of the spiral digging, it brought a whistling whirlwind. This spiral digging suddenly hit the insect master's chest, and the spiral pills in the strong difference teared directly out of the opponent's back chest with internal organs.


The insect master watched as his chest was smashed and smashed, and the power in his body was temporarily disordered.

However, above his other arm blade, the blood-colored light flashed, and the powerful force suddenly erupted, bombarding Ye Dou's chest, forcing the opponent to retreat.

The insect master shouted, his muscles swelled, his left arm was as thick as a telephone pole, and he slashed into the opponent's chest again.

Ye Dou was unable to guard against it, and he was hit directly in the chest. He took a few steps back, and the earth and rocks under his feet would burst into pits with each step.

The two separated again.


Spitting out a mouthful of bright red blood, Ye Dou grinned: "Interesting, this hand-to-hand fight is really interesting."

There was a red knife mark on his chest, which was wrapped in rotting blood. These wounds were bleeding and black, and they seemed to be black, and it seemed that there was a highly poisonous on the blade.

No way, the opponent's attack power is really strong enough, every knife is extremely devastating, and it also broke the thirteen Taibao horizontal training, and the thunder physique, causing substantial damage to his ~The insect master is not feeling well. The other side's chest is completely pierced, and the flesh and blood are squirming wildly, as if he wants to recover the wound. Unfortunately, a strange power in the form of a spiral is twisting around in his body, destroying Tai's body. 's vitality.

Let his wounds not heal.

If it weren't for his physique, the powerful physique of the Zerg, this snail pill would be enough to kill him.

"Damn, are you Xiaoqiang? This is not dead!" Ye Dou pouted.

"Human, you forced me to use the power bestowed by the insect ancestor? Then let you see it!"

The blue veins of the insect master burst out, his body suddenly raised, and the whole body turned blue-black. The muscles on his body kept squirming, and many jacket-shaped armors similar to bugs appeared on the body skin, which looked more like a bug. .

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