The Hero Kneels

Chapter 689: The strongest Yama

"The hatred of taking a wife? Gu Yuqi? What the hell?"

Ye Dou asked three questions in a row, feeling very confused.

"You ask Gu Yuqi? Of course it's my dead ghost husband."

Bai Wuchen smiled and said: "He knew that I was your old friend, and now you have detained me, of course he is jealous. He tried so hard to find you for the sake of face, who asked you to put a green hat on him."

"Good old friend? You want to use me as a shield!"

Ye Dou narrowed his eyes and looked at this fox spirit.

This woman wanted to come to Hong Xing to get out of the wall because her marriage was not sexual, and the object of Hong Xing's out of the wall was actually herself.

Well, in fact, Bai Wuchen has a great appearance and figure, and his temperament is particularly charming and attractive, and he has even grasped the artistic conception and field of charm.

It is absolutely the dream of all men to have such a beautiful woman give birth to a monkey.

However, this woman's temperament is too eccentric, it is really elusive.

Ye Dou knew Bai Wuchen better, and the other party knew more about his psychology. He was always teasing and seducing him intentionally or unintentionally, walking on the edge of his own limits.

Bai Wuchen is really a master of death.

And he almost changed his name to Ximen Qing.

"Of course not. It's not that I can benefit you. I just don't want to marry that bad old man. Besides, the person I like is you."

Bai Wuchen smiled with an affectionate expression on his face.

"Don't talk, I don't want to come forward, I refuse to fight." Ye Dou shook his head slightly.

The demon monkey of the ghost king said: "Miss Yang Mimi has been captured by us, if you want to save her, please accept the battle, the time for the battle is set at Shenlong Mountain in three days!

After releasing the news, the ghost king's sedan chair turned around and slipped away, running faster than a rabbit.

Let Ye Dou directly dismiss the plan to find the other party's soul.

This old ghost has lived for thousands of years, and it really is an old ghost.

"Did you do it? You sent Yang Mimi to Gu Yuqi!"

Ye Dou looked at the other party angrily, and saw Bai Wuchen's pitiful appearance, he was about to cry, and asked, "Tell me, what is the origin of that Gu Yuqi?"

Bai Wuchen spoke immediately.

Gu Yuqi used to be known as one of the strongest Yamas in the underworld today. He is good at earth spirit magic, and he created the secret method of dragon energy, which can connect the spirit energy of heaven and earth to perform spirit art, communicate the power of heaven and earth with the seal of law, summon infinite spirit energy, and finally condense it into a magic art. Law.

Twenty years ago, Gu Yuqi left the world after Ye Dou shattered the void and lived in Xiangjiang for a long time. It is rumored that he has killed three superpower masters who claimed to be gods.

Since then, Gu Yuqi has shaken the whole Xiangjiang and even the south, and was honored as the first master of Xiangjiang!

He is also the number one power user in the South. League of Legends has recruited many times.

Many people pay homage to each other because of this, it can be said that it is quiet like a god!

He and Ye Dou still have a great feud. Ye Dou killed several Yan Luos in the underworld, including his disciples and relatives, but Gu Yuqi was in retreat at the time to be able to arrive at the scene.

After exiting the customs, Gu Yuqi said that he must smash Ye Dou into ten thousand pieces, and he must be immortal with him.

So according to this logic, Ye Dou must have a fight with him.

It's just that this battle was greatly advanced because of Bai Wuchen's relationship.

Three days later, Shenlong Mountain.

Shenlong Mountain is actually the eastern coast of China, not far from the Xiangjiang River.

In the evening, the sun is setting, and the green hills are usually inaccessible, but this day attracted a large number of men, women and police.

The policemen armed with live ammunition immediately surrounded the place, pulled up the blockade, and blocked the ten kilometers around Shenlong Mountain.

In addition, three people with special status came.

One of the three men is burly and powerful in military uniform, one in a suit and a police badge on his chest, and one in a robe with gold-rimmed glasses, looking very elegant.

Such a group of people quickly boarded the Shenlong Mountain.

On the top of the mountain, Ye Dou was closing his eyes and resting, while Bai Wuchen was also sitting across from him breathing out his spiritual energy. The appearance of the two facing each other seemed quite harmonious.

"You are here."

Bai Wuchen opened his eyes and asked weakly, his face was still pale, his legs were trembling, his cheongsam was torn apart, and the stockings on his legs were torn and messy.

