The Hero Kneels

Chapter 670: The most capable person appears

This time, the incident of Gu Yuqi's battle book was directly leaked by Zhang Daolin on purpose.

Immediately, the upper class and Feng Shui circles of the whole Xiangjiang have been in turmoil.

Now everyone knew that a superhuman named Ye Dou had kidnapped Gu Yuqi's new wife Bai Wuchen, and wanted to forcibly occupy Bai Wuchen. The news quickly spread throughout the upper class in half of Xiangjiang.

Everyone condemned and supported Master Gu Yuqi.

The big guy doesn't know who Ye Dou is, but the first person who dares to fight Xiangjiang must have an extraordinary origin.

When the big guy was horrified, another shocking news came:

"Underworld Yamagu Yuqi is about to fight Ye Cannon God, on the top of Shenlong Mountain!"

Gu Yuqi is different. For so many years, he has been a giant in Xiangjiang, and he is respected as the first **** in the south, the God of Xiangjiang. Everyone knows he is a powerful man.

Usually even the high-level elites of the society rarely see this great god.

Such a loud, but open battle against the robber made many people feel that something was wrong.

Most of the rich and aristocrats in Xiangjiang are all watching the show.

After all, there are many so-called superpowers now. It is not surprising that a person with the same name as Ye Dou came out. The news of Ye Dou’s return has been blocked for the time being. They also know who this Ye Dou is. A strong challenger.

However, this news exploded like a bomb in the entire southern superpower world.

"Gu Yuqi is going to take action? Openly make an appointment with the God of War at the top of the Dragon Mountain?"

I don't know how many superpowers are shocked.

Gu Yuqi is the No. 1 **** in Xiangjiang. It is rumored that he has become a god. Such a big man actually wants to fight with people? How can that Ye Dou be?

"Ye Dou? Which Ye Dou? Can you compare to a **** like Gu Yuqi?"

"This leaf is very powerful? Is there such a person among superpowers?"

"He is the God of Ye Pao, the God of Ye Pao who saved the world twenty years ago!"

Someone is suspicious.

Power users are very proud. People who are not in the official League of Legends rarely communicate across borders, and usually gather in circles.

Everyone doesn't know who Ye Dou is, and there are rumors that Ye Dou is the Ye Cannon God who broke away from the void twenty years ago!

Most of them don't believe it, but they are full of confidence in Gu Yuqi.

After all, Gu Yuqi's methods are strange and unpredictable. He can do miraculous things with his superpowers, so he is called a god!

This night, countless people were excited and couldn't sleep.

Even that night, countless people flocked to Shenlong Mountain in advance, in order to seize a good position in order to witness this earth-shattering showdown.

According to legend, he may be the God of Ye Cannon!

Fight against the current No. 1 master of Xiangjiang!

This battle has touched people's hearts, and many power users have become curious and come out of their nests one after another.

Ye Dou was still sitting on the top of the mountain, motionless.

On the other hand, Bai Wuchen closed his eyes and slept very deeply, very sweetly, with a heartless appearance.

Time passes by every minute and every second.

Soon, the sky was white with fish belly, and the sun rose.

After the sun rose, Ye Dou got up and went down the mountain.

Bai Wuchen got up immediately and followed behind, looking like a little woman.

She followed behind Ye Dou, looking at his bald head shining brightly in the afterglow, still snickering.

"My God... This bald head dares to call himself the God of Ye Pao, isn't Ye Pao God like this?" Some people saw Ye Dou's appearance, and their eyes were about to pop out.

"Tsk tsk tsk, not only is he bald and has no eyebrows, but he also has a fierce look on his face."

"It's somewhat similar to the God of Ye Pao, who dares to call himself the God of Ye Pao for twenty years."

Those spectators not far away were stunned, and were stopped by hundreds of police officers in charge of order.

Ye Dou didn't pay any attention to it, he just walked towards the top of Shenlong Mountain.

