The Hero Kneels

Chapter 645: Eat Miss Yang tofu

"Don't look at me, in fact, I don't know much about this. The only thing I know is that we can't meet you directly, there is a very mysterious and powerful **** looking for you everywhere, that is the insect god, the insect **** His forces are already pervasive, he controls most of Xinyou City, and we are under surveillance." Rosie shrugged.

"With your strength, I'm afraid it's not an opponent of the insect god. Once detected, I'm afraid it's more fortunate, so we don't dare to recognize you..." Master Wuxiang shook his head gently and sighed.

"Insect God? You have such a big tone."

Ye Dou glanced at the sky: "It's just half a big bug that came with me, how dare you call yourself a god?"

It can be seen that everyone is very jealous of Insect Ancestor, and even calling it a god, it can be seen that he is a well-known guy.

I am afraid that this means that Zongzu arrived on Earth 20 years earlier than him, and the strength of the other party has grown to what extent, it is unknown, you should be careful!

Xue Fei sighed: "Ye Dou, you have finally come back. Now 20 years have been a matter of right and wrong, and we are forced to do so."

Rosie said: "You'd better not admit or reveal your true identity, otherwise, you are likely to suffer unnecessary trouble, and there are many people who want to kill you, not just insect gods."

Xue Fei and others followed: "Don't worry, we will keep your secrets for you, and absolutely keep your mouth shut."

"Can you keep your mouth shut?"

Ye Dou grinned slightly, and the blue veins on his forehead could not help bursting out: "First, tell me where the story of Ye Pao God's Royal Daughter Three Thousand came from? And what about my affairs? Tell me!"

After he finished speaking, he squeezed his fist, which was filled with destructive thunder mang.

"This this..."

"Don't be angry, Ye Dou, that's just a joke."

"That's right, you are the God of Ye Pao, so naturally there will be many legends."

Several people looked embarrassed, cold sweat poured down their foreheads, and couldn't help but step back.

At this moment, a red Ferrari convertible stopped by the side of the road like lightning. A woman in an ol skirt got out of the car and took off her sunglasses.

The person here is Yang Mimi!

The other party changed into a black OL skirt, with flesh-colored stockings on his legs, a black high-heeled skirt under his feet, and a hero's King Kong badge on his chest, looking quite refined.

Yang Mimi and the people in the underworld looked at each other and immediately understood what was going on. She simply said, "Ye Dou, the chairman of the League of Legends wants to see you, let's go immediately!"

"League of Legends Chairman? Who?" Ye Dou was a little puzzled.

League of Legends!

It sounds like the name of the smash hit game twenty years ago.

And the distribution of hero levels, such as bronze, silver, gold, etc., sounds like the level distribution in the game.

Ye Dou once wanted to complain about this so-called game level.

There is no doubt that the League of Legends has now become the largest official force, capturing almost all heroes.

It can be said that the heroes all work under League of Legends.

Even the underworld forces were captured in the League of Legends.

It can be said that the current world order is maintained by the League of Legends organization.

Presumably the chairman of this League of Legends must be extraordinary.

It’s not a matter of meeting you yourself, and by the way, you can find Jian Ji through the other party, that is, the former Hongxue.

He needs to be with red and snow!

Rosie, Master Wuxiang and others did not go together with Ye Dou. Now that there are so many ghosts, they still have something to do, so they can only let Ye Dou and Yang Mimi rush to the headquarters of the League of Legends.

The League of Legends headquarters is not far away, and there was an identical 18-story building at the entrance of the secluded world, but it looked even bigger.

Yang Mimi drives the car herself, so she is very familiar, and the SUV runs fast.

Ye Dou sat in the co-pilot, quietly looking at Yang Mimi's hair blown away by the wind, her eyes a little strange.

"What are you looking at me for?" Yang Mimi rolled her eyes at him and said angrily.

"I haven't seen you for 20 years. You are more mature and stable, and your appearance has not changed much. I want to see it more." Ye Dou said with a smile.

"Twenty years! Most of the girls you knew back then got married and started families." Yang Mimi snorted softly, even though she hadn't seen Ye Dou for twenty years, she still showed her charming appearance.

The person he likes has been dead for twenty years, and now he has come back to life. It is impossible to say that he will not be surprised, although he is already mentally prepared.

Ye Dou smiled and said softly, "Then you are married, or have a boyfriend? It is rumored that you are the woman of my God of Ye Pao, and you have lived for me all your life!"

"Hmph, it's all nonsense."

In this regard, Yang Mimi just snorted.

But her heart also warmed slightly. After 20 years of not speaking, Ye Dou's heart that only likes female ghosts seems to have opened up, and she is more willing to talk to herself.

But she definitely wouldn't say these words, she just said with a straight face: "You know, in the 20 years since you disappeared, many confidantes have married, Song Bing, Song Qian, the mother and daughter of the Leng family, and even Bai Wu. Chen is married! I'm the only one who has always been alone."

"It turns out that you are so infatuated, then I will make it up to you, not tonight in the bridal chamber." Ye Dou simply hugged her shoulders.

Yang Mimi was so frightened that she screamed: "You are so shameless! This is on the highway, who are you? If you want to marry me, go to death!"

"You said no, but your body is honest, why does your heart beat so fast?" Ye Dou laughed.

"You're still as yellow and violent as before!" Yang Mimi was angry and ashamed, her pretty face blushing like a ripe red Fuji apple.

She really couldn't refute the other party, and her heart was beating so fast that she could barely control it. Ye Dou's hand was still on her shoulder.

So, Yang Mimi let out a long sigh and gave up her resistance. Just hug her, don't delay driving.

It's just that Ye Dou's hands are not very honest, and his fingers have a tendency to move down, making Yang Mimi's body tremble with fright, so he can only let him play, for fear of affecting the steering wheel.

While the two were so ambiguous, a big Bentley next to them drove over. Several young men and women above looked at a big bald head and a beautiful woman leaning on their shoulders, and there was a kind of laughter.

"Oh, take a look at it, the high speed is still sticking together."

"Tsk tsk tsk, this woman is so beautiful... Why is she a little familiar?"

"It feels like they are about to fit together. This bald guy should be quite rich."

Since Yang Mimi is driving a convertible sports, people outside can see it clearly.

Yang Mimi just snorted and stomped on the accelerator, ignoring these boring guys at all.

Most of the people who can drive a Bentley are rich. These young people seem to be very boring, and they must be children of rich families.

These rich kids like to have nothing to do with them. The more you pay attention to them, the more enthusiastic they become and the more they want to cause trouble, because they are just too boring.

Watching the red Ferrari go away, the young men and women in the Bentley talked a lot, some were talking about the woman's beautiful and moving appearance, and some were talking about the bald and fierce appearance.

However, a handsome young man with a calm face remained silent, frowning slightly: "Strange, that woman just now had a fine-steel hero badge on her chest, she is definitely a hero, and she looks like Yang Mimi, the bald head just now. It's also a bit like the legendary Ye Cannon God..."

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