The Hero Kneels

Chapter 688: Yama's War Book

"Strange, isn't this person Ye Pao Shen already dead?"

Hades frowned slightly.

"Yes, according to the information, the person who shattered the void twenty years ago is dead." Zeus bowed slightly and said solemnly.

"The Insect God once said that this person is not dead, so the divine weapon is on him. Could it be that this person came back after the void was broken?"

Several strong men of Olympus looked at each other.

Of course, everyone remembers that the secluded world invaded the world 20 years ago. At that time, it was an oriental man named Ye Pao God who destroyed the secluded world passage by breaking the void and saved the earth.

This is a legend for them.

"Yes, according to the information of the Insect God, it was the Ye Pao God, the first warrior in China who shot at that time!"

Hades simply said in the Chinese of his voice: "Whoever is the peak at the end of the martial arts will be empty when it encounters the cannon god!"

"Really Ye Cannon God?"

This time, Poseidon and the others all changed color, and even Zeus' eyes flashed a haze.

Ye Dou's name, even those who are far away in Europe, have also heard of it, and it has been twenty years.

Unexpectedly, twenty years later, Ye Pao God appeared again.

"If it is true as the Insect God said, the Leaf Cannon God really has the power to shatter the void, I am afraid that with the power of Olympus, there is no way to win it."

Zeus shrugged.

Poseidon, Hades, and the two all had gloomy faces.

The God of Leaf Pao is famous, even if they, Olympus, do not want to be an enemy of a super strong, even if the three giants are not afraid of the so-called God of Leaf Pao.

According to the teaching point of view, Ye Pao Shen is not a **** but also an extremely powerful demigod, which is quite troublesome to deal with.

If not necessary, there is really no need to do it.

"Are you afraid?" Hades asked.

"Naturally not afraid."

Zeus smiled mysteriously: "The power of our Olympus can definitely kill the so-called **** of leaf guns."

"It's just that we should join hands." Zeus then threw the bait.

Poseidon and the others looked at each other and could only nod their heads.

An artifact that turns decay into a magical artifact and can give them the opportunity to become a true god, which they absolutely cannot let go of.

Hades said viciously at this time: "The three of us will start together, no one in this world will be our opponent!"

On a black Bentley.

Bai Wuchen and Ye Dou sat in the back seat of the Bentley and chatted.

On the other hand, Bai Wuchen was talking about his twenty years of experience along the way.

Ye Dou listened quietly.

"That's how it happened."

Bai Wuchen said lonely: "Although I am married, I have never had a bridal chamber, because I was married by the underworld to a bad old man I didn't like. I don't like it, but there's nothing to resist."

"So you ran away from the marriage."

Bai Wuchen grabbed his long hair and smiled evilly: "Not only do I want to run away from the marriage, but I also want to wear a cuckold to my husband."

After speaking, her wink rolled up: "Ye Dou, you actually helped me a lot just now, so let me make it up to you."

"How do you want to compensate?" Ye Dou asked.

"Meat compensation!"

Bai Wuchen burst out with charm.

If you want to cheat, find someone stronger, Ye Dou is the most suitable person in front of you.

"No talk!"

Ye Dou immediately shook his head: "I'm already married, please don't think too much?"


Bai Wuchen was surprised, and returned to his normal state in an instant: "If you are married, you are married, and I am married, I don't care, I want to pay for the meat, you must help me, or I will not take you to see Yang Mimi. "


Ye Dou narrowed his eyes: "I don't want you to pay, take me to see Yang Mimi immediately!"

Bai Wuchen pouted, the car stopped, and the brakes came to a sudden stop. She took this opportunity to wave her hand and disappeared into the car, leaving only a white fox tail on the seat, and the answer was still in the air. One sentence: "If you don't want me to pay for it, you will never have to see Yang Mimi in this life."

She just slipped away like that.

"This woman is crazy!"

Ye Dou immediately rushed out of the car, turned into a flash of lightning, and ran in the direction of Bai Wuchen.

After a while, he found Bai Wuchen in a nearby park and pinched her throat: "Tell me, where is Yang Mimi?"

Bai Wuchen touched his neck, but his pupils were very calm: "Don't say it, unless you promise me to pay you with meat! Otherwise I will run!"

"Even if you run to the ends of the earth, I will be able to find you." Ye Dou's expression remained unchanged, his eyes lowered.

His divine sense shrouded the whole park, how could Bai Wuchen escape now, even if he really ran away, with the imprint of divine sense, he can also get on the other side and destroy this strange beauty with the elf.

Bai Wuchen was silent, and after a long time, he continued: "Ye Dou, I really hate this marriage. If you can, you must help me."

"As I said earlier, I hate threats."

After Ye Dou finished speaking, a cold light flashed in his eyes: "You annoy me now, quickly tell me Yang Mimi's address."

"Then what if I don't tell you?" Bai Wuchen said in anger.

"I will abuse you and kill you!"

Ye Dou's tone was indifferent, but he could hear Bai Wuchen's little heart beating slightly.

The other party sometimes acts decisively and simply, she believes that Ye Dou can definitely do it if he really wants to kill him.

Back then, the other party destroyed the underworld like this.

Thinking of this, Bai Wuchen was terrified and wanted to escape first, but how could she escape under Ye Dou's eyes.

Ye Dou still did not move.

At this time, a large black sedan car came galloping out of thin air.

Four black-clothed, ghostly ghosts were carrying a huge sedan chair. The sedan chair was incomparably wide and completely dark and dull. It absorbed the faint moonlight in the sky, giving it a heavy, strange, and terrifying feeling.

This large sedan chair was carried by four sedan chairmen, all of them wearing long black coats with masks on their faces, so they could not see clearly.

The four sedan chairmen carried the sedan chair and strolled over the endless night sky. When ordinary people saw it, it was impossible to guarantee that they would not collapse to the ground. They subconsciously thought that the other party was the ghost who came to arrest their own souls and pulled them into the nine secluded underworld.

Looking at the breath, these four bearers are not ghosts, but zombies, and they are exercising a peculiar pace, so that their movements are erratic, and they can fly in the air like ghosts.

"It looks familiar, it turns out to be the ghost king." Ye Dou immediately made a judgment.

Only the ghost king likes to do this kind of pomp!

"Could it be that the cult of seclusion hasn't perished yet?" Ye Dou couldn't help squinting to Really haunted!

He held his breath, his little heart was thumping, slightly excited.

Where there is a ghost, there is a soul!

What's more, the ghost king is a thousand-year-old ghost!

The dark clouds swept across the sky, and the four ghost figures carried the sedan chair and floated in front of the dark clouds all the time. Lonely ghosts in groups.

In front of the black sedan chair, there was a demon monkey with a pointed mouth and cheeks, and the other party held a yellow imperial decree and shouted sharply: "The heaven and the earth are dark yellow, all ghosts worship the secluded, save all calamities, and prove my supernatural powers. The lord is on patrol, block the heavens!"

Bai Wuchen suddenly appeared behind him and exclaimed, "Ghost Lord!"

However, Ye Dou seemed very excited when he saw the other party's expression.

After the yellow-haired monkey finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and threw out an envelope with two large characters written on it.

【War book! 】

"Underworld Yamagu Yuqi, about to fight Ye Pao God, lightning in Shenlong Mountain!"

Today's willful little burst! Thank you for your reward!

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