The Hero Kneels

Chapter 675: The star fruit belongs to the gods

"Gu Yuqi has turned into powder."

This sentence drifted in minutes and drifted into everyone's ears.

To put it in layman's terms, it means that the fight vanishes into thin air, and not even the **** remains.

As soon as these words came out, everyone on the scene was shocked.

Zhang Daolin couldn't hold it any longer, and he fell to his knees with tears streaming down his face.

Gu Yuqi is his mentor, and the other party treats him well, and he respects him like a father.

Hearing that the master Gu Yuqi didn't even have any ash left, Zhang Daolin's brain was instantly empty, he suddenly lost control, and sighed on the ground.

Just when everyone was stunned, only Li Yongzheng, Yang Mimi and others showed joy on their faces.

This battle is a life-and-death battle, and Gu Yuqi has been especially strong over the years, which makes them very worried about this battle.

In the end, Ye Dou still won.

And the win was very strong.

It's just that most of the people at the scene didn't expect that Gu Yuqi's powerful handwriting, trying his best to mobilize the power of the underground dragon veins, turned into a god-like existence, so powerful and unparalleled, he was still defeated.

However, he was completely defeated by Ye Dou in the process of just facing the front. He couldn't even find his body, turned into powder, and scattered with the wind.

Since then, there is no such person in the world.

"Failed, Gu Yu really lost!"

Bai Wuchen also looked at all this, and his mood was indescribably complicated.

Since she did not agree with this marriage, Gu Yuqi and her were not married, and he was like an amiable grandfather to her, and did not take any coercive means.

She also told her that Ye Dou had already appeared in the world.

Although he knew clearly that the other party had instigated revenge, Bai Wuchen could still understand the other party in his heart.

Back then, Ye Dou's attack on the underworld was almost devastating!

At this time, a khaki-yellow star, shining with a strange light, flew into Ye Dou's body, and fell into the dark golden nebula in his body.

He suddenly felt the throbbing of the nebula in his body, which seemed to expand in an invisible circle.

"Hey, what was that just now?"

"I read it right, it looks like the light of the star fruit."

"What the **** is that? Did you just see it?"

The big figures, all kinds of heroes, all kinds of high-ranking officials and rich people who came to watch the battle all around seemed to have seen this scene.

Ye Dou's eyes flickered, and under his glance, everyone lowered their heads, not daring to look at him.

Some people thought they were strong, but after Ye Dou's devastating glance, anyone who looked at him would either sit on the ground, or simply fainted.

Because Ye Dou used his divine sense and destructive mood to strengthen his eyesight, not to mention staring at someone who is pregnant, it is possible for the staring person to be dizzy, ordinary heroes as long as their mental strength is slightly weaker may be dizzy by his staring .

At the end, no one at the scene dared to look directly at Ye Dou, and no one dared to ask Ye Dou what he had just absorbed.

Many people who had just been optimistic about Gu Tianqi and cheered for the other party couldn't help trembling all over.

They never expected that the final winner was Ye Dou, and Gu Yuqi, who was like an ancient **** just now, didn't even have ashes left.

It seems that the God of Ye Pao completely destroyed Gu Yuqi with just one punch.

Whoever becomes the peak at the end of the martial arts will become empty when it encounters the **** of guns.

This sentence is not at all false.

"God Ye Pao, please spare our underworld, the old, the weak, the sick and the sick."

The old man who was full of terrifying spiritual power fluctuations suddenly knelt on the ground and burst into tears: "Please Lord Ye Pao Shen, please don't kill the remnants of our underworld. The seeds of my underworld are gone."

It turned out that he was the last Yama left in the underworld today, Mr. Bai Luo.

He is also Bai Wuchen's grandfather, and at the beginning of his strong request, he married Bai Wuchen to Gu Yuqi, hoping to obtain a marriage between the two.

Now that Gu Yuqi has vanished, he could feel a trace of killing intent in Ye Dou's eyes just now, so he came to kneel first.

That's right, you have to surrender at a critical moment, especially in the face of such a ferocious guy.

Ye Dou looked at the old man with white hair and beard, and said lightly, "I, Ye Dou, have never shown mercy to the enemy, but I will not implicate others for no reason."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards Yang Mimi.

But at this moment, the old man Bai Luo suddenly raised his head and shouted: "God Ye Pao, Bai Wuchen is my granddaughter, she has no parents since she was a child, I was forced to marry her to Gu Yuqi...they I haven't had **** before, but she is your woman now, please give me an explanation in front of everyone, otherwise the old man will never be able to kneel."

Before Ye Dou could speak, Bai Wuchen stepped forward and said, "Ye Dou, I am your woman, you must be responsible to me!"

my woman? What am I responsible for you?

Sister, you are touching porcelain in public!

When did he touch this vixen, the other party was obviously lying.

Ye Dou got goosebumps all over his body. He immediately looked at Yang Mimi, and saw that Yang Mimi's face was covered with dark clouds.

Before, because he and Li Hongxue had obtained the certificate, Yang Mimi had a gloomy expression on her face, but now her face looked like she wanted to turn into a female ghost to scratch him.

No way, any woman can go crazy in this situation.

"Bai Wuchen, have you had enough trouble?"

Ye Dou's face was getting colder, this woman was too noisy, he didn't want to save face for the other party: "I have nothing to do with you, but you have repeatedly tested my limits, if it continues, don't blame me for being ruthless. ."

"God Ye Pao! You went back on your word, you once promised to marry me..."

Seeing this, Bai Wuchen immediately turned into a pitiful appearance, crying and screaming. Seeing Ye Dou's indifferent eyes, she simply stopped crying and raised her head, her eyes were burning with anger.

When she saw her hands together, she began to perform spiritual magic, forming a formation in the void.

"Ye Dou Ye Cannon God, I'm already your woman. If you don't agree to marry me, I'll become a nun." Bai Wuchen said loudly.

"Being a nun? I'm going, the number one beauty in the underworld actually wants to be a nun for the **** of guns. This is really big news."

"The God of Ye Pao is really romantic, and even Bai Wuchen is a stunning Yes, yes, the three thousand daughters of the God of Ye Pao are not groundless."

"Beautiful women love Ye Baoshen, there's nothing wrong with that."

"Just why Ye Pao God doesn't accept Miss Bai? Such a beautiful person is hard to find in the sky and hard to find on the ground. Ye Pao God doesn't want it, I want it."

The people around couldn't help but talk a lot, and all kinds of comments were made purely for watching an emotional drama, and they were going to be used as gossip in the future.

The legend about the three thousand daughters of the God of Ye Pao has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. People are very happy to see this gossip scene, and they are ready to record it and use it as a source of discussion in the future.

Seeing Bai Wuchen squeeze the seal with both hands, the dress around her body bulges out of thin air, like a fairy, but her long black and beautiful hair falls and drifts at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye.

The strands of dreamlike blue silk were such a complete waste of Park Ang.

In an instant, she was transformed into a hairless nun.

It's just that the delicate and fair skin of this pretty nun still looks charming.

Even if he lost his flowing black hair, Bai Wuchen was still the legendary beauty.

To everyone's astonishment, Bai Wuchen, who is famous for his beauty, is now willing to give away 3,000 hairs for Ye Dou to become a nun?

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