The Hero Kneels

Chapter 644: Thor Yedou


Under the radiation of the huge qi and blood power, several ghost hands suddenly broke.

Ye Dou swept up like a ferocious tiger, the whole person swooped over, and the explosive force in a short distance was like a red lightning.

The floor under his feet shattered, almost cracking a big hole, and at a speed that could not cover his ears, he punched the woman's head with a punch...


The head exploded and turned into a black mist.

Ye Dou's backhand is another one that can't be used.


The woman's whole body was crushed, and she let out a harsh scream.

At the same time, she collapsed and there were many white ghost fires in her body, burning the rotten floor and garbage on the ground frantically.

But the woman's body condensed and formed in an instant, and her body did not look weak, and she waved a cold evil spirit and threw the flames into the street.

"What a sinister smell!"

Ye Dou sucked in a breath of cold air.

The female ghost in front of him gave him a breath, like an evil spirit in the film and television industry, filled with an alternative evil spirit.

You must know that I am a demigod-level blood energy. Although I lost a lot of blood energy after giving birth to the ball before, it is at least a dragon-level physical body. The strong blood energy and the prosperous yang energy are not something that a mere female ghost can stop. .

However, the other party reassembled his body again as if nothing was wrong.

This is the characteristic of evil spirits.

At this moment, the evil Yin Qi enveloped all around.

This is definitely not some simple Yin Qi, but reminds him of that shadow world.

Taking a closer look at the surrounding walls, there were all kinds of tiny mildew spots. Although it was not very obvious, it seemed that he had come to the world of shadows.

Nima, how could this place be the shadow world?

So this female ghost is an evil spirit?

No, she obviously has more of the characteristics of a ghost.

If it is an evil spirit, it must be able to effectively deal with eradication by using the thunder of destruction.

He looked down at the looming eye-shaped sign on his left palm, thoughtfully.

At this moment, the female ghost rushed again, carrying a large amount of sparks all over her body, jumping up, and madly spreading towards Ye Dou.

However, a big hand took a step ahead and firmly grasped it in his hand.


The female ghost wailed in horror.

However, Ye Dou opened his mouth: "You think you are an evil spirit, so I can't kill you?"

"My nebula can transform power into chakra, then it can be transformed into thunder and lightning, and the five thunder gods can transform me into the thunder of destruction!"

Suddenly, under Ye Dou's will, the nebula in his body suddenly revolved, and a thunder and lightning star gradually formed in the sea of ​​stars.

This thunder and lightning star is filled with endless thunder and lightning, and the thunder is dazzling and extremely exuberant.

However, Ye Dou suddenly rushed out, and the lightning burst, like a huge white-blue thunderstorm, and hit the female ghost with the characteristics of an evil spirit right in the head.


The woman was smashed into pieces by the thunder of Ye Dou's body.

But she was split into pieces and fused together again, recovering in mid-air.

"Mere humans! Actually..."

She screamed, her hands stretched out in the void, making a strange gesture, and countless black ghost hands appeared all over her body, swept towards Ye Doufeiluo.

The ghost hands full of evil aura flew down, and each one broke the air, and the sound whistled.

Ye Dou's eyes were blood red, his clothes had been shattered by the thunderstorm, and white smoke was still splattered in some places.

After a series of experiments, he finally understood the principle of his super power, which has allowed him to figure out a little bit.

Yes, his super power or the power of the nebula in his body is the power that can be transformed into any attribute.

So, he can use the chakra in Hokage.

This is an extremely miraculous energy transformation, and it circulates wildly in the body, and Ye Dou suddenly feels that some unusual changes have occurred in the body.

A kind of violent thunder and lightning was born leisurely in the body.

He stared at the woman in the air, and a strange feeling suddenly rose in his heart.

You can do whatever you want and transform the power of Nebula into lightning.

Suddenly, the thunder and lightning planet in the stars is getting bigger and bigger, bursting out two strands of thunder and lightning, one on the left and one on the right, pouring into his left and right arms respectively, and then converging and entwining in his hands, forming a huge and fierce power of thunder.

This is the destructive mood!

Absolutely destructive mood!

Following this destruction, Ye Dou's body arched slightly, and a picture of thunder and lightning destruction formed in his mind, which suddenly merged into one, circling and entwining.

The thunder light in Fu Yedou's hand exploded in an instant.


The thunderstorm formed into the sky in his hands.


Countless crackling thunders burst into pieces.

This time, the thunder blasted the female ghost's body into a large number of fragments. With the splash of the spark, the fragments were completely ignited, and the opponent burned instantly, and there was no sound.


The little girl rushed over screaming, looking fierce too.


The thunder dissipated, and Ye Dou burst into a strong thunderstorm, shrouding the little girl and the entire building in the thunder.

After a moment, he came out of the building barely clothed.

One step at a time, one step at a time, the whole body is wrapped in endless lightning, and the whole person is transformed into a thunder.

"Palace Master Luo, didn't you let me discharge it?"

Ye Dou saw several people on the road not far away, and grinned, revealing a set of snow-white teeth.

"Ye... Ye Dou?!"

Rosie and the others felt almost the whole scene of the battle just now. Now they saw the house being smashed by thunder, and Ye Dou was covered in thunder. It was actually threatening, like a god.

In fact, they had already stepped on Ye Dou's identity and suspected that Ye Dou was not human.

Now this look does not look like a human being.

"The matter is resolved, my God of Ye Pao is back."

Ye Dou raised his hand and saw that the clothes on his body had been scorched, and the clothes were broken into pieces, almost tossing them around.

"Then that female ghost is gone like this?" Master Wuxiang asked in surprise.

"It should be gone, it's gone." Ye Dou shook his head, looking at everyone.

The girls covered their faces and didn't dare to look at it, they only dared to watch this scene with their fingertips.

Now they can't play stupid anymore.

Ye Pao God... No, Ye Dou is really back.

"Tell me, what is the reason why you don't recognize me?" Ye Dou asked.

He wanted to ask what was going on in all of Several people didn't speak, some bowed their heads, and some pursed their lips in silence.

"Is it because of that bug?" Ye Dou narrowed his eyes and turned into lightning in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, a cockroach man with tentacles and a cloak was held in his hand, and he held it like a worm.

"Tell me, did Zongzu send you here?" Ye Dou asked coldly.

"I won't say... I won't say anything if I die." The cockroach man hesitated.

Before the words were finished, it was wrapped in thunder and turned into a speck of dust.

Ye Dou looked at Rosie: "What are you talking about now, you can say it!"

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