It looked like she had been insulted, and it was a very violent insult.

"Mr. Ye Dou, I brought an old friend to visit you."

The man wearing the police badge stepped forward and said loudly.

"Is it Li Yongzheng?"

Ye Dou's faint voice came.

"It's me, master."

Li Yongzheng stepped forward: "Master, I'm here to tell you that this battle will be very dangerous. Your enemy is Yama, the oldest in the underworld, and the opponent is not easy."

"Hey, hey, Li Yongzheng, we are here to stop this war, what do you say."

The man in the suit with the police badge on his chest suddenly became angry: "You League of Legends, come to our Xiangjiang to make trouble, and kidnapped a woman hostage, what are you trying to do?"

Li Yongzheng ignored him, everyone was in two systems, and the other party couldn't help him at all.

What's more, this time it was Ye Dou who was challenged, and his apprentice was 100% supported.

Anyway, this Miss Bai and Master seem to have an affair.

"Okay, okay, let them solve the problem between the power users themselves." One of the men in a robe with extraordinary bearing stood up and made a round.

The inspector could only swallow the breath.

The middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses stepped forward and said, "Under the underworld of Yamagu Yuqi, the first disciple, Zhang Daolin, is here to visit the God of Ye Pao!"

"I'm Zhang Daolin, and I'm here to visit Ye Pao Shen on behalf of Master Gu Yuqi. At the dawn of tomorrow, my teacher will come to the top of Pojun Peak of Shenlong, and we will win or lose with you!"

He stood there with a dignified air and a sound like mad thunder, which shook the top of the mountain with a rumble, and the loose rocks on the mountain wall were shaken down.

The inspector covered his ears and was secretly startled.

Gu Yuqi currently lives in Xiangjiang and is known as Wangu Qiren. He is deeply admired by Xiangjiang bosses and the upper class. He did not expect to be the legendary Underworld Yama.

This Gu Yuqi's disciple Zhang Daolin also seems to be a strange person.

After a long time, they did not come to reconcile, but to declare war.

"Is he trying to challenge me?"

Ye Dou finally opened his eyes slowly: "Can I challenge any cat or dog?"

Zhang Daolin didn't change his face, and said proudly: "Ye Dou, don't think you are very powerful, my master is already a true god, killing a demigod like you is like pinching an ant!"

"True God?"

Ye Dou narrowed his eyes slightly and said simply: "God! Very good, I was about to kill a **** to see!"

He found that the stars in his body can absorb all the existences related to divine power and star energy. Since they are all divine powers, can you absorb them into the existence of gods?

"God Ye Pao, you are frivolous with my wife, you will pay for it."

Zhang Daolin left a sentence and walked from the top of the mountain with heavy steps.

"Just, can the master really win?"

Zhang Daolin never doubted the strength of Gu Yuqi.

Twenty years ago, Ye Pao God single-handedly killed several powerful Yamas in the underworld. His master was known as one of the strongest Yamas in the underworld, but he was in retreat.

After that, the master went out and devoured a star fruit, and he almost never shot again. No one knew how strong Gu Yuqi was. Zhang Daolin only realized Gu Yuqi's ocean-like divine power.

Zhang Daolin believes that the master will win when any demigod-level master comes to But Ye Dou is different!

Ye Dou once killed other Yamas in seconds, and his martial arts cultivation was superb, and he could even shatter the void.

His martial arts cultivation base and lightning control have reached the apex of the world.

Whoever is the peak at the end of the martial arts will be empty when it encounters the **** of guns.

How strong is Ye Dou now?

However, thinking of the master's 20 years of sublime cultivation and the preparations made in the past three days, Zhang Daolin suddenly felt relieved. No matter how strong your martial arts is, how can you fight against divine power?

Li Yongzheng and others hurried down the mountain, leaving only Ye Dou and Bai Wuchen on the top of the mountain.

Bai Wuchen looked at Ye Dou with complicated eyes, she never thought that Ye Dou would actually stand up for herself.

This is the rhythm to toughen the strongest Yama in the underworld.

She suddenly confirmed one thing and seemed to understand Ye Dou's intentions.

Ye Dou definitely has her in his heart.

Definitely helping her out of the sea of ​​misery.

This man has already been captured by himself.

"This guy definitely likes me, um, so why don't you just be a concubine?"

Bai Wuchen thought in his heart.

How did she know that Ye Dou just wanted to kill a **** "Eat!"

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