The Hero Kneels

Chapter 653: So handsome and mighty

? Everyone looked at each other.

Suddenly, a wine glass on the table flew out of thin air, followed by a wine bottle, both of which had a faint green light on the outside, and flew towards Ye Dou in the distance. Watching this magical scene closely, many people's eyes were turned to Hua Qianmu.

"Everyone says that Ye Pao God's martial arts supernatural powers are the pinnacle. Today I have learned Ye Pao God's martial arts. Come, today I respect you as the descendant of Ye Pao God!"

Hua Qianmu suppressed the shock in her heart, controlled her super power, and a glass of wine floated in front of her, and then held it up and said to Ye Dou Yaoyao: "Come on, I will toast you next, and also to your father, Ye Pao God. a cup."

Seeing that the wine bottle flying from the sky was tilted, he poured a glass of wine into the wine glass steadily, and then flew to Ye Dou.

A diamond-level hero who can fight demigod-level monsters.

But just now, he was also stunned by Ye Dou's hand, and he showed his hand not to be outdone.

Ye Douli ignored him, snorted softly, and the wine glass and bottle fell to the ground, shattering into slag.

A trace of anger flashed in Hua Qianmu's eyes, but he was able to cover it up very well. After drinking the glass of wine, he did not put down the glass, but looked at Ye Dou with interest, with a lazy look. Said: "Ye Dou, do you know who Bai Chen is whose limbs were just broken by you?"

"Oh? Who is it?"

Ye Dou's face was expressionless, as if he didn't care at all.

Hua Qianmu shook her head slightly, sighed lightly, and raised her voice: "His father is Bai Yulong, the current commander of the Beijing Military Region, and his aunt is Bai Lu, the deputy commander-in-chief of the General Military Region. They are both well-known and powerful figures in the capital. Call the wind and call the rain."

"Their old Bai family has only this son, and the old man Bai has only this grandson. Ye Dou, if you crippled the opponent, the Bai family will never give up."

After speaking, Hua Qianmu looked at Ye Dou with a light smile.

Everyone around was shocked.

The Bai family in the capital is famous and has inextricably linked with the military, especially the famous Song Shendao, who is an absolute big man.

Bai Chen has such a family background, it is no wonder that he will become the fourth son of the capital.

"Oh? It's interesting."

Ye Dou's expression did not change at all, but he was surprised when he heard the name of an acquaintance.

It turned out to be Bai Lu's nephew.

What is Bai Lu's strength now?

He really wanted to get to know him.

Hua Qianmu continued: "Of course, you are the illegitimate son of Ye Pao God, with amazing martial arts abilities, so you may not be afraid of the Bai family. But what if you add another Song family?"

"Song family? Which Song family?"

Everyone was confused and didn't know why.

Only Li Yu and a group of people who knew the inside story suddenly changed their faces. Others didn't know, but they understood. Following Bai Chen and A Gang, the background was unfathomable.

I saw Hua Qianmu pointed at A Gang, who was covering his head: "A Gang, the adopted son of Song Shendao, is only twenty-eight years old this year. He is not only a fine-steel hero, but also serves in the special forces. The soldier king and colonel in our special forces, and his ancestors had three generals, none of which you can afford."

"At twenty-eight, you're a big school?"

"Or the son of Song Shendao?

Everyone was surprised.

This Agong has an extraordinary history, not only has a promising future, but such a young colonel can even look forward to a general or commander in the future.

But then, Hua Qianmu dropped another bomb.

"And his father is General Liu Gang."

"Admiral Liu Gang? Who is it?"

"I heard that it turned out to be the son of General Liu Gang?"

"My God, that is one of the five elders of the military region, second only to Song Shendao."

The whole banquet hall was boiling.

Unexpectedly, the backstage of these two young masters was so powerful, and the weight of Bai Chen and Ah Gang far exceeded everyone's imagination.

These two are both legendary eldest sons. With this background, absolutely no one dares to provoke them. No wonder they are called the four great sons of the capital.

"Fantastic, such a big guy's son has been maimed?"

Many people slapped their tongues in awe.

More people looked at Ye Dou worriedly.

Even if the other party is the son of Ye Pao God, he injured the two big sons in a row, this is really an unbearable pace.

And Hua Qianmu was still waiting behind.

Yang Mimi didn't respond, and Song Ningyu didn't respond either. Logically speaking, Bai Chen and her were relatives, but she didn't stop her.

"what do you want?"

Ye Dou's expression remained unchanged, and he looked directly at Hua Qianmu and said, "Don't talk nonsense, my family background is scum in my eyes. If you want to fight, come and fight with me at the ceremony to commemorate the God of Ye Pao tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, Ye Dou looked around, his eyes swept across heroes and bigwigs such as Li Yu, Huang Qin, Song Ningyu, A Gang, etc.: "All of you are the same, if anyone is uncomfortable with me, let's solve it together tomorrow!"

After he finished speaking, he hugged Yang Mimi and strode away.

Although there were many heroes onlookers, none of them dared to stop them. Instead, they spread out to make way for Ye Dou and Yang Mimi. Watching the two leave.

"As expected of the son of Ye Pao God."

"It's so compelling, it's as if Ye Cannon was reborn in the movie."

Discussions all over the place resumed.

Ye Dou is simply too fierce. It is an exaggeration to even look at the world and sweep everyone on the scene.

"Young man, it's too reckless, it's too reckless."

But Li Yu and the others shook their heads secretly.

Ye Dou has a special status, but this is a celebration feast to celebrate the 20th year, and tomorrow will be a grand ceremony to celebrate the 20th year of Ye Pao God's Broken Void.

They admired Ye Dou for having such magical powers in martial arts at a young age, but Ye Dou's participation in the banquet was too intense, breaking Bai Chen's limbs if he disagreed. bear it.

But so far, it's been enough.

The Bai family and the Liu family will definitely not give up and treat him as an opponent.

But next, Ye Doufang's words shocked everyone.

"Damn it! Does he want to challenge everyone?"

"Is it going to be a big fight for the celebration tomorrow?

"Don't know what will happen tomorrow?"

Many are looking forward to it.

And Song Ningyu's eyes shone with a strange light.

Hearing that Ye Dou usually speaks well, he wouldn't mind if his friends took advantage.

But Ye Doo is also crazy.

She had heard of many deeds of Ye Dou, especially when she was still a She had heard many other legends and stories about Ye Dou, and it was the first time she saw it with her own eyes. Understand that the other party really deserves to be the legendary God of Ye Pao.

If what Mom and Dad said are true, then I am afraid that whoever encounters Ye Dou will be in bad luck, and it is impossible to do anything to Ye Dou.

"After all, that's the legendary Ye Pao God, so handsome and mighty!"

Song Ningyu lowered her head, a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

. . .

Today's two watch, Shiba is currently watching chrysanthemums in the hospital, and it is estimated that the doctor will explode.

Sorry for the book friend whose car was hit

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