The Hero Kneels

Chapter 676: forcibly repost

Ye Cannon God!

You are so wrong.

Don't leave such a beautiful woman, it's a waste of money!

Seeing it in the eyes of everyone, there is a hatred in their hearts, hating why he is not the God of Ye Pao.

The peerless beauty is so infatuated with it, but Ye Pao God doesn't want it.

"Hey, what do you want?"

Ye Dou knew that the little girl was playing with him, so he asked in a low voice.

"Pay me with my flesh, marry me." Bai Wuchen's red lips moved slightly, and he answered in a low voice.

"No, I'm married." Ye Dou's mouth twitched.

"I'm a small one." Bai Wuchen pouted.

"No." Ye Dou continued to curl his lips.

After Bai Wuchen listened, he bit his teeth lightly, ruthless, and simply said: "Ye Pao Shen, in fact, I am pregnant with your child, do you really want to abandon our mother and child? Not even a name. I."

"'re too much."

After Ye Dou listened, he simply raised his palm and made a pre-hit.

Bai Wuchen closed his eyes, raised his towering chest, and looked like he was about to die: "Beat, beat, beat me and the child in my belly to death!"

Ye Dou couldn't take it anymore.

This girl is pungent enough, and has enough means, it seems that she has set herself up.

The other party is trying to force himself to open a harem.

Yang Mimi simply stepped forward, smiled and pulled Bai Wuchen with a slight smile: "Sister, you don't have to force him, we two can't be his wives at all according to the current law, he has already taken the sword princess. Li Hongxue is gone."

Bai Wuchen nodded: "So I want him to admit my identity in front of all the masters, just give me a name."

Under the watchful eyes of the public, Ye Dou could only whisper, "We'll talk about this later!"

He didn't want to be entangled any more,

After saying all this, he immediately looked at the people watching the play around him.

Seeing Ye Dou's icy gaze, Zhang Daolin and the others were all startled, thinking that Ye Pao God had changed his mind and wanted to kill them. A fish is dead and the net is broken.

Who knew that Ye Dou had his hands behind his back, and said indifferently, "If you want me to forgive the underworld, it's okay not to hold you accountable. I need a lot of star fruits below. You'd better prepare a lot of star fruits for me."

"But don't worry, I will not take it for nothing. I will use martial arts to exchange star fruits with you, and even some special medicines, which can prolong life, enhance physical fitness, and enhance physical fitness. Anyone who wants to learn my martial arts can exchange information fruits with them. ."

The reason why he said this is because after he killed Gu Tianqi, he found that the star energy in his body had increased by a large amount. I am afraid there are signs of breakthroughs, but he does not need much energy.

Instead of killing people and snatching energy everywhere, let's get more star fruits.

As for martial arts and medicines, it can be used as a condition for sale. Anyway, this is no secret, as long as the soul ring is not exposed too much.

At this time, Shenlongshan almost gathered most of the well-known superpowers and rich people in the south, including the League of Legends and people from the underworld.

Ye Dou said this, and everyone was quite moved.

Many people were in a commotion. After all, Ye Dou reached the top at such a young age. He was an upgraded character who shattered the void with his martial arts. According to legend, Ye Pao Shen also has a mysterious medicine that can make men swell.

If the other party can control three thousand daughters and not fall, there must be some kind of magic medicine.

The martial arts he mastered must be earth-shattering, and the medicines would not be bad either.

If it is exchanged for some ordinary star fruit, that is not bad.

Moreover, many of the people on the scene had no hatred against Ye Dou, but if they could take this opportunity to make friends with this legendary figure at the peak of martial arts, it would kill two birds with one stone.

"Ye Du, if you want star fruit, come with me."

Suddenly someone reacted and exclaimed: "There will be a star fruit gambling party soon, you can just go to participate."

Ye Dou only felt that the voice was unusually familiar, and when he turned around, he saw a rich fat man walking up.

The other party has two small beards and a general belly, which looks familiar.

"Mingkai!" Ye Dou recognized him at a glance.

Yes, this seemingly obese middle-aged man was Ming Kai, his friend and apprentice back then.

At this moment, Ming Kai is wearing a diamond Rolex gold watch in his right hand, wearing a gold thread Hanfu, and his hair is neatly combed, looking extremely retro.

"Ye Dou! Master Ye! God of Ye Pao, where have you been, and why did it take so long?" Ming Kai stepped forward.

He directly performed the master-disciple salute, and he knelt down as soon as his knees softened.

Twenty years later, Ye Dou was very happy to see Ming Kai again. He simply lifted it up and said with a smile, "No gift, in my heart, you are more friends than apprentices."

Ming Kai's face was full of excitement, and he said in a trembling voice, "You're back... just come back."

"It's been twenty years since we met, so let's celebrate properly." Ming Kai swept away the sullen, the wrinkles on the old face, and said, "Second Junior Brother, let's go set up a table of wine for Master, and instantly celebrate Master Ye's defeat. Gu Yuqi is cleaning the dust for Master Ye.

Li Yongzheng nodded: "Yes, this is what I have always wanted to do, but Master is very busy."

Brother Ye is also very happy: "Today is indeed worth celebrating, to get drunk.

He actually wanted to avoid Yang Mimi and Bai Wuchen. The two seemed to have become a united front. The two were murmuring to each other, not knowing what bad ideas they were thinking of.

In the face of these two resentful women, he will definitely slip away first as a respect.

When the crowd dispersed, Ming Kai shoved a Rolls-Royce at the foot of Ye Doosan, closed the door, looked excited, his words trembled, and said, "In the past twenty years, where have you been... where have you been?"

Li Yongzheng also got into the car, closed the door and asked.

"It's a lot of hard work, and it's almost death."

Ye Dou let out a long sigh.

"Okay, okay... Can you tell us about it?" Ming Kai poured a cup of tea for Ye Dou tremblingly and asked him to elaborate on what happened.

Ye Dou didn't hide it from the two of them.

After hearing the broken void, UU reading came to another strange world, the situation was similar to this world, Ming Kai stumbled for a while, and said: "I can't think of it, there really is a different world, the world is so big, it's really amazing. ."

When Ye Dou finished speaking, it was still a long time ago that Li Yongzheng and Ming Kai couldn't calm down. They said, "The so-called superpower is divine power? Then what happened to the gods of that world?"

"So what exactly is a meteor shower?"

Li Yongzheng murmured: "There have been many people claiming to be gods on the earth recently."

"I think the so-called star fruit may be the crystallization of some kind of divine power or divine personality."

Ye Dou didn't hide it, and said directly: "The so-called superpower is very similar to the divine power I came into contact with in that world, almost the same energy, so it is speculated that the star fruit belongs to the gods. Of course, this is just a guess."

Ming Kai and Li Yong looked at each other, opened their mouths, and said after a long time, "It's unbelievable, unimaginable, is there really a **** on our earth?"

After being silent for a long time, Ye Dou suddenly asked two apprentices who were a little older than him, "I have a question, which **** called me Ye Pao God, and there are official documents that I am the third royal daughter. Thousands of Dao soaring, who made this up? It's just ruining my reputation."

The two looked at each other the same, sweating coldly, feeling that their breathing had stopped because of it.

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