The Hero Kneels

Chapter 652: I am the God of Leaf Cannon

?It was none other than Song Ningyu who kept silent!

Ye Dou looked at Song Ningyu, the face of the other party reminded her of an old acquaintance, this acquaintance was none other than Bai Lu, but the other party was younger and more coquettish than Bai Lu.

Hua Qianmu also looked at each other and said with a sullen face: "Raiking, this black iron-level guy must have used super powers, and this has only beaten two steel-level heroes in a row, why should you stop?"

"Yeah, Ying'er, this guy must be using disgusting superpowers, he's just a madman, grab him quickly and send him to the League of Legends court." Huang Qin trembled.

Isn't it said that black iron heroes are all waste and funny?

Why is this bald guy so strong?

It is terrifying to break a person's limbs at the slightest disagreement, or even a fine-steel hero.

Many of the other people around were even more sympathetic.

Regardless of everyone's high level of heroes, no one in the seat dares to come forward and confront them.

Li Yu couldn't help frowning slightly.

Bai Chen was directly abolished. This kind of incident happened under everyone's nose, and the impact was really bad. If he, the vice-chairman, didn't punish the other party, it would be really hard to convince the public.

However, the strength of this bald head made him feel jealous.

"Huang Qian, you really want to turn against me."

Yang Mimi pursed her lips.

Huang Qian's fussing at this time really made her feel chilled, and the other party really wanted to tear her face off.

Many young masters and young ladies from the north looked at Song Ningyu and waited for her to speak.

The princess of the capital fluttered her long hair, revealing a charming and coquettish peerless face, with slender eyes, a high nose bridge, red lips like fire, willow leaves with long eyebrows, and a beautiful pointed chin.

Song Ningyu's ecstasy eyes are enough to make all men fascinated, as if they are always charging at the people around them, and it is no wonder that Song Ningyu is attracting attention.

Ye Dou also looked at Song Ningyu more. In terms of appearance, Yang Mimi at this time was more mature than Song Ningyu, like a mature peach. Although Song Ningyu looked graceful and coquettish, and her appearance was peerless, she was still tender compared to Yang Mimi. Half a chip, even worse than Hongxue.

I saw Song Ningyu snorted coldly: "You guys are too rubbish, where did this Mr. Ye Dou use his superpowers, he used authentic martial arts magical powers, if I'm not mistaken, this Mr. Ye Dou's martial arts cultivation has already been cultivated. To the point where the blood can calm the soul and the body is sanctified, the strength of the body is comparable to that of a dragon-level monster, and it may even be stronger!"

"Even if you go to such a character together, it is not necessarily his opponent. If you go, you will only die. Mr. Ye Dou, am I right?"

She said to Ye Dou with a charming smile: "As expected of Ye Dou, a man like God!"

As soon as Song Ningyu said this, the audience exploded, in an uproar, and in silence.

Everyone opened their mouths wide and looked at Ye Dou, the bald young man with no expression and no eyebrows.

The name Ye Dou is very common now, and it can catch a lot of people with one grab, but on this occasion, the name of Ye Dou was spoken from Song Ningyu's mouth, and he was called a man like a god.

That is only the "Ye Pao God" who is known to the whole earth and who sacrificed himself with the Shattered Void to save the world 20 years ago!

"What are you kidding? He has the same name as Ye Pao God?"

"God-like man? Isn't that Ye Pao God?

Li Yu, Hua Qianmu and the others looked at Ye Dou in disbelief.

Ye Pao God's real name is Ye Dou. This is something they have known since they were in kindergarten.

The only person in this world who can be called a "God-like man" is Ye Dou Yepaoshen.

What does Song Ningyu mean?

The big guy doesn't know that Song Ningyu has already learned some news through her father Song Shendao, so she just said it. Others don't know she wants to answer, even if they know, they can't compare this bald guy with that divine power. the Ye Cannon God.

"Ye... Ye Dou, what's your relationship with Ye Pao Shen?"

Hua Qianmu's pupils shrank sharply as she spoke slowly.

After listening to Song Ningyu's remarks, he took a deep breath. He thought that he could kill his opponent with one foot, but he didn't expect that the other party was actually related to that famous man who dominated the world.

Is the other party a god-like man?

What a joke!

Ye Dou didn't ask Song Ningyu why he recognized him.

Song Ningyu's appearance is very similar to Bai Lu, and her surname is Song. She must have something to do with someone she knows well. Most of her real identity is already known by the other party.

"Ha, I'm Ye Pao God? Ye Pao God is me!"

Ye Dou put his hands behind him, looked down on the heroes, and simply told the truth.

The people around were speechless, and everyone looked at this bald young man who looked down on the world with shocking eyes.

Is he the God of Ye Cannon?

How powerful is Ye Cannon God! How terrifying! What a character!

Whoever becomes the peak at the end of the martial arts will become empty when it encounters the **** of guns.

This is the mighty great man who once slaughtered the underworld Yama and beat the ghostly creatures with his own power.

There are many rumors about Ye Dou in the world. In each rumor, Ye Dou is a peerless **** who swallowed thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

Ye Dou saves the people and the fire and water, serves the country and the people, sacrifices himself, and saves the common people. Such a fearless spirit is also known as the number one knight in the world!

No one expected that the man in front of him would be called a god-like man by Song Ningyu.

In addition, Ye Dou's appearance is very similar to the legendary Ye Pao God. Everyone can't help but doubt Ye Dou's identity. If Ye Dou really defeated the steel-level hero with his martial arts supernatural power, then the other party is most likely to get the true biography of Ye Pao God. an illegitimate child.

Many people are fortunate that if they rush up and do it, they may already be lying on the ground. Even if they are gold-level or fine-steel heroes, they will fight with the martial cultivator who has been sanctified by the flesh.

But now that Ye Dou actually claimed to be the God of Ye Cannon, the problem was much more serious.

A person as great as Ye Pao God, the other party dared to call himself Pao God.

Is this killing?

Li Yu, Hua Qianmu and the others all looked at Ye Dou with shocked eyes.

Yang Mimi suddenly said: "Yes, he is the illegitimate son of Ye Pao Shen, who has obtained the true biography of his father!"

Ye Dou looked at Yang Mimi, and when he saw the other party's worried expression, he didn't say much.

Woman, it's always superfluous.

"Hehe, young man, you definitely have the blood of Ye Pao God, and it is rare to be sanctified in the flesh. I think you can call yourself the heir of Ye Pao God. It turns out that the man Yang Mimi chose was Ye Pao Shenliu. The dragon seed that came down is gratifying, gratifying." Li Yu came out at this time to smooth the game.

Since it is the seed of the God of Ye Pao, he must protect this kind of talent.

And Huang Qin couldn't sit still at The other party turned out to be the illegitimate son of Ye Pao God?

You must know that there are many rumors about the illegitimate children of Ye Pao God. Every year, a lot of illegitimate children appear, but none of them are confirmed to be true.

"No wonder martial arts are so good and they look so similar. It turned out to be an illegitimate child. Yang Mimi's luck is really good, and she found such a substitute." Huang Qin looked at Yang Mimi with jealous eyes.

To be honest, as an admirer of the God of Ye Pao, she also took a fancy to Ye Dou, especially his strong body and muscles, which met her requirements for a man, so she felt like a bucket of vinegar had been overturned in her heart, sour. very.

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