The Heroine Eavesdropped on My Voice Heart

Chapter 101: Dealing with the protagonist Hajime

Qin Tian looked coldly at the white-haired man who had his back to him. After he said goodbye to Rias and the others, he immediately teleported to this place according to the coordinates of the Qi trace he had attached to Hajime's body.

When did he attach his Qi imprint to Hajime? Well it was from the previous attack where he cast the Golden Curse skill on Hajime. Not only did he injure his soul with that attack, but he also marked his location on the spot.

Just like the other protagonists, this Hajime was indeed overconfident thinking he didn't know his location just because he didn't come to him right away.

'Heh, as expected of the protagonist. No, is the Hajime in front of me still the protagonist?'

Like his previous words where he also called Hajime by the name Ehit. It was actually because of the information he saw on Hajime using his Destiny Eyes.

Name: Hajime Nagumo / Ehitruje (Two souls in one body: 40% Hajime & 60% Ehitruje)

Age: 19 years old (Hajime) - 210 years old (Ehitruje)

Origin: Arifureta - From Commonplace to World's Strongest (Hajime)

Origin: Calamity World (Ehitruje)

Category: Harem Protagonist, Otherworldly Hero, Human-Monster Hybrid, Half God (Effect of merging soul with Low Level God Ehitruje)

Destiny Value: 9400

Judging from the status screen alone, it is clear that Hajime in front of him is different from canon because in this world he seems to be possessed by the soul of a False God named Ehit. Unlike the canon where Hajime is fine after killing Ehit and is not possessed by his soul.

With Qin Tian's high IQ in guessing plots, he immediately understood why Hajime's actions were more like a villain than a protagonist because his personality was affected by antagonistic characters like Ehit's soul inside his body.

Even so, Qin Tian didn't care if he was really Hajime or not because it was the white-haired man who attacked and wanted to kidnap his woman. Regardless of Hajime/Ehit's reasons, Qin Tian didn't care and wanted the other party to die for touching his bottom line.

But seeing Hajime's destiny value that was at least 2000 points higher than his own, Qin Tian groaned in his heart.

'Why at a time like this! It's only a few thousand points different. Can't I just kill him outright? Momo, answer me...'

Qin Tian's mood was so bad, he contacted the golden loli to ask for confirmation about his question. Momo seemed to know more about things like destiny points, so he asked her through their soul connection which was connected through the Host and System relationship.

At Qin Tian's villa, the golden-haired loli who was monitoring her host from the complaint system screen felt excited.

Her host was asking her because he was counting on her!

But hearing her host's question...

Golden-haired Loli nervously said. "S-Sorry host, but I suggest you reduce protagonist Hajime's fate points first before killing him. I know you're angry and want to kill him immediately, but you shouldn't take the risk of killing him now host! If you kill him now with your destiny value lower than his, the will of the world will seize this opportunity to give you excessive punishment. Perhaps this time is more severe than sending the host back to the starting point of the plot... It's best not to risk the host. *cough* doesn't the protagonist Hajime have a harem? Wouldn't it be better for the host to do that first?'

Momo tries to persuade her hosts using the heroines in protagonist Hajime's harem.

Koko, who was eating potato chips while sitting on the sofa, looked at Momo sitting next to her with narrowed eyes.

The golden-haired loli somehow looked excited when hinting her host to steal the heroines in the protagonist's harem.

But everything she said was true, it was better for the host not to risk because his anger.

Qin Tian sighed, he knew at this point it was better not to take the risk of killing Hajime right away because he himself was reluctant to be sent back to the starting point of the plot or might experience something worse.

After all he knew how cunning the will of the world and those heavenly dogs were. If he gave them a chance to punish him, he would definitely regret it.

He did not want everything he did in this round to disappear just because he was blinded by his anger.

Qin Tian calmed himself down, yet his eyes were still cold as he stared at Hajime's back who currently seemed frozen and trembling.

The other party still seemed to be shocked that his identity was revealed.

'Well if I can't kill him now, I just need to make him suffer by taking away what's most important to him.'

'Yeah! Host, take the heroines!!' Momo cheered inside his head.

