The Hero Kneels

Chapter 651: Who dares to provoke?

He stumbled to his feet, covered his left arm with his right hand, and shouted, "You... do you know who I am? How dare you hit me in front of me?"

He couldn't believe that Ye Dou really made a move, and once he made a move, he severely injured himself.

You must know that he Bai Chen is the fourth son of the capital. He has been in the capital for so many years, but he has never been treated like this, and no one has ever dared to touch him.

But Ye Dou directly interrupted his entire right arm.

Sitting on the other side, Gang, his eyes narrowed sharply, and he looked solemn.

Ye Dou's hand was as fast as lightning, and just a slight collision would completely smash Bai Chen's arm. You must know that the superpowers who take the star fruit have extraordinary physical fitness.

Bai Chen is a fine-steel hero, and a fine-steel hero has a good physical body. Even with a heavy hammer that weighs hundreds of pounds, an ordinary person will definitely be able to use his full strength to lift most of his arms so easily.

Ye Dou just flicked the opponent's arm and turned into this, so how strong should he be?

"This guy's body is very strong! Far beyond ordinary people, and far above the level of ordinary heroes."

A Gang made a decision in his heart.

"It's not enough to break one arm, so let's break them all."

Ye Dou didn't give the opponent any time to react, and suddenly pointed out three fingers.

Almost no one could see how Ye Dou made his move, only to hear three clicks almost at the same time.

I saw Bai Chen's remaining legs and right arm were broken at the same time, and he let out an earth-shattering scream. The whole person was rolling around on the ground, looking like a writhing maggot.

The frightened expressions of the surrounding people changed, they quickly retreated, and looked at Ye Dou with frightened eyes.

"Bai Chen is the fourth prince in the capital, how dare you do this?"

Huang Qin immediately pointed at Ye Dousheng and said hoarsely: "You bald guy, you are hurting people in public, do you know who you are hitting?"

"Who? It doesn't matter at all."

Ye Dou put his hands behind him, looked down on the crowd, continued to walk, and said lightly, "I think your male hormones are too strong, and you dare to point at my woman, then cut off your limbs."

" father is a general, my mother is a capital can't, you can't do this, someone will kill you."

When Bai Chen saw Ye Dou walking towards him, he cried frantically.

Ye Dou's face was calm and his eyes were indifferent: "This is the price you pay for provoking me."

After all, he knew a good friend, Hua Qianmu gave Agang a wink.

A-Gang couldn't bear it any longer. He jumped up, jumped on the table, came to the front, and roared, "Stop it for me."

Ye Douli ignored it, and lightly kicked Bai Chen's crotch.

He kept his strength on this kick, and didn't really kill the opponent, but it made Bai Chen roll his eyes in pain, and he couldn't even make a sound. He could only lay on the ground like a twitching prawn. twitching.

Seeing this scene, Ah Gang's expression changed, and he said coldly, "Sir, you are so ruthless and lawless, aren't you afraid of punishment?"

"He wanted to provoke me just now, and he also wanted to beat me up. Aren't you all watching the show? What does it mean to come out now? Do you also want to fight?" Ye Dou didn't look back, he turned around slowly and said. .

"You have such a big tone, do you really think there is no one here to treat you?"

A-Gang's pupils shrank and said: "I can still spare you now, or I will punish you. I am the seventh-ranked fine-steel hero, and I have the right to punish the lower-level heroes!"

He looked at Li Yu and saw that Li Yu, the vice chairman of the League of Legends, had nothing to say. He immediately knew that the other party had acquiesced, and he was no longer afraid.

"Stupid guy."

Ye Dou shook his head slightly, and kicked Bai Chen again.

Ah Gang allowed Ye Dou to continue, but he did.

His muscles suddenly began to swell, his entire body swelled for a full circle, his fists were plated with a layer of gray metallic luster, and a dull metallic luster appeared on his body.

The punching wind broke through the air and came with a howling wind. This punch was very heavy, causing the air to burst directly. There was a crackling sound, and a sonic boom sounded under the punch.

The cold fist wind even blew wildly, and the surrounding people were forced back by the wind.

"In the end, it's A Gang, a mad fist. With one punch, nothing is invincible!"

Everyone was terrified, and Huang Qin screamed in his heart.

Even if A Gang's punch hits other fine-steel heroes, it is enough to kill him with one punch.

Many people at the scene did not dare to look at it again. If this hit the bald head, it would definitely kill people.

As a result, in addition to kicking Bai Chen again, Ye Dou bent his fingers and just flicked it directly on the forehead of A Gang who was punching.

The power of this flick was like a cannonball, A Gang flew his head backwards, and then slammed into the wall next door, knocking a hole in the wall of the banquet hall.


The walls of the entire clubhouse collapsed, leaving a human-shaped hole in many places.

Although Ah Gang used his superpower to turn his body into steel-like hardness in the first place, he also felt a kind of severe pain. The sky was dark in his head, and he almost fainted.

But he had undergone special combat training, and he immediately woke up when he bit the tip of his tongue.

He touched his forehead and found that there was an obvious pit on his forehead, which seemed to be at least two or three centimeters indented, and his eyes suddenly stared.

You must know that he just used his unique superpower to transform his body into a diamond-like shape, and he was just thrown away by the opponent's finger.

Even a dragon-level monster would not be able to eat and walk away after being hit by such a punch.

"Strange, you're cultivating the Seven Injury Fist Heart-breaking Art!" Ye Dou said calmly with his hands behind his back.

"how do you know?"

Ah Gang clutched his aching head, his brain still awake, and asked subconsciously.

"Because I created it myself."

Ye Dou said calmly, ignored him, and continued to look at Bai Chen.

And Ah Gang was stunned at the moment, not understanding what that meant.

At this time, Bai Chen was almost in a coma. After all, all his limbs were broken, and he was paralyzed on the ground. He couldn't say a word. .com~ He has been completely disrespectful.

"Remember, this is the price of your provocation."

Ye Dou's voice was like ice: "You wanted to hit me just now, make me humiliated, and make my woman sad, then I'll break your limbs, you won't be able to raise it well in a few years, and speaking of your super powers What's coming?"

Seeing this, the people around are already heartbroken, and a well-known hero ranked seventh in the fine steel level was just thrown away by one finger?

What is the origin of this guy?

In addition to being horrified, some steel-level heroes around them also have bad eyes.

At this moment, Ye Dou turned his gaze to Hua Qianmu, who had just taken the lead in provocation, and said coldly to the other party: "If there are still people who dare to provoke, they will be exactly the same as this guy."

Hua Qianmu smiled coldly and stood up slowly: "Oh, I can't believe that you can defeat a diamond-level hero!"

"You can try it!" Ye Dou said coldly, taking a step forward with an imposing manner.


Suddenly, a cold female voice came.

Ye Dou Xunsheng took a look, couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and took a breath: "So it's you!"

Today's two watch, because the eighteen hemorrhoids committed again, restless, chrysanthemum residue!

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