Xiangjiang Shenlong Mountain is actually a well-known scenic spot. This mountain is rolling and rolling, with a total of seven peaks, corresponding to the Big Dipper, hence the name.

These seven hills meander like dragons and stretch for more than ten kilometers. According to the terrain, they not only match the arrangement of the Big Dipper, but also look like a big dragon.

The place where Ye Dou is located is only Kaiyang Mountain, and he will go to the main peak Pojun Peak.

At dawn, a large number of tourists arrived.

Among them, there are also those who watch the sunrise, and some who have achieved a decisive battle. Pojun Peak is actually the best place for a decisive battle. They were disappointed that the main peak of Shenlong Mountain, Pojun Peak, was blocked today. Climbing is allowed.

Looking at the heavily armed police officers at the foot of the mountain, everyone was stunned.

There was speculation about whether there was a big man coming.

Ye Dou was already walking on the mountain road to the top of Shenlong Mountain.

The main peak of Shenlong Mountain is about 800 meters high.

Along the way, he met many superhumans.

The power user will not be stopped by any police.

They don't see people on weekdays, but now they gather at Shenlong Mountain, hoping to see the legendary decisive battle.

"It's him, he is the man who calls himself the God of Ye Pao!"

There are many people who have seen Ye Paoshen's photos, but when they see Ye Dou, they can't help frowning.

This Ye Cannon God is too much.

Although Ye Dou's eyes were shining bright, his temperament was dusty, and he had that contemptuous aura. He was not a peerless powerhouse and could not have it at all, but his bald head without eyebrows was fierce and unusual. Gunslinger is completely different.

"God Ye Pao is here, and the battle is finally about to begin."

Countless people set their sights on the top of the mountain.

They occupy many towering sun observation platforms and attractions around, like a few hundred meters.

Ye Dou soon came to the top of the mountain, where he saw many people.

Even the chairman of the League of Legends, Li Yongzheng and others, as well as Tianyue and Song Qian, all of them came, looking at the king Ye Dou with complicated eyes.

In addition, there are more than ten superpowers, and they all have so-called divine power fluctuations.

Ye Dou didn't know these people, but a dozen or so people were all extremely powerful superpowers. Their abilities were so powerful that every one of the few S-rank abilities was equivalent to a diamond-level hero.

Zhang Daolin is included, and his divine power fluctuations are not as strong as others.

But this group of people was not in Ye Dou's eyes. His consciousness was focused on searching for that target.

"Ye Dou, God of Ye Pao, it's too late for you to regret it."

Zhang Daolin said: "Let go of Miss Bai Wuchen, then apologize to my master Gu Yuqi by You will not be his opponent..."

Before the other party finished speaking, Ye Dou's eyes became extremely cold.

Zhang Daolin originally had confidence in Gu Yuqi, but the moment Ye Dou's eyes changed, Zhang Daolin suddenly had a heart palpitation.

He didn't see any domineering in Ye Dou, only the aura of ignoring the common people. This kind of aura was as if the other party was a god-like **** overlooking all living beings, and any life in front of his eyes was nothing but clouds of the past.

This is absolutely unprecedented, even his master did not have such a terrifying aura, and instantly his face was pale, as if someone was strangling his throat.

Ye Dou didn't pay any attention to the big men around him, and walked straight to the top of Shenlong Mountain.

The morning glow was splendid, the mountain tops were beautiful, shrouded in a layer of morning light, and the sun had completely exposed its head.

"The God of Ye Pao shatters the void and smashes the space passage. It is indeed admirable, but compared with this mountain and river, it is still insignificant."

An old man in a green robe slowly walked towards Ye Dou, muttering.

This is Gu Yuqi, who claims to be the **** of Xiangjiang, the strongest superpower in the south, and the strongest Yama in the underworld!

Ye Dou was shocked when he saw this, and couldn't help but complain: "Old man, are you sure you're not called the Hulk?"

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