Why did this golden-haired loli sound excited at the idea of him stealing the heroines from the protagonist.

Although it was also important to reduce Hajime's destiny points so that he could kill him immediately, but it wasn't that easy to do because he knew all of Hajime's heroines were already in love with Hajime's protagonist.

He didn't want to do such a disgusting act as trying to seduce the heroines in Hajime's Harem. That would be degrading himself, he needed to think of another plan for those heroines in Hajime's Harem.

Suddenly someone unexpected in this round gave him a suggestion.

'Host, why don't you use Ehit's soul to...'

'That way the protagonist Hajime will destroy himself and in the process the heroines who love him will hate him for his own actions. You just have to wait after that. You don't need to lower yourself to become a dog licker and let those heroines take the initiative to come to you.'

Such an amazing suggestion... Unexpected came from Koko who was currently curled up on the sofa while eating a cheese pizza made by Asia. She was wearing her cute blue shark pajamas while watching an anime that was quite fun even though the protagonist in the anime was so humble that it was often frustrating for people to see him.

The only reason she watched that anime was because she wanted to see the humble protagonist suffer.

"Asia, this is so good! Koko wants more cheese pizza."

"Koko-sama... It's not good for your health if you eat too much pizza. Please that's all for today, okay?" Asia said while cleaning the remaining sauce and cheese on Koko's lips using a tissue.

The silver-haired loli sighed and nodded like a good loli.

Asia smiled softly seeing that this loli really was a good loli even though she was... very lazy.

"Ah, Momo-sama. I've also made your share too. Please eat it while it's warm." Asia said to the golden-haired loli who currently seemed to be silent as she looked at the silver-haired loli.

Momo just nodded at Asia and looked at Koko in disbelief as if the other party had done something that surprised her.

Asia was puzzled at Momo who seemed to be silent. 'Why is Momo-sama looking at Koko-sama like that? Hm... Maybe the two of them are playing a game of staring at each other? I found out about that kind of game from the internet. Kids seem to like playing games like that.'

The blonde girl in the maid uniform shook her head before deciding to leave the two loli.

Meanwhile, Koko was too lazy to ask why the host and her system loli partner fell silent after hearing her suggestion.

'Maybe the advice Koko said earlier was bad? Well, whatever.'

Qin Tian: "...."

Momo: "...."

The two people were actually still processing what they had just heard from the silver-haired loli.

They were both surprised that this silver-haired loli idea was really cool...

The silver-haired loli even took the initiative to contribute to this chapter.

Usually the silver-haired loli was too lazy to do this kind of thing.

That's why Qin Tian and Momo were surprised.

Is this silver-haired loli still Koko?

What the two of them didn't know, Koko actually felt that she couldn't keep quiet seeing her Host and Momo having a serious discussion together mentally.

She felt left out and a little jealous, but she wouldn't admit it of course.


Momo took a bite of cheese pizza while looking at Koko like an angry cat who had her fish stolen by another cat.

'Just wait Koko! Next time I'll definitely say a good idea to the host before you! Hmph, and a diligent loli is definitely better than a lazy loli!'

Qin Tian who heard Koko's idea grinned wickedly.

'Good idea Koko! Why don't you consider becoming a loli villain behind the scenes? Wouldn't that be cool?'

Koko: 'No thanks. Koko would rather be a side character.'

Qin Tian smiled wryly, his silver-haired loli was really lazy this round, but as long as his silver-haired loli was happy, he was fine with it.

Koko who was watching anime had a small smile on her face.

Momo looked at Koko with envy in her eyes.

Momo: 'Grrr... Koko...'

Koko: 'What's wrong Momo? You can't finish your cheese pizza? Then let Koko finish it.'

Momo: 'No! Don't eat mine!!'

Qin Tian switched off the connection from the sounds of his two loli starting a cat fight at home.

He looked at Hajime who finally dared to turn around and looked at him with various emotions in his eyes, but the most obvious one was killing intent.

