The Hero Kneels

Chapter 671: Human Dragon Gu Yuqi

Gu Yuqi in front of him had his back stooped, his face was mottled, with deep wrinkles, only one pair of pupils, black on the left and white on the right, like a yin and yang fish, revealing a very strange feeling.

And the other party's robe is not only green, but even his hair is green, like a green hat.

Dare to love, this guy doesn't need to help himself to wear a cuckold, the other party originally has a Hulunbuir prairie above his head!

The so-called natural green hat refers to this kind of person.

In other words, for such an old man to marry such a young and beautiful wife who has a tendency to go out of business, isn't this looking for a cuckold to wear?

"Hello Green Hood." Ye Dou simply greeted.

This so-called three gods, the underworld Yama of Megatron Xiangjiang, originally showed a pure smile, but his face turned green after hearing it, he said coldly: "I thought Ye Pao God was a mighty and domineering big man, but instead A shameless villain who stole someone's wife."

"Stop farting, didn't you catch my woman, did Yang Mimi bring it?"

Ye Dou carried his hands on his back, his expression indifferent.

Gu Yuqi clapped his hands, and Yang Mimi behind him was brought up by a big man. Yang Mimi looked as usual without a smile on her face, and it seemed that the situation was not bad.

Facing Gu Yuqi, Ye Dou's consciousness popped out, and he felt a nebula in the opponent's body. Although this nebula was powerful, it was very different from the nebula in his own body. Also much weaker.

But the Nebula that the other party had was indeed the strongest and most complete he had ever seen.

Looking at the confidence of the other party, it seems that he is very confident to fight with himself!

This old guy seems to be well prepared.

He also felt a vague aura from Gu Yuqi, which made him feel a slight threat.

Interesting, no wonder the old man dared to issue a gauntlet to himself. It turned out that he had something to rely on, so this battle will definitely be thrilling.

Ye Dou felt a hint of danger, but he was interested.

"Is this the so-called Divine Consciousness?"

When Ye Dou's consciousness moved, Gu Yuqi changed color slightly.

He is a master of spiritual arts himself, and his spiritual power is more sensitive. Although Gu Yuqi couldn't really capture Ye Dou's spiritual consciousness, he could feel the existence of spiritual consciousness and scan himself.

"Amazing, there was a Yan Luo who studied spiritual power in our underworld a hundred years ago. He was able to condense his spiritual power into divine consciousness, covering a range of 100 meters around him, and penetrating five-meter-thick rocks."

Gu Yuqi's eyes were full of light: "Unfortunately, his consciousness is not one-tenth as strong as yours, your consciousness is extremely condensed, it has reached an unimaginable level, it seems that you are not far from becoming a god. ."

"Twenty years ago you were the strongest Yama, and twenty years later, haven't you stepped into the realm of gods?"

Ye Dou asked.

He is also very curious about the increasing number of gods on earth, and he has not yet seen a real living god.

"It is difficult to become a god, and it is difficult to ascend to the sky."

Gu Yuqi shook his head and smiled bitterly: "To become a **** requires not only divine power, but also to ignite divine fire, gather the power of faith, or swallow enough star fruits, the same is true for you, if you cannot ignite divine fire, I am afraid that you will have no hope of becoming a **** in this life. "


Ye Dou smiled lightly and didn't care.

There are not many ways to become a **** that he knows about. The other party's way is dead, but his way is still alive.

"Ye Dou, today I asked you to fight you, saying that I wanted to avenge the hatred of taking my wife, but in fact, I wanted to avenge your revenge for destroying my underworld twenty years ago. Several of my disciples and friends died at your hands, and I will definitely take your hands today. blade!"

Gu Yuqi's eyes suddenly became clear, and there was no wind and waves around.

"Want to kill me? Are you ready to die?"

Ye Dou raised his big hand, and a storm-like cyclone appeared in his hand. The cyclone was like a sharp electric drill, which was constantly spinning, and there were gradually more thunder and lightning, bursting out strange thunder.

Spiral pill + Rachel!

"Haha, God of Ye Pao, I came prepared."

Gu Yuqi laughed, the green robe burst out with an unusually dazzling green light, and the green glow above his head flashed, making him look like a green **** with a rainbow-like aura.

But in Ye Douyan's eyes, the other party was a Hulunbuir prairie on his head.

Gu Yuqi raised his hand and went all out, shouting: "The soldiers who are nearing the army are all marching forward, Nine Dragons Divine Soldier!"

Using spiritual techniques to condense the Nine Dragons Divine Dragon on the head shape, this is the spiritual magic method at the bottom of his box, and it is also the evolution of his soul soldier, which is extremely destructive.

If it is an ordinary demigod, no one can make him use this trick as soon as he comes up.

But in the face of Ye Dou, he had to do this, attacking with all his strength.

I saw that as he spit out the nine characters, his hands were like phantoms condensed in the void seal, and nine dragons of aura rolled out from his cannon.

Nine giant dragons emitting pale green rays of light rushed out. The power and momentum of this spiritual art was truly terrifying.


The nine long dragons are like mighty tornadoes, carrying changes in the situation.

Gu Yuqi's green hair fluttered, her sleeves were agitated, and her hunting was screeching.

In the blink of an eye, these nine green long dragons composed of spiritual power, when the green long dragons were flying, actually crossed each other in mid-air, forming a huge giant dragon, and the target of the giant dragon was actually Ye Dou.

Faced with this earth-shaking green dragon that brought a monstrous storm, Ye Doumian did not change his heartbeat.

The spiral pill in his hand is composed of chakra, and the air moves at high speed, accumulating and concentrating. It rotates extremely fast, and the edge of the whirlwind is as sharp as a knife, tearing the surrounding air.

At the core of Spiral Pill, there is a lightning-like thunder glow, which is as splendid and violent as a thunderstorm, and there is also an aura of destruction in it.

"The Spiral Maru Shuriken!"

Ye Dou gently pushed the spiral pill in his hand, and the spiral pill with blue lightning flew out, pulling out a flash of lightning in the air, with a shrill sound of breaking through the air, directly It crashed into the mouth of the mighty green dragon.

When the two collided with each other, the body of the green long dragon was distorted in an instant, and a huge hole was drilled out in an instant.

"Not Gu Yuqi's face changed drastically.

The spiritual technique he just performed was to condense the spiritual energy and earth energy between heaven and earth, and completely condense it into something more stylish, and the dragon's flesh itself was like a wind blade cutter, invincible.

But touching Ye Dou's spiral pill, the dragon's "flesh" disintegrated instantly.

"Turn a dragon into a wall."

Gu Yuqi squeezed the seal with both hands, and the green dragon immediately collapsed, turning into a thin green energy.

His fingers rapidly changed various seals, and in a blink of an eye, the green energy turned to form a green giant wall in front of him.


The spiral pill, which shone with electric light, slammed into the green wall. This magic formation gas wall, which was enough to block the cannonball, actually only blocked it for a mere two seconds and then collapsed with a bang.

But the Spiral Pill seemed to be affected by the green energy of collapse, and it disintegrated in an instant, and even blocked Ye Dou abruptly.

"As expected of the God of Ye Pao, you are not far from the gods. Your martial arts, supernatural powers, and physical body have all reached their peaks. I originally thought that you entered the Tao with martial arts, but I didn't expect that spiritual skills are also first-class. The so-called spiral pill just now is It's even more brilliant than the spiritual art, I'm ashamed and ashamed!" Gu Yuqi sighed.

Ye Dou said coldly: "If you want to fight, don't talk nonsense. Why are there so many lines?"

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