The Hero Kneels

Chapter 643: I choose hug

? "Come up and play!"

Ye Douhu was shocked, he liked this sentence.

Since you want to play, here I am, beauty!

Ye Dou, regardless of whether it was three seven or twenty one, rushed upstairs, which was so impatient.

Walking to the door, he saw the woman wearing unusually cool clothes, standing at the door.

The other party was only wearing a nightdress, which perfectly highlighted the curves of her graceful waist and chest. It was especially attractive with black stockings on the other party's legs.

"Husband, come in and give you a surprise, a big surprise."

The woman hooked her fingers, stuck out her tongue and licked her red lips, with a seductive expression on her face, and walked into the bedroom with a catwalk.

"I'm here, baby!"

Ye Dou simply shouted in a hurry, but the moment he stepped through the door, he calmed down.

He didn't take the last step, but just stretched his head to look inside the door.

"Come on, what's wrong, husband?"

The woman was still there beckoning, so she simply knelt down on the bed.

Ye Dou hesitated for a moment, then simply stepped into the room.

He was a demigod anyway, so he couldn't believe what the other party could do with him. ’

No matter how evil it is, it is impossible to hurt yourself.

Entering the room, there is an intoxicating fragrance.

It's like some kind of perfume, it's very strong, and it makes people's heart relax naturally.

The layout of the room is actually very ordinary, and I just want to go back to the ordinary couple's bedroom.

"Husband, what do you think of me today?" The woman was lying on the bed, fluffing her hair, feeling full of spring.

Ye Dou smiled slightly, stepped forward, and sat beside the bed.

The woman hugged Ye Dou's arm directly, and then started rubbing: "Husband, we must hurry up today, lest our daughter come back and interrupt our intimate time."

"Okay, let's get started, but I'm going to sing a poem before we start!"

Ye Dou snorted, mulled a few words, and grinned: "The moon is bright in front of the window, the bed is naked, raise your head to catch birds, and bow your head to eat bananas!"

"how is everything?"

The corner of the woman's mouth twitched slightly: "My husband is really good at writing, he's awesome, come on, come over quickly."

"Don't worry, I've practiced a few tricks recently, I'm sure you'll like it."

Ye Dou couldn't help but ask: "I just learned the fire stoking prairie pose, the Vigorous King Kong pose, the eighteen dragon subduing poses, and the spiral pill pose, hug and kill, which one do you like?"

"What? I...I don't know either." The woman looked bewildered.

"Choose one! After choosing, we will fight for 300 rounds immediately!"

His eyes lit up and said, "Let you see how powerful your husband is."

"Then I... Then I'll choose the last hug!" The woman simply said.

Ye Dou nodded, opened his arms, and hugged the woman directly into his arms, feeling cold: "Next, let the knowledgeable and knowledgeable hold the sister to kill!"

He was about to use his arms, but he saw a pale-skinned little girl hanging from the bed, with a belt around her neck, her scarlet tongue exposed, and a large pair of scissors stuck in her belly. Gurgling blood.

This little girl should have been cute in her lifetime, but she died tragically, with a distorted face and tears on her cheeks. She must have suffered inhuman pain before her death.

"Dear husband, we died so miserably!"

There was a hoarse scream from the woman in her arms, her body was changing rapidly, her skin became densely covered with corpses, bloodstains appeared, and then began to rot and rot, and a corpse odor also spread.

At the same time, the temperature all around suddenly dropped, and an evil spirit filled the surroundings, causing goosebumps to erupt in an instant.

"I know, Ai Jia, you and Xiaomi died really badly. It was unbearable. I can understand your feelings."

Ye Dou was unmoved and murmured, "So you shouldn't exist!"

After he finished speaking, the muscles in his arms swelled for a full circle, and suddenly he squeezed the female ghost tightly, shouting: "Die!"

As soon as her arms were exerted, Ai Jia in her arms suddenly tore apart frantically, dancing and trying to struggle frantically, and finally turned into a cloud of smoke under the tremendous force.

"Disappeared? No soul?"

Ye Dou was stunned for a moment. At this moment, the warm bedroom scene around him had long since disappeared, replaced by a dark and decayed bedroom. There were several bones and corpses that were not completely decomposed lying on the bedside of the bedroom. stench.

Suddenly, the wind whistled behind him.

A sharp claw without warning stretched out from the wall at one time and slammed into him.


Suddenly, Ye Dou felt a sharp pain all over his body.

The dragon swings its tail!

His waist and horse were united, he turned his body suddenly, and slapped the air with a palm.

The arm was completely retracted into the wall.

"Damn, come out!"

Ye Dou suddenly rushed towards the wall, like a tank hitting the wall, directly smashing a wall, and then smashing another wall, the wall immediately disintegrated, and a ghost was moving down here.

"I want to run, it's impossible!"

Ye Dou continued chasing the ghost, smashing two stone walls in a row, and finally landed on the female ghost with a palm.


It was like the sound of cloth being torn, Ye Dou's eyes were red and bloodshot, and hot air spurted out from his body, and his palm pierced through the female ghost's fluttering body.

The female ghost's body suddenly rushed down, and Ye Douji's palm split the wooden table into two pieces.

He glanced at the room, his whole body was full of blood and energy, his skin began to turn red, his heart was beating violently, and it kept pounding in his chest, but he couldn't let it out.


He punched the wall in front of him, shattering the entire wall, disintegrating countless earth and rocks, and the surroundings were empty, but he still felt someone peeping.

"get out!"

Ye Dou roared and bombarded like a tank again. In the roar, there was a loud bang, this time slapping the floor.


Another wall was completely shattered in front of him, the female ghost with black hair appeared in front of him, and there was that little girl in the other's arms.

"Hee hee hee…"

The female ghost let out a frantic laughter, her pale arms stretched out, and flew towards Ye Doufei.

Ye Dou's blood swelled up, his fists trembled slightly and violently, a large amount of blood swarmed into his right arm, and he waved forward with a gust of wind.


A huge fist blows out.

A punch slammed into the arm, and with just one move, the two ghost hands were completely scattered.


As if the bubbles exploded, the two ghost hands broke apart, and a cold ghost fire scattered around.

"Stupid, this is my territory, no one can get out alive."

The female ghost jian laughed, her body floated lightly, and she waved her hand.

Several ghost hands appeared on the wall behind were entangled around his limbs, and one arm had powerful strength, pulling his body frantically.

"Second block!"

Ye Dou's body suddenly swelled, his skin turned blood red, his bones rattled, and his height jumped to more than two meters. There was more and more white heat on his body, and the heat around him became more and more vigorous, like a hot stove. .


Under the radiation of the huge qi and blood power, several ghost hands suddenly broke.

Ye Dou swept up like a ferocious tiger, the whole person swooped over, and the explosive force in a short distance was like a red lightning.

The floor under his feet shattered, almost cracking a big hole, and at a speed that could not cover his ears, he punched the woman's head with a punch...

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