"Who are you? What did you come here for?" Asked Hajime coldly, his eyes were currently red with a gold-colored cross-like symbol. The person speaking at this time was actually Ehit who was forcibly taking control of Hajime's body, although it was difficult to do this at first, but Hajime's soul was being injured due to the soul attack of the man in front of him before. So right now Ehit was actually happy to be able to gain control of Hajime's body more.

This way he could also use his God power better, he was now not afraid to deal with the man in front of him and planned to kill him for knowing his secret.

Hajime's soul inside his body could only be an observer now. Hajime was actually surprised to find out that there was an Ehit soul inside his body, he only found out when the Ehit's voice screamed inside his head!

Hajime: 'So Ehit hasn't died so far and his soul secretly entered my body? Wait, is it because of him that I have the urge to do evil things? Damn it, Ehit! Give me back my body!'

Ehit who controlled Hajime's body could of course hear the voice from Hajime's soul, but he ignored it and only focused on the man in front of him.

He became vigilant at this moment because the man in front of him was emitting an extremely strong pressure from his body!

His confidence even wavered slightly when he realized the man in front of him was probably stronger than him.

Hajime's workshop that had been reinforced by various defense magic began to tremble as if this underground workshop was about to collapse!

Qin Tian had already released the pressure from his cultivation base at this moment. His temper became cold and indifferent when looking at the world. The protagonist in front of him looked like a pebble in the middle of the road.

His abyss-like dark eyes stared at Hajime as if he was looking into his soul, making Ehit and Hajime's souls tremble as they sensed death in front of them.

Hajime: 'Damn it... Ehit, you really made me provoke such a strong person.'

Ehit: 'Shut up Irregular! Where is your usual arrogance like when you challenge Gods like me in Tortus? Why do you now sound like a coward!'

Hajime: 'That's because you're just a fake God and I'm confident to defeat you! You're weak!!'

Ehit: 'You bastard! I'm weak? I managed to take over your body. You're saying I'm weak?'

Hajime: 'You're just lucky... I know that.'

Ehit was furious at the other person's soul inside his body, he wanted to silence the voice of that soul but he couldn't because Hajime's soul hadn't been completely defeated. And actually he could only take control of Hajime's body temporarily, it was only a matter of time for Hajime's soul to completely take back his body.

"Who am I? You're seriously pretending not to know the person who destroyed your robot army and injured your soul? Well, but even if you recognize my appearance, you probably don't my name, right?"

Qin Tian walked step by step towards Hajime. Behind him appeared the manifestation of a giant creature whose appearance was like a three-headed dog with many red eyes all over its body. The dog's size was so large that it almost touched the roof of Hajime's workshop which actually had a size several times bigger than a soccer stadium.

The black energy surrounding Qin Tian's body wasn't like the golden Qi he usually used in battle, this time he used dark Qi because he wanted to vent his anger on someone.

Qin Tian's current appearance looked sinister, although his face was extremely handsome, but the dark scene around him would only make people feel a sense of dread and their souls would scream to escape as far away from him as possible.

Ehit and Hajime's souls felt that way at this moment and couldn't help but gulp.

Ehit had actually released the pressure from his God power and Hajima's magic power which practically surpassed the sum of the two of their respective powers if separated. Even so, the pressure coming from the other party was tyrannical and made Ehit's confidence to kill the other party even less.

Actually, he had asked earlier just to buy time while thinking of what actions to take against the other party.

He clearly knew the man in front of him was the one who foiled his kidnapper's plan before...

"My name is Qin Tian... I've come to avenge what you've done to the group of people you wanted to kidnap using your toys before." Qin Tian smiled coldly and the giant dog manifestation behind him bared its fangs with a scary smile.

"Wait a minute, there seems to be a misunderstanding between us. I didn't mean to-" As a cowardly false god, when Ehit didn't have the confidence to defeat his opponent. He would use his brains to convince his enemy not to fight him and let him go. But before Ehit could finish speaking, the man named Qin Tian ordered the large dog behind him to attack him!



Above Hajime's workshop, or rather in Hajime's house which currently contained four women and one little girl.

They all felt the huge vibrations from Hajime's workshop that was underground.

The four women who were watching a drama on TV were now looking at each other in the living room.

The first to speak was the light blue-haired woman, Shea.

"Does Hajime-san have a big project in his workshop that makes such a big noise?"

"Not sure. Hajime hasn't even told us about what he was doing in his workshop since a month ago." The blonde-haired woman with a loli appearance said to Shea, she was Yue.

"Fufufu, maybe it's something important?" The long black-haired beauty with golden eyes and a voluptuous figure asked all the other members of Hajime's Harem. She was Tio Klarus.

"Hajime started ignoring us a lot since a few weeks ago, I don't even know what he's busy making in his workshop. When asked, she would just scold me with annoyance and tell me to go do something else." Yue said sadly, she started to recall every scene where Hajime was cold to her.

"Yue-san..." Shea hugged the blonde loli to comfort her, but she was also actually sad to recall that Hajime's attitude had gotten colder to everyone since moving into this world.

Tio, who had asked earlier, felt guilty because her question made her friend sad.

She of course knew it wasn't entirely her fault, but it was mostly Hajime's fault who somehow became colder to everyone and even often scolded all of his harem members. Even though they were just asking about his condition or other trivial questions.

Tio was also sad to recall Hajime's current attitude towards everyone including herself.

The green-haired woman with blue eyes sighed, she was Remia who was currently holding her daughter Myu who had fallen asleep on her lap.

She was also saddened by Hajime's change, but unlike other women who complained. She chose to focus on her work as a mother and not bother Hajime who often secluded himself in his workshop.

"I'll take Myu to the bedroom first. She's already asleep." Remia said to everyone with a gentle smile.

Yue, Shea, and Tio nodded at Remia with a smile. They looked at Remia in awe as the woman was truly a wonderful mother.

They also wanted to have children, but with Hajime now... That man didn't seem to want to do it, even when they were aggressive to seduce him. Hajime would just scold them and always say he didn't have time to do that. The way Hajime looked at them now somehow there was no love at all in his eyes. There was only a cold and indifferent look at all.

Remia had already left the living room, only the three women were left. They continued watching the drama, but the sounds and vibrations coming from Hajime's workshop were getting louder.

The house where they lived and the neighboring houses were also shaking as if an earthquake was happening.

The three women frowned, they tried to ignore all the distractions and focus on watching the drama, but their focus was broken when they heard Qin Tian's inner voice in their heads.

[Why am I doing this to you? Hahahaha! Is this protagonist Hajime Nagumo stupid? I don't care about your reasons or anything. You dared to try to kidnap and harm my woman. You will of course have to pay the price for what you've done!]

The voice was full of killing intent so whoever heard the voice would be terrified.

Yue, Shea, and Tio looked at each other with horrified and worried expressions on their faces. Not only because of Qin Tian's voice, but also because of their lover's name being mentioned by him!

If it really was their Hajime Nagumo, then what was going on in Hajime's workshop might not be that their lover was busy with his project, but he might be...

"We should go check on Hajime right away!" Yue shouted at the other two women. The two women nodded and they all left for Hajime's workshop as soon as they could.


I hate my cowardice in reading novels with heavy drama where the MC and heroine's relationship is fertilized first. It's a very good Chinese novel with urban and harem plot only reaching 4 so far 700+ chapters. All the heroines are good, they are not trophies and the MC's personality is cold, domineering, smart, but lacks common sense as he is still learning about human emotions which means there is character development. I knew all that from the reviews I read on the novel and after reading 50 chapters I admit the MC and heroine interactions are great. But I couldn't continue reading because of my cowardice, oh my... In that novel there were many face slapping scenes where the MC would fight various protagonists who wanted his woman. The MC of course always wins, but the problem is that I have to endure the process before the face slapping scene where the MC will be belittled first before showing his strength. My heart was weak and cowardly so I gave up reading, even though it was a hidden gem. I was annoyed with myself, why was I so cowardly? I feel depressed now. By the way please console myself with your stones. The title of the novel I'm referring to is "You Cannot Afford To Offend My Woman". It's finished with 1382 chapters. Wooo... Woo... That's a lot of chapters but I'm too cowardly to read